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Love Island - part 4

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Violetroselily · 21/06/2018 21:59

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Twogirlsandme · 21/06/2018 22:46

Me too. Still think he and Dani have a more brother/sister relationship though.

Zampa · 21/06/2018 22:49

I thought The Bird was lovely. Very charming and appears to like women unlike Adam the misogynist.

Rosie is a much better flirt than Samira so it looked like the latter was being frozen out of their chat with Sam. I don't want to see either of them go but think it's inevitable one will.

KTyoupigeon · 21/06/2018 22:50

I'm on holiday and a day behind as watching on catchup via Sky Go app - eeek spoiler alerts! Hahaha

Twogirls I said exactly the same earlier about Jack and Dani

BlancheM · 21/06/2018 22:52

I've a feeling Alex might pre-empt being mugged off and save his dignity and pick Samira. Twice in one day he's sat and watched her have easy, natural interactions with men which didn't look forced or awks unlike the time they spend together. He must know she's not really into him which is why he was getting his undercrackers in a twist.

BlancheM · 21/06/2018 22:53

Her* as in, Ellie

Pinook · 21/06/2018 22:54

Though I think it’s possible Sam might pick Zara, I too would think it will be a waste of time as Zara and Adam will just hang out still. So that goes against Sam choosing Zara. I really am not sure who he will pick.

Skrowten · 21/06/2018 22:55

Awful to say, but I literally can't stand Alex

charlyn · 21/06/2018 22:59

I think Sam will pick Ellie forcing Alex to choose Samira and Rosie will get the boot. I don’t think he’s in to Samira or Rosie so will stir things up by picking someone already coupled or one of the new girls.

I’m starting to go off Alex a bit now, he needs to chill the hell out and stop being so serious!

NeverTalksToStrangers · 21/06/2018 23:06

IMO Georgia is Sam's #1 preference.

He won't pick Ellie because he won't want to look like he's being a prick to Alex. Jury is still out on Alex for me. He just needs to relax.

Poor Samira being outfitted by Rosie. That was painful.

The worst part about Rosie's makeup is the lips. Far too thick at the sides. Fillers never look good.

Sunflowersforever · 21/06/2018 23:11

I think danni is getting a ting bit cool with Jack, like he's too keen

Sunflowersforever · 21/06/2018 23:11

Tiny, not ting!

iheartmichellemallon · 21/06/2018 23:14

Agree that Dani & Jack seem like siblings rather than romantically involved.

Alex is very highly strung - would love it if he could relax a little. Ellie so doesn't fancy him at all but she has no one else to choose.

keepondreaming · 21/06/2018 23:15

Megan looks like Kim Wilde.

Rosie looked dreadful again tonight. She sashays about with her boobs hanging out, no taste whatsoever! She really thinks she's all that - hope she goes tomorrow!

wontonsoup · 21/06/2018 23:15

Whilst I feel bad for Samira I think she should just go, don’t see the point of her being there now

OutofSyncGirl · 21/06/2018 23:24

'Adam can't stand anyone saying anything bad about him' - another narcissistic trait there. He's absolutely vile - all wide eyed 'oh no Zara's the one so I'm going to behave this time' 😂😂 highly unlikely I'd say. Even if he disliked Rosie, the way he treated her speaks volumes about him and not her imo.

I agree Eyal and Megan are boring. Eyal and his wanky proclamations, Megan with her bimbo laugh. They just don't seem interesting to watch.

MyBeloved · 21/06/2018 23:26

I reckon Eyal is very naughty in the bedroom. I would have, about 20 years ago Grin. I think he is beautiful.

Alex and Samira should just get it on.

MakeItStopNeville · 21/06/2018 23:30

Adam kisses like a wet slug. Ewww.

SoftBallSophie · 21/06/2018 23:39

Eww poor Zara....that's icky

Love Island - part 4
MyRelationshipIsWeird · 21/06/2018 23:39

Wasn’t convinced by Sam when I first saw him - those eyebrows!! But actually he’s come across as fun and confident but not a dick. Ellie clearly likes him, he should pick her. He doesn’t need to pick Zara to piss off Adam, he’s already got in his head and can continue to do that without nicking his girl.

Agree Adams kiss looked grim - I was more turned on by the boy on boy action in the TV task yesterday!!

TatianaLarina · 21/06/2018 23:43

I think Ellie did like Alex initially, but his staged snog, awkwardness and total lack of humour has kind of killed it.

I think Sam’s top preference is Georgia but she may be too into Josh. I’m not convinced he’d pick Zara because she clearly wants to be with Adam. I think he might pick Ellie if he gets in before Alex. I hope to God he doesn’t pick Rosie who is looking more drag queen meets Addams family by the day.

Did you notice Samira was disappointed in Rosie’s OTT crap flirting with Sam? Like - oh right this is what you’re actually like.

MyRelationshipIsWeird · 21/06/2018 23:50

Did you notice Samira was disappointed in Rosie’s OTT crap flirting with Sam? yeah I think she just presumed any new guy was for her as everyone else has already had a go but Rosie is obviously seeing it as ‘we’re both single so it’s every girl for herself’. Which as it’s a game is true i guess. As they like to say “it’s not called Friend Island is it?!”

TatianaLarina · 21/06/2018 23:56

I don’t think Samira presumed he was for her at all, it’s just that it rather contradicted what Rosie had said in their conversation earlier.


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OutofSyncGirl · 21/06/2018 23:56

I thought they agreed he would choose who he most liked whatever?

TatianaLarina · 21/06/2018 23:58

Sure, and then Rosie threw herself at him.

SmellMyBeads · 22/06/2018 00:03

I too had forgotten Megan existed until tonight. She's had feck all screen time. Grin

I think the new guy seems gay?

Rosie definitely uses makeup as a mask when she's not confident in herself. She looked so much older and a bit Pete Burnsesque tonight. Confused

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