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A parents worst nightmare happened to me.

104 replies

Crapgaz · 01/11/2015 22:00

I was a dad to three big healthy boys, 21 yrs, 20 yrs, and 18, but I am now stuck in a nightmare as my youngest has just died.
He became ill with meningitis, and died of septicemia all in about 12 hours. The usual signs that you are supposed to look out for, ( and my wife and I have been aware of them since my eldest was born..neck ache,light hurting eyes,spots that don't go when you press a glass on them etc ) only began to appear 3 hours before he died.
Now we are preparing for his funeral, but things have slowed down as there is to be an inquest. I blamed myself for not getting the ambulance earlier, but my doctor said there was no way I could have known how serious it was. I was going through his room yesterday looking at his things, his clothes, his game controller on the floor where he left it. Picking up a few odds and ends I saw some old letters crumpled up in a corner. One of the letters ,about a year old, was from our surgery. When they grow up I thought it best to try and treat them like adults..give them any post that comes for them, and try not to be nosy, hoping they will tell you about anything important. It was a letter asking him to come and get his meningitis and septicemia vaccine, he must have ignored it.
I should have been nosy, or even thought about it myself, but my family have had a few problems lately, and things slip your mind.My doctor did ask if he had had the vaccine, and when we said we weren't sure she said it probably wouldn't have helped much anyway seeing how fast it took hold. So now I blame myself even more,which is why I have just joined Mumsnet, so I can perhaps make a few parents aware of just how terrible a thing like this can be, and maybe get as many of our kids vaccinated as we can.
One last thing, we have found a lot of support with Meningitis Now trust.

OP posts:
ExitPursuedByABear · 02/11/2015 16:27

How utterly devastating for you.

When I saw the thread title I was pondering what the worst thing could be - with no concept of what I would read.

My heart bleeds for you and your family.

stablemabel · 02/11/2015 19:51

Words cannot express how sorry I am and the sadness I feel for you and your family. I hope you find comfort and support here and elsewhere.

wickedlazy · 02/11/2015 19:52

No words. Flowers So so sorry x

Rowboat · 02/11/2015 20:05

I am so so sorry OP. Thank you for taking the time to post. I nearly lost my baby boy to Sceptacemia earlier this year, but even so I can't imagine how you feel. But please please please don't blame yourself.

Nonnainglese · 02/11/2015 20:10

There are no words, very much thinking of you x

Crapgaz · 02/11/2015 22:28

Thank you to all of you that have replied,I am so very pleased you have taken to heart my warning..what else can I do.Fuckitfay I feel there are no strangers here.Thornrose what I really hoped would be said.Boffinmum thank you.Turdfairynomore wonderful.Minifingerz I will look out for Michael Rosens book.GloopyGhoul yes,that helps a lot,thank you. My boys name Francis,he loved his car. My middle son has now taken his car on.He said he will take Francis's friends out in it when they feel the need to be close to him.
It was a particularly bad day today for my wife and I.We put some things into my boys coffin to be buried with him.Some things his friends gave,a couple of cds his brothers made of his favorite music,and a memory stick filled with photos and videos of him from his short life.I have made copies to give to his friends.
Thank you all again.They are never too big or too old to hug.

OP posts:
DragonsCanHop · 02/11/2015 22:39

I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I have mentioned your thread to people in RL today and none of us were aware of the boster injection for this age.

The memory stick and and CDs are such a touching thing to be able to pass on to Francis' friends, devasting for you all Flowers

Leavingsosoon · 02/11/2015 22:49

Crapgaz you have been in my thoughts all day, Francis has left a touching legacy and he will never be forgotten I am positive. Xx

Indole · 02/11/2015 22:51

They are never too big or too old to hug.

