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Anyone interested in a "use it all up", "don't buy any new clothes this year" thread?

933 replies

Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 12:46

This may come across as a rather anti-Style and Beauty thread...

For all kinds of reasons - we're a bit stretched financially this year; environmental & ethical; intellectual, etc - I've been thinking that this year, I ought to try to:

a) use up all the beauty products I've accumulated before buying new ones

b) try not to buy any new clothes (except necessities, such as tights, should I ladder them, etc.), as I own lots of nice clothes and, frankly, although I really adore shopping for new clothes and having nice new things to wear, I simply don't need them; plus, I've come to feel that I ought not to buy clothes that are not ethically sourced, if I can manage it, and this is quite difficult - so what's more environmentally friendly or ethical than not buying anything at all?

Anyway. I realise that this is rather self-indulgent, and it's a luxury of a kind to choose not to buy more stuff (I say this because I know that there are many on MN who don't have much to spend on themselves). However, I was hoping to find some like-minded souls who might like to support me in giving up my shopping addictions.

I know this is entirely vacuous and frivolous , but we could (occasionally) post what we're wearing, how we're accessorizing or innovating to make our old wardrobe feel new, etc. Obviously, this thread might appeal to people who are already thrifty (kudos!) and who might be able to give tips, etc.

So, is there anyone out there who wants to join my challenge?

OP posts:
geordieminx · 03/01/2010 19:30

I've been thinking about this too.

I dont tend to buy expensive stuff, but most weeks will buy a new top/t-shirt/pair of pj's. Infact I rarely go out without buying something

I was adding up how much I spend on totally unecessary stuff, and how we could probably have a fab holiday if I stopped the spending a bit.

crumpetsolo · 03/01/2010 19:33

I'm in! With the caveat that crawling around after my toddler has worn holes in the knees of my favourite Seven For All Mankind jeans that I had just fitted back into and that I love love love, so after replacing those, I'm stopping shopping.

I think I'll use a one in one out approach to clothes - if something dies, I'll replace it. Am hoping I'll be able to shoehorn the Fly Mol boots I've been hankering after for months into this category. Better to buy them sooner rather than later, yes, so I get more wear out of them. That's rational, isn't it?

JaneiteIsTrite · 03/01/2010 19:34

Gosh Fleecy. I feel positively virtuous now!

I can't be bothered to count everything but I know that I have:
2 denim skirts (one just above the knee / one more above than that)

4 pairs of jeans

4 pairs of boots
1 pair of trainers
1 pair of Converse type things
2 pairs of wedges
1 pair of heels
1 pair of heeled sandals
2 pairs of ballet flats
1 pair of wellies
1 pair of DMs that I never wear anymore

Fleecy · 03/01/2010 19:40

I know - it's quite a lot isn't it! In my defence, I lost my baby weight a year ago so have bought a fair bit of stuff over the last year but lots of basics (jumpers, skinny jeans, cardis and shirts) are pre-baby so around 4yrs old or more.

That's not much of a defence is it?! Still a lot of stuff there!

Which means I shouldn't need much this year. Am terrified of stopping but, like others, think I have a bit of a problem with it and it would be good for me to go a while without buying stuff.

nowwhatdoido · 03/01/2010 19:53

Off the top of my head, because I did have a good look through a few days ago and made a mental note, I have

2 pairs of jeggings (next)
6 pairs of jeans (top shop )
1 above the knee denim skirt (boden)
1 above the knee black skirt ( fcuk )

atleast 12 long sleeve jersey tops, mainly black, but a few other colours too. (topshop, gap and kew and mistral)

About 6 short cardigans ( mainly topshop )
1 nice lambswool jumper
1 long cardigan ( for wearing with jeggings )
2 knitted tunics
3 cotton tunics

1 little black dress
1 grey jersey dress

2 evening type cardi's

2 pairs of smart black trousers

1 eveningy type top to go with black trousers

1 eveningy type tunic top

1 pair of black knee high boots
1 pair of brown knee high boots
1 pair of white converse shoes
1 pair of black ballet pumps
1 pair of eveningy heels

Enough exercise gear
Enough sleepwear
Enough underwear
Swimming costumes etc

Lots of make up and beauty stuff that can be used up.

