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x-Factor- 4th December, proof that Cheryl Cole

659 replies

We3kingsoforientRaahh · 03/12/2010 20:53

is incredibly biased towards Cher-

this weeks theme is club Classics (so another, tenuous anything goes type themeHmm)

and Cher is (allegedly) doing
'Fight for this Love'

by Cheryl bloody Cole!!!!


Xmas Grin

OP posts:
bupcakesandcunting · 04/12/2010 23:11

Oh hai everyone, sorry I'm late. Like any fucker noticed I wasn't here...

Anyway, Rebecca - boring, Wand Erection - would be nowt without Harry, Cher - trying and failing to be cutesy, Mary - there's a cruise ship with your name on, love. Matt - why did he pick that second song? It's the benchmark for mediocrity.

Come back, Waggy!I loves ya.

P.S - Did anyone else notice Cher mustering all her strength not to flip out when Dannii criticised her song choice after the second song?

BitOfFun · 04/12/2010 23:24

Oh yes. I think she gobbed over her on her way off stage.

Numberfour · 04/12/2010 23:40

bupscakesetc: just what I said to DH: re Mary and the cruise ship.

bupcakesandcunting · 04/12/2010 23:44

I've said it before; she's jane McDonald in twenty stones time.

Where is UQD to accuse me of being jealous?

PureBloodMuggle · 05/12/2010 08:58

Ha ha mary on a cruise ship - an you imagine - she's apparently suffering dreadfully with home sickness just being slightly east of her home. I'm sure this homesickness is affecting her performances Hmm

SuePurblybiltByElves · 05/12/2010 09:57

Mary will be doing clubs in Tullamore for the rest of her natural and be very happy at it I imagine.

I don't care if the "arteests" aren't nice to the crew. That crew get it easy. What other carpentry job involves you being thanked on national television credits? If not for XF, Brian Freidman would be walking the streets (literally down the Dilly I should think). I think Churr should be mean to them. Then see what kind of weirdy staircase she gets.

UnquietDad · 05/12/2010 13:12


Little Chezza: [hungover] "Blurrrrgghggh."

Rebeccchhha: "Ar ay, love, wassup with yew today, liche? Ah feel amazin' meself. Ey, ey, Liverpooool."

Little Chezza: "Bluuurrrgh. Oi wennout an' got wasted, dinnoi. That Tesco Mary, she drinks us under the table, innit."

Rebeccchhha: "Ey ey ey. Caaalm down. Wanna cuppa coffee liccchhe? It's amazin'."

Little Chezza: "Two sugars please, there's lovely, oi could do wi'that. Safe."

Rebeccchhha: "Ere y'are, love. Ey, ey, votin' tonight, liche, it'll be amazin'."

Little Chezza: "Yeah, roit, it'll be great, safe, sorted, innit."

Rebeccchhha: "Ey, ey, they were sayin' ah woz reeeeeeelly greeeeyt on The X-tra Large Facchta last night. They said ah was amazin'."

Little Chezza: [slams spoon down] "Will you FUCKIN' STOP sayin' everythin's AMAZIN, loike. It really gets on me fuckin' tits, like."

Rebeccchhha: [under her breath] "Would if you 'ad any, love... Ey, ey. Anyway, gorra go. Gorra lorra re'earsin' to do for the group performance. Wand Erection were up at six in the mornin', like."

Little Chezza: "Yeah, roit. An' what toime did they get outta bed?"

Rebeccchhha: "Jus' drink yer coffee, love. An' try not to spill any or we'll get yer a bib, ey ey."

Curiousmama · 05/12/2010 13:37

Xmas Grin UD

SantaMousePink · 05/12/2010 17:37

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