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Poldark - series 2

542 replies

snozzlemaid · 28/08/2016 20:58

One week to go. Anyone else can't wait?
I've just started to rewatch the first series. Not sure if I'll get to watch it all again before next Sunday though.

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emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 08:04

I think it's more that they are cramming too many plot lines into each episode which means they are skimming over each 'event' so you lose the relevance of the 'events' to the story arc, if that makes sense.

TheHiphopopotamus · 19/09/2016 08:10

I think it's more that they are cramming too many plot lines into each episode which means they are skimming over each 'event' so you lose the relevance of the 'events' to the story arc, if that makes sense

You're absolutely correct. At the moment we have programmes like GoT and Outlander, where they stretch a book out over 13 episodes and more. So why the Beeb and the producers of Poldark thought it was a good idea to cram 2 books into 6-8 episodes, I've no idea.

Dulra · 19/09/2016 08:48

I am still enjoying it but agree they are cramming a lot in but then sometimes reading the books was a bit tedious because it was quite slow so I guess they are trying to strike a balance. My main frustration is continuing change in the length of ross's hair not sure why they didn't use a wig until his hair grew 🤔. I agree also that ross as a character has many flaws there were times when reading the books you despised him and some of what he did so I think people who haven't read the books and are expecting him to be the continual hero and all round good un will be disappointed. I think Elizabeth is right for this stage of the books it is later that she doesn't come across very well.

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 09:28

I don't think they've got the balance right, the original series (and books) were a bit slow in parts but this series has gone too far the other way.

painbadger · 19/09/2016 09:53

We stopped watching halfway through. It was just so flat - it had absolutely no pep, no verve, no life to it.

ShelaghTurner · 19/09/2016 10:09

Totally agree. My personal problem is that, if it were any other Sunday night drama I'd probably watch and enjoy. But I have (unrealistically) huge expectations where this is concerned, which i do try to stamp on. But yes. Too much in too short a time and no depth.

ShelaghTurner · 19/09/2016 10:10

And Jud's 'death' in the original was hysterical!

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 10:11

Foo'pads Shelagh Foo'padsGrin

ElspethFlashman · 19/09/2016 11:04

What's pretty bad to me is that we are meant to be primarily invested in Ross and Demelzas marriage, aren't we? It's meant to be a love saga first and foremost.

And their marriage already seems dead in the water in this version. What's there to root for?

I definitely remember more fire and spark on both sides in the original series. But neither of these people can be bothered. It comes across as she's too beaten down and knackered to fight, and he only occasionally notices she's alive.

Getting really sick of her "disappointed" face, tbh.

ShelaghTurner · 19/09/2016 11:35

"It be a hard life Captain. Thank god it do last no longer than a lifetime or I couldn't live through it"


emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 11:48

Shelagh Grin

"Prudy spent all me money an' I weren't e'en dead"

ShelaghTurner · 19/09/2016 11:53


"That's as may be Master but he did make a miracle recovery, rot his black heart"

Just to warn you, I could do this all day!

(That was me not a quote Grin)

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 12:00

Ha! Ha! - I see I'm going to have to get my dvds out to beat youGrin.

I mentioned earlier in the thread about Jacca and his "Oi 'it it" - dh and I frequently intone that line!

Right off to brush up on my Poldark quotes.......

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 12:21

Shelagh another couple of the top of my head...

"Aaassets............Lack of Aaaassets"

"Providence, sir, providence"

MitzyLeFrouf · 19/09/2016 12:36

'What's pretty bad to me is that we are meant to be primarily invested in Ross and Demelzas marriage, aren't we? It's meant to be a love saga first and foremost.'

We are but I just don't give a fig about their marriage. In fact I'd quite like it it if a bout of something could carry Demelza off or a strong gust of wind could perhaps spirit her off a cliff. She's just so irritating.

TheHiphopopotamus · 19/09/2016 12:47

Noooo! I love Demelza Shock

Who is the woman who plays Elizabeth's mother? Her face is very distracting as it looks like she's had Botox or surgery. Not a good look for the 18th Century.

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 14:04

I'm disappointed in the Demelza character in this series.

In the original version, although Demelza could be irritating, she was feisty, spirited and more than a match for Ross and stood up to him, she had come from a rough upbringing and survived on the streets so was street smart and knew poverty so when her and Ross faced losing everything you could believe she would cope and adapt because she'd been there before.

This Demelza seems too passive, quiet and somewhat dreamy, you can't quite believe she could have survived either the rough upbringing she had or her stint on the streets.

MitzyLeFrouf · 19/09/2016 14:11

Maybe it's the actresses fault. The only emotion she provokes in me is irritation.

ElspethFlashman · 19/09/2016 14:21

Shes just always frowning. She has no great wit or vibrancy. And shes a bit useless. Its ridiculous that she couldnt even extricate herself from an old lad trying to kiss her, FFS. She had to be rescued by our Hero, Bargain Basement Tom Selleck.

TheHiphopopotamus · 19/09/2016 14:26

Bargain Basement Tom Selleck

Grin He had a very strange Scottish (I think?) accent.

I still like her. I think the problem is with the script rather than the actress. She seemed a lot more feisty in the first series. Haven't read the books so I can only go on the series, but I would imagine after what happened to Julia, all the fight would have gone out of her.

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 14:32

Maybe it is the actress there is a definite lack of passion and emotion, the original Demelza played her suitors to her advantage and didn't need rescuing.

On another note anyone pick up the line straight out of an Austen adaptation last night?

emotionsecho · 19/09/2016 14:38

I thought she was more feisty in the first series TheHip but I'm not sure she was really, maybe they have used the death of Julia to knock the fight out of her in this series but that's not true to the books or the original series and doesn't really work for me.


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ElspethFlashman · 19/09/2016 14:55

I do actually respect that the death of Julia hasnt been minimised as it often is in these types of historical dramas.

But literally every line she has starts "Oh, Ross!" I get that shes not supposed to be happy and thats fine, but that doesnt mean she has to be drippy all the time. Unhappiness can manifest itself in many ways other than frowning into space. Its meant to be entertainment!

TheHiphopopotamus · 19/09/2016 15:12

I get that shes not supposed to be happy and thats fine, but that doesnt mean she has to be drippy all the time. Unhappiness can manifest itself in many ways other than frowning into space

I agree but that's why I think it's the script/direction rather than ET. I know it's not literal, but iirc, she wrestled someone to the floor in the first series and she just had a lot more spark.

I had similar problems with the second series of Outlander. They were trying to cram so much other stuff in (and this was over 13 episodes instead of Poldark's 8), that the central relationship (and the reason why people are watching) got lost.

It's Second Series Syndrome Grin

snozzlemaid · 19/09/2016 16:01

I agree Hiphop. These second series just arent living up to the brilliance of the first sadly.
I'm still enjoying it but nowhere near as much as I did the first series. I watched those over and over again. But so far I haven't felt the need to see these again.

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