1 smart charcoal grey coat (boden)
1 insulated waterproof ( but smartish ) coat

I'm sure I've left some bits out.

I have a few bits that I know I'm going to eBay soon too.

tattycoram · 03/01/2010 19:59

I'm so glad you started this thread. Am definitely in (after the Toast sale that is). I have loads of clothes I don't wear and lots of stuff that is pretty much the same. It makes me feel faintly sick, and the flat is just bursting with crap anyway, we have to just start bringing less stuff in.

I do need some boots - that I think would make me able to wear a lot more stuff in my wardrobe, but other than that could easily go for a year without buying anything.

newgirl · 03/01/2010 20:32

good idea for a thread - im broke so no more shopping for me for a while

I have been using up all my moisturisers, sample mascaras etc and they have lasted ages - likewise no more facials - am using up random face packs that seemed to be around

im wearing long sleeve tops under favourite t shirts/tunics so i wear them all year

wearing my going out stuff more often

ive bought and sold a few things at a local clothes agency - does that count? it helps when you are just bored of things

im not sure what to do with scarves to be honest?

FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 20:34

Does anyone else think it is weird how shops seem to keep selling SO much stuff, year after year, I mean way too much for the general population to actually need. You never see a shop getting empty do you?

What do they do after the sale with all the stuff nobody bought?

I buy everything in the sales, and tbh I used to come out with armfuls of stuff just because it was cheap, and a lot of it was unnecessary, unworn, and unsuitable.

When there is a huge amount of cheap stuff waiting to be bought, people will just buy it.
I refuse to go into most shops these days. I refuse to believe that they have anything I might need, because most of them don't.

And how much waste is going on, in terms of production costs and resources to make all this nonsense that nobody even needs?

There has to be a better way to run the world.

Here are some of the shops I walk past every time:

Debenhams ( you can get all of it in other shops, cheaper, so why bother? Plus impossible with a buggy)

Miss Selfridge
New Look (apart from VERY occasional long sleeved t shirt for £3 when desperate)
M&S (except when we have returns at Christmas, they have almost zero that appeals to me)
Hobbs (rip off)
Phase 8, Kew, etc etc all similarly overpriced and quite arrogant to boot
Mothercare, usually but did shop there once upon a time
H&M unless for occasional kids' clothes
Topshop again unless sale time, but rarely find anything useful
Laura Ashley

In fact the only shops I really ever go in are a couple of local toy shops, pet shop, wilkinsons, boots because it's on the way home, and food shops... that's about it.

Many of the things I already have are from online sales or one of the above before I got disillusioned!

It makes life easier when you can disregard a lot of places completely.

FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 20:38

Add to that list Boden, after a brief fling last year, la redoute, and dorothy perks.

I can't think of a single clothes shop I actually like around here, or many online. Gap used to be good but it went seriously downhill then shut last year here.

zanz1bar · 03/01/2010 20:50

Right you have given me the push to open up the cupboard in the bathroom full to the brim of half used lotions and potions and use or lose it all.

LovelyWalters · 03/01/2010 21:04

yup, I'm in too

had already decided that i wasn't allowed to buy any more toiletries/make-up until I genuinely had run out of whatever (or was about to run out of)

also have far too many clothes, and a huge amount more about to be sent over from USA (where we were living until the summer - loads of stuff in storage)

still seem to wear the same stuff day after day but will now start trying to mix it up a bit.

i'm sick of primark, and all the mass-produced cheap shite that fills the high street so this is an ideal time to practice restraint...

my only exceptions will maybe be if I decide to treat myself in Boots but only using my advantage card points, not actual money!

