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x-Factor- 4th December, proof that Cheryl Cole

659 replies

We3kingsoforientRaahh · 03/12/2010 20:53

is incredibly biased towards Cher-

this weeks theme is club Classics (so another, tenuous anything goes type themeHmm)

and Cher is (allegedly) doing
'Fight for this Love'

by Cheryl bloody Cole!!!!


Xmas Grin

OP posts:
HouseOfBambooootiful · 04/12/2010 18:41

I'm going to miss Wagner too. And I wonder what Aidan's doing this evening... he hasn't taken me up on my shopping offer Xmas Sad Xmas Sad

Summerbird73 · 04/12/2010 19:09

'She's Always a Woman' by Fyfe Dangerfield - er should that not be Billy Joel (as Fyfe sang it note for note like Mr J)

But am being pedantic - i truly 'heart' Matt and am sure he will set my fires blazing again with this one!

According to the Daily Snail they are all poorly and Matt has gone back home to his mums to recuperate. Wonder how that will all go then Hmm

(funnily enough Cher seems to be the only one not affected by this bug - even more sceptical emoticon!)

SuePurblybiltByElves · 04/12/2010 19:10

Chur has the immune system of one raised in a bus shelter on Mad Dog 20:20 and Lambert&Butler. Nothing can touch her.

MummyMyfanwy · 04/12/2010 19:17

LMAO - that cheryl thinks her shitty "song" is a club classic!

Its a pile of shite!

Chezza is so stuck up her own arse atm. Hope she finds her way out soon cos she is seriously beginning to grate on me.

We3kingsoforientRaahh · 04/12/2010 19:26

Am glad cher isn't doing chezza (so to speak), bur 2 Rihanna songs is a bit much. surprised by the lack of Ga Ga, unless the Glee cast are doing Ga Ga tomorrow.

OP posts:
BearCrimble · 04/12/2010 19:27

I have a list of everything they are meant to be doing tonight and fight for this love isn't on it. They can change at the last minute though.

PM me if you want the list (don't want to spoil it for those who want to be surprised).

We3kingsoforientRaahh · 04/12/2010 19:28

Think there is a link to the list further down...

Wand erection had better not fuck up 'Chasing Cars' grrr

OP posts:
BearCrimble · 04/12/2010 19:31

Oh yes. That would be the official list that is totally different to the list someone gave me.

Summerbird73 · 04/12/2010 19:37

i only see one Rihanna song? Confused

Hope to see the last of cher the 'Wee Papa Girl Rapper' this weekend Grin

shandyleer · 04/12/2010 19:37

Evening all - UQD, please can you write a book featuring big and little chezza as the main protagonists. Please, please, please. Smile

We3kingsoforientRaahh · 04/12/2010 19:40

'Love the way you lie' is Rihanna and Eminem.

Whoop- here we go!

OP posts:
We3kingsoforientRaahh · 04/12/2010 19:41

ooh, i wonder what job Mary had before Wink

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We3kingsoforientRaahh · 04/12/2010 19:42

Cheryl has just called Cher the most versatile performer!!!
Who is she trying to kid?

OP posts:
MmeLindt · 04/12/2010 19:42

Evening all.

Moving over to sofa now. Have wine and chocolate tonight.

mugggletoeandwine · 04/12/2010 19:42

I'm here.
Just phoned the food-Small dogfood doner kebab for DD, Small chicken kebab for me, and chips to share.

shandyleer · 04/12/2010 19:43

I have baileys and mint matchmakers. I also have dh making sarky comments.

BitOfFun · 04/12/2010 19:44

Hi all- I am having haute cuisine tonight: beans on toast.

mugggletoeandwine · 04/12/2010 19:44

two massive numbers

So they'll be singing two crap song each then?

shandyleer · 04/12/2010 19:44

Once again Dannii heads the style stakes.

CheekyWeeBauble · 04/12/2010 19:44

Oh Danii look tres de gorge tonight! Very sleek.

mrstimlovejoy · 04/12/2010 19:44

hi should be at a fancy dress party but i'm poorly so on the sofa in my pj's wrapped in a blanket with a hot toddy.

SuePurblybiltByElves · 04/12/2010 19:45

Choice of coffee, rioja or a bit of chocolate orange I found here. DD is staying up and we're snuggled under a feather eiderdown in our jammies. Tis good.


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smokinaces · 04/12/2010 19:45

im here, having eaten 2 bowls of cocopops and jam on toast.

laughed at Simon mocking Cheryl's salute. Wish she'd give it up.

Reeeeeeally hoping Cher goes tomorrow.

mugggletoeandwine · 04/12/2010 19:45

Dannii has stolen one of my pet rats and stapled it to her shoulder.

Why Dannii?

shandyleer · 04/12/2010 19:45

No scampi tonight mugggle?

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