Yes. And nor are you. Un-mumsnetty hugs from me to all of you.

carelessdad · 02/11/2015 23:09

My three boys are around the same ages, Crapgaz. I can’t begin to feel what you are going through but felt grit in my eyes all the same. Whilst your post highlights the transience of life, Francis will still live on with you all, as he has been and will still be a part of all your lives. I do hope you, his mum and his brothers all can get support from each other.

oneowlgirl · 02/11/2015 23:21

Adding my condolences too & wishing you strength to get through each day. Truly awful - so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy Francis.

febel · 05/11/2015 17:54

I was so very very sorry to read your post, nothing anyone can say or do can make it better but thank you so much for 18 year old daughter is refusing to have hers and cancelled the appointment due to a severe needle phobia (which we are trying to get help for, it's not easy) Under pressure from me she has re booked it for March. I shall certainly make sure she keeps it, then if not before.
So sorry for the loss of your son

Crapgaz · 05/11/2015 21:59

His brothers are taking it in very different ways,one crying and wanting to be alone,the other keeping very busy,took charge of the funeral which we had yesterday and wanting to do stuff for his mum and me.

OP posts:
Crapgaz · 05/11/2015 22:06

Febel thank goodness your daughter has rebooked.I do hope she can see it through.

OP posts:
Haffdonga · 05/11/2015 22:23

I'm so sorry Gaz Thanks

Thank you for telling us about Francis. As a result I've just been on the phone to my ds (just started uni) to remind him to re-book his meningitis jab. He had to cancel his appointment as he had glandular fever and has never got round to rearranging it. I told my ds about your ds.

M4blues · 06/11/2015 13:29

Gaz, it may have already been linked to you but have you seen the bereaved parents thread on MN. I think perhaps you and/or your wife may find it helpful to talk to other parents who have also lost a child. I know there is a couple of MNetters who have lost teenage children and they may be on there too.

JustDanceAddict · 07/11/2015 20:54

Really sorry to hear this, Gaz. Condolences to you and your family.

StillMedusa · 08/11/2015 01:11

So so sorry for your loss... my boys are the same age. I'm not sure if they had the meningitis jab either, I will now check.
Thinking of you and your family xxx

ThreeSpike · 08/11/2015 01:40

So sorry for your loss Gaz, but don't blame yourself, it is not your fault - and your son might not have been given the vaccination anyway.

My 18 year old got called for this vaccination a few months ago when he was 17. He took time especially from work to go and get it but when he got there, the doctor asked him if he was going to university and when he said no, he was told he was not eligible for the vaccination. Apparently they are only eligible if they are going to university or college. I was not too happy about this because he does visit his friend at university and therefore could get exposed to the virus in the same way as the students. However I suppose his risk is smaller.

Thank you for reminding us about this vaccination so that parents can look into it.

mammmamia · 08/11/2015 02:09

Dear Gaz I'm so very sorry to read this and wanted to say how courageous it is for you to try and raise awareness of meningitis and the vaccine at this time.

derxa · 08/11/2015 02:26

I am so sorry. There are no words Flowers

AdjustableWench · 08/11/2015 02:42

So sorry for your loss. I will make sure my teenager gets the vaccination - thank you for caring. Flowers

mathanxiety · 08/11/2015 02:51

Crapgaz, so sorry for your loss.

I had meningitis way back in 1976 at age 11 which was very luckily identified by my GP. It's the last thing my parents would have thought of but they called the doctor because I had a high temperature that wouldn't go away. My own DD(17) had her meningitis shot this week. We sat in the doctor's office for about an hour and a half complaining about the wait to be seen... Everyone should get the shot regardless of university plans -- shocked to hear a teen was 'ineligible'.

Thank you for taking the time to remind people about vaccination.

Ravingloony · 08/11/2015 10:37

I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what else to sayFlowers

Dontbesilly · 08/11/2015 12:15

So very sorry for your loss. I can't begin to imagine what you all are going through. Flowers

Thank you for bringing the vaccination to our attention. I had no clue. As a direct result of your post on your wonderful son, I will ensure my three dc get the vaccination and I will explain about Francis' story.

It's so very brave and kind of you to consider others when this tragedy has happened to you and your family. Thanks for the advice and I am so sorry for your loss.

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