Fleecy · 03/01/2010 21:09

I do avoid sales - I tend to shop online so I always consider what I buy but still buy far more than I need.

Even gave DH my credit card so the only one I've got is the additional card on his account so he knows every penny I spend. I owe him a fair bit of money so who knows, maybe if I can cut down to almost nothing I can pay it back this year?

LetThemEatCake · 03/01/2010 21:14

I only bought a pair of sunglasses in the sales and that was in 2009 so hardly counts.


aren't they lovely??

LetThemEatCake · 03/01/2010 21:15

I am wearing the same pair of 7 for all Mankind jeans that I bought in 2004

really do need to think about getting some new ones though

GetOnYourDancingShoes · 03/01/2010 21:35

Count me in - it will give me the incentive to lose a few pounds so that my summer clothes fit!

I've already started using up lotions and potions and will be sorting out my huge make-up collection tomorrow.

Hair dye and mascara remain essentials though!

cheesesarnie · 03/01/2010 21:39

just wanted to wish luck!i couldnt.i rarely ever treat myselfso when i do its a special treat

GeorginaWorsley · 03/01/2010 22:20

I too have loads of samey clothes.
I like tunics,especially from White Stuff and the like,worn as short dresses with thick tights or leggings.
I layer the short sleeved ones for all year round wear,but still have too many.

Simply · 03/01/2010 22:41

I haven't read all the thread as I must go to bed now but I'm marking my place so that I can come back to this thread and join you, if that's okay!

fin42 · 04/01/2010 00:03

I so agree with this thread.
Every season i sort through my wardrobe and there are lots of things that I can't bear to ditch but don't make the effort to wear. You've spurred me into really making an effort to use the clothes I have and enjoying them. I'm tying a knot in my purse-strings right now!

WilfSell · 04/01/2010 00:15

Have y'all seen the little brown dress project?

FlightAttendant · 04/01/2010 06:22

Hmmmm. I've just had a look.

Several thoughts spring to mind.

  1. It sounds very liberating and exciting,

  1. but she is still wearing all kinds of other stuff, like jeans and tops and flashy leggings and so on, so thought would still be required [argh]...and she is still 'expressing herself' with these, which would seem to counter the whole ethos.

  1. I don't like her dress!!!!

and 4. I don't really see any problem doing this with jeans instead, or rather work appropriate trousers, etc.

Does anyone else fancy trying something similar?
zippyzapper · 04/01/2010 06:34

I'm so in - but may reserve the need for the occasional splurge only because I recently had a baby and can not stop consuming huge amounts of chocolate which mean my old jeans are still very much a no go zone - but I do see this new thrifty me as a way of extending my maternity leave and getting away from the throw away culture.

letthemeatcake - if you still fit jeans from 2004 then you clearly have not lived up to your namesake. I might namechange to letthemeatchocolate


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Romanarama · 04/01/2010 07:48

That's everybody else eating cake though, isn't it? Didn't LTEC already give up shopping in November but give up after about a week?

dexter73 · 04/01/2010 09:17

I was just looking at the site for the little brown dress project - i don't think I could wear the same dress every day for a week let alone a year. It would drive me crazy!

DontSweattheSmallStuff · 04/01/2010 09:23

Just adding this to the threads I'm on list. I'll come back later and read it properly. I haven't got loads of clothes but have enough that I should be able to do this easily. My main trouble is that I tend to have stuff I try to keep nice and slum it the rest of the time but then the nice stuff hardly gets worn which kind of defeats the point of having it.

Dh bought me loads of lovely posh smellies/toiletries a while ago so i don't need any of those.

So my plan is to stop slumming it and get the nice stuff (clothes and smellies) worn and used.

I will def need at least one pair of jeans though as i keep wearing out the knees on mine from crawling around on the floor after the dc's.

Hairdye is also an essential.

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