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Love Island - part 4

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Violetroselily · 21/06/2018 21:59

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Secretsquirrel101 · 26/06/2018 16:55

I think you have it tbh, I think she sees Wes as attainable. Her and Eyal are all but done, and she has eeen that Wes is getting sick of Laura, plus he mentioned he fancied her in that game, so it makes sense. --I also think she probably recognises that he is very young and would likely jump at the chance of getting with a stripper-/

MrsFassy · 26/06/2018 16:51

I'd say Megan is a little bit snakey. Is it just because she knows her and Eyal are on the outs, Wes hinted he liked her in that game and he seems like the easiest target for her?

RoseWhiteTips · 26/06/2018 16:50

Or us it Megan!?

RoseWhiteTips · 26/06/2018 16:50

Meghan is a bit grubby. As Rosie was.

BlancheM · 26/06/2018 16:45

That first look clip has me thinking I've been watching a different show (or just not paying enough attention).
Has there been any hint of Megan liking Wes previous to this?
I thought the girls were pretty tight with each other apart from Megan disliking Georgia- are Laura and Megan not friendly?

OnlyBaBaBiss · 26/06/2018 16:09

Omygoddddd tonight is gonna be good! Grin

LadyRochfordsHoickedGusset · 26/06/2018 16:05


lilypotter88 · 26/06/2018 16:04

You all need to see the first look clip right now!!!

TatianaLarina · 26/06/2018 15:57

She told him it was robotic and awkward. And they should see if it worked better when they were more relaxed or if it just didn’t work.

ISpeakJive · 26/06/2018 15:45

And I’m still in the ‘she knew she didn’t fancy him before the re-coupling’ camp and should’ve told him then. But she wanted to stay in and played it well.

Think we’re going to have to agree to disagree on that one.

TatianaLarina · 26/06/2018 15:44

I’ve seen seen the pic of Adam at 15 and while I don’t agree that he was as unattractive as people have made out, he was definitely not having prolific sex at that age.

From the sound of what he said to Zara, I don’t think his sexual career took off until after he left school and started working out.

Lads’ bunk ups and hookers is a possibility.

TatianaLarina · 26/06/2018 15:40

Exactly. It is a TV show and they don’t have the luxury of waiting it out for too long so it’s a case of, you either fancy them or you don’t

Eh? Just because it’s a show doesn’t mean you make that decision faster than in the real world. And whole point of the show is to couple up with someone, spend time with them, and see if it will go anywhere.

This one didn’t.

Megan thought she fancied Eyal but actually she doesn’t. Same with Wes about Laura.

LittleMissSurrey · 26/06/2018 15:26

THANK you @AliasGrape !! I thought I was going crazy! But yeah he definitely didn't deny it so something was clearly edited out / missed by the cameras! I do agree with most posters on here that Ellie isn't as innocent as is being made out - she definitely decided to not like Alex immediately after recoupling, when she must have felt those lack of 'vibes' (Eyal style) sooner! Talking about Eyal, I am SO loving Megan's rejection of him - IMO he seems to think he's it, and he makes my skin crawl a bit, I hate his fake spiritual chat!

TwittleBee · 26/06/2018 15:25

Yeah that bop on the nose coupled with "you're cute" was the biggest turn off going, so bloody patronising and also kinda creepy. I was sort of rooting for him prior that

ISpeakJive · 26/06/2018 15:25

Says who? I’ve spent much longer than week trying to figure out if I fancied someone or not. And I wasn’t surrounded by people on a TV show

Exactly. It is a TV show and they don’t have the luxury of waiting it out for too long so it’s a case of, you either fancy them or you don’t.
She didn’t.

Whatsnewwithyou · 26/06/2018 15:24

I agree with Darlin, Tatiana and others in that I don't blame Ellie at all. She gave it a try but I suspect quickly realised he was worse in person than what she had seen on telly when deciding to go in and couple up with him. She wanted to get to know him but not necessarily in bed at that early stage but just by chatting more. She was clear with him that she wasn't sure she would fancy him but wanted to find out. Then he bopped her on the nose and said "you're cute" and she just realised he was definitely not for her. You could see it written all over her face at that moment and I think that's when she went from "Oh no I don't think I'm feeling it" to "absolutely no way."

AliasGrape · 26/06/2018 15:15

Genuine lol at Adam the cyborg lizard collecting data!

Most people I know started having sex around 15, there are 364 weeks between 15 and 22, so 1 a week with a couple of ‘serious relationships’ (I imagine Adam considers anything over 3 weeks to be serious) is certainly doable, particularly if he’s had a few ‘lads holidays’ to Magaluf etc in there. But I do think it’s far more likely he’s counting hand jobs, or that his cyborg brain collated the dubious ‘data’ from various ladmags and reddit subpages and concluded 200 to be a reasonable number for the type of humanoid he is trying to portray. Possibly one of his circuits has frazzled in the sun.

ChampooPapi · 26/06/2018 15:04

Megan and Wes could definitely add some drams, which I will enjoy obviously but can't help feeling really sorry for Laura. He said he was 'husband material' !

ChampooPapi · 26/06/2018 15:01

Maybe he’s been mating with machines, that would explain his unlikely tally ha!

You've got to feel sorry for the man (boy) really.

He obviously doesn't have a clue and is definitely not man enough for any real woman. We pity his ignorance

MinniesAndMickeysNeedCounting · 26/06/2018 14:59

And I can't believe these words are now in my vocabulary Blush

MinniesAndMickeysNeedCounting · 26/06/2018 14:58

Just saw first look, looks like she's grafting for him. Shock

Bluntness100 · 26/06/2018 14:58

Oh shit, just watched first look, Megan proper goes for it with wes..😱


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ChampooPapi · 26/06/2018 14:57

@Moonkissedlegs his mind was turning itself inside out!

Jack potentially has slept with more girls then Adam though, even though I do think he is a good egg. It shows how those numbers are pretty meaningless, its all about respect, kindness and class and Lizard man has non of these qualities

Shambu · 26/06/2018 14:57

I think it's probably in a game.

MinniesAndMickeysNeedCounting · 26/06/2018 14:53

When they showed the clip for the next episode, when Megan kissed wes did you see it as, Megan found out wes liked her in that Mr and Mrs game they played so she's actually making a move on him or it's part of a game the islanders were playing?

I wasn't sure how to view it and wondered how others viewed it

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