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Morris in ER last night

118 replies

Steward · 09/03/2007 10:01

I thought Morris was brill in last nights episode, when he stood up and said what he thought of the new surgeon to his face. The best thing Morris had done.

Go on Morris, give him what for.

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 09/03/2007 12:00

he had a relatively small role. he played the kidnapped British soldier.

kimi · 09/03/2007 12:00

trying to replace remano i think

kimi · 09/03/2007 12:04

Luca has to get rid of an attending, i think they should write him out of it that he gives up his job, for a better one at mercy and He and Abbey have a wonderful wedding in his last episode, then they live happily ever after.

sis · 09/03/2007 12:04

yes, but Romano would not have shrunk and skulked away if Morris had said that to him!

Expatinscotland, thanks but to be honest, i have a terrible memory and would probably have forgotten even if he had a big role.

kimi · 09/03/2007 12:06

I loved it when Romano got Cordays wedding ring out of the drain after Mark died.

sis · 09/03/2007 12:11

Kimi I don't remember that - see, I said I had a bad memory! (although I do remember that you are a RL friend (possibly cousin?) to the lovely anorak - tell me I haven't got that wrong too!).

kimi · 09/03/2007 12:15

No that's me Anorak is DH1s cousin and i love her to bits.

Corday was going to do a op and was scrubbing in when he ring went down the sink. Romano got it out while she was doing the op and took it back to her.

sis · 09/03/2007 12:16

aw, that was so sweet of him! see? I still got it a bit wrong about how you are related to anorak. Rubbish, rubbish memory!

themildmanneredjanitor · 09/03/2007 12:20

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kimi · 09/03/2007 12:22

and sam! i would never tire of slamming her face in a door.


Sis I always just call Anorak my cousin anyway.

sis · 09/03/2007 12:25

so, I am the only one who actually likes sam? Agree that Abbey is a bit too moany wingey though.

kimi · 09/03/2007 12:30

I quite like sam now but she took a lot of getting used to, could not get passed scoobydoo for ages .... i hate her son (who seems to have shot up, must be on the same food as abbeys baby)

Alibobster · 09/03/2007 12:36

DrMarthaMcMoo I can't believe your therioes Number 1 is exactly what my DH thinks and number 2 is what i thought. Wow, great minds and all that.

Alibobster · 09/03/2007 12:37

Just bought the first ever series of ER on DVD- 24 eposides and working my way through them. Fantasctic to see Dr Ross and co again

LazyLine · 09/03/2007 12:38

I think that creepy guy is definitely Abby's father. I would bet money on it.

hockeypuck · 09/03/2007 12:44

I normally hate women in most series and love the mal characters BUT

I don't mind Sam - she's ok - think this new nurse bloke might be a future love interest for her.

I liked her last son, this new sctor who can only do one mood - grumpy - is rubbish

I adore Abby if it's possible to adore another lady in a non sexually interested way - I think she is so beautiful and if I could look like anyone on ER it would be her - classically attractive.

This guy that might be her father - I've seen him in it before and it's not just from the bar when I saw him there I was trying to rack my brains where else I had seen him. but yes think he is the one watching them.

Abby and Luka's baby - yes weird looking but not as weird looking as either of the babies in Neighbours - Oscar and Charlie what crazy crazy kids!!

kimi · 09/03/2007 12:57

I really like Abbey, always have.
Loved it when she let her EXs tyers down after a posh do at Carters. lol

emkana · 09/03/2007 14:19

Ray and Neela aren't actually living together anymore are they? Wasn't there an emotional scene when she moved out and returned his t-shirt to him which she had been sleeping in?

LazyLine · 09/03/2007 14:59

You're right, she moved into Abby's old flat I believe.

Majorca · 09/03/2007 17:28

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SaintGeorge · 09/03/2007 17:49

I think the bumped attending will be Weaver. She is taking to the television stuff a lot and with her producer as her new lover, I can see them strolling off into the sunset together to do some big medical news programme.

kimi · 09/03/2007 18:02

Weaver is leaving.


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Majorca · 09/03/2007 18:50

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Freckle · 09/03/2007 19:24

Oh yes. Fred Ward character will turn out to be Abby's dad - so nothing to do with Ames. He will turn out to have been stalking Kovac and will have further involvement there (after all, you don't employ an actor of FW's standing for his role to just fade out).

Weaver will leave to become huge medical tv star and have new relationship with producer - where is Henry though??? He never seems to be around these days.

Gates will turn out to be the father of his friend's widow's daughter, which will be a complete turn-off for Neela who will shag Ray senseless.

Majorca · 09/03/2007 19:31

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