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Brown leggings

14 replies

PoppityPing · 14/02/2010 18:22

Anyone found any? Am I just missing them, or do they truly not exist?

I have lots of autumnal colours, black just isn't quite right.

OP posts:
lucykate · 14/02/2010 18:25


lucykate · 14/02/2010 18:26

sorry, those are out of stock in most sizes, try here instead

JackieNo · 14/02/2010 18:28

Here too

lucykate · 14/02/2010 18:29


PoppityPing · 14/02/2010 19:02

Thanks, I should have said, though, I'm tall, do any of you have any of those and know what they are like for length? Tey don't have an inside leg measurement that I can see.

Jackie, your link goes to Mumsnet

OP posts:
apple99 · 14/02/2010 19:35

Boden do a brown pair, I have the navy ones and at 5"8 they sit just above my ankle so fine for with boots or flats. Also have some from M&S Indigo range that are nice and they do a long length.

vesela · 14/02/2010 20:13

so they do - I'd never noticed the Boden leggings before.

American Apparel have some brown ones, although they seem quite a dark brown. 27 in. inside leg.

Poppity - I saw on an old thread that you had some Toast churidar. Are they a faff to get on with the buttons? I was thinking of some for summer as possibly cooler than leggings.

PoppityPing · 14/02/2010 20:51

vesela I do have some yes, they are lovely I think and very light, but yes they are a faff to get on and off. Also I had to tighten the elasitc at the waist as they worked their way down otherwise, I may have been ok with a size down though as they do seem generous.

I'll look at the Boden leggings, I need a 31 inside leg at least really, it seems to be a real problem with leggings.
I guess others don't mind wearing them a bit short.

OP posts:
PoppityPing · 14/02/2010 20:59

Apple the Boden ones are too short [fussy emoticon] and it doesn't say the length of the M& ones, are they longer than the Boden?

I like them to come down over my cankles if possible, but my inside leg is 34, so I know I'm asking alot along with the brown!

OP posts:
vesela · 14/02/2010 23:03

Thanks, poppity. The buttons sound a bit of a pain but I love cotton voile [wafty emoticon]. And I like the fact they're long.

apple99 · 15/02/2010 12:20

I have the M&S in black and the long do come down over the ankle to my foot, just not as nice fabric as the Boden but a good length.

mosschops30 · 15/02/2010 12:24

I bought some brown ones from M&S. They were £8 and come in different lengths, fab

CuppaTeaJanice · 15/02/2010 12:33 have loads of different leggings including brown. A lot of them are in the clearance section too, for £6 or less!

PoppityPing · 15/02/2010 14:40

Thanks cuppa, think I will try those and the M&S ones

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