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Anyone interested in a "use it all up", "don't buy any new clothes this year" thread?

933 replies

Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 12:46

This may come across as a rather anti-Style and Beauty thread...

For all kinds of reasons - we're a bit stretched financially this year; environmental & ethical; intellectual, etc - I've been thinking that this year, I ought to try to:

a) use up all the beauty products I've accumulated before buying new ones

b) try not to buy any new clothes (except necessities, such as tights, should I ladder them, etc.), as I own lots of nice clothes and, frankly, although I really adore shopping for new clothes and having nice new things to wear, I simply don't need them; plus, I've come to feel that I ought not to buy clothes that are not ethically sourced, if I can manage it, and this is quite difficult - so what's more environmentally friendly or ethical than not buying anything at all?

Anyway. I realise that this is rather self-indulgent, and it's a luxury of a kind to choose not to buy more stuff (I say this because I know that there are many on MN who don't have much to spend on themselves). However, I was hoping to find some like-minded souls who might like to support me in giving up my shopping addictions.

I know this is entirely vacuous and frivolous , but we could (occasionally) post what we're wearing, how we're accessorizing or innovating to make our old wardrobe feel new, etc. Obviously, this thread might appeal to people who are already thrifty (kudos!) and who might be able to give tips, etc.

So, is there anyone out there who wants to join my challenge?

OP posts:
Miggsie · 03/01/2010 13:14

I just cleared out the bathroom cabinet and found 9 tubes of toothpaste!!!!!!!!

I resolve not to buy toothpaste this year

Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 13:15

But seriously, though, if there is something that you know you simply must have, then don't go cold turkey. It doesn't necessarily work, and could even be counter-productive.

OP posts:
cocohasleftthebuilding · 03/01/2010 13:16

[hangs head in shame]

Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 13:16

LOL @ 9 tubes of toothpaste. How big is your bathroom cabinet? At least you'll be minty-fresh.

OP posts:
Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 13:24

Vis-à-vis smugness: I am already quite smug that I have managed to restrain myself from buying any new clothes in the sales. This is without precedent chez moi. If I can make it through January...

OP posts:
thelunar66 · 03/01/2010 13:34

God yes.. Sales.

Have managed to avoid buying any clothes from sales. I do hold my hand up to one very small Great Plains handbag though (half price)

brightonpebble · 03/01/2010 13:38

Yes, definitely will try to do this, at least for a few months. Will need to mend a few things though (like my sweater dress - a cry for help posted in Arts & Crafts)

Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 13:38

Ahhh, handbags.

For some reason, I do manage to hold off on the handbags.

Until last year.

It is not true that there is a Mulberry bag in my wardrobe that is still in its dustbag. [shame]

OP posts:
Doyouthinktheysaurus · 03/01/2010 13:41

I would love to do this, I have so many clothes I really don't need anymore

I fear I am slightly addicted to shopping and had already vowed to cut down drastically this year.

There are however, a few bits I would have to buy. New birkies for the summer and some linen trousers. Apart from that I honestly don't think I would need anything.

FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 13:42

Am working along these lines too, Penth.

My problem has been buying things I like the look of, but have no call to wear, for instance non breastfeeding friendly dresses, and posh dresses, which hang in the wardrobe however much of a bargain they were, waiting for an occasion that never comes.

I swore I would wear one at Christmas but could not go through with it. It just felt silly. There is no one to look nice for.

So am trying v hard to not buy anything unless it is needed, and when I do find a sale bargain, to think about it first and decide if I will get a lOT of wear out of it. And if not, then don't add to the ageing pile of unworn pretty things.

Nothing wrong with a little judicious sale shopping imo, as long as it is for useful and necessary stuff, not stuff you feel you should spend money on, because you can...iyswim.

And anyway I can't!
I did well and bought barely anything in December, just food.

But since 1st January I have ordered a coat I wanted for months, which will prob go back, but if it does feel very comfortable and suit me and all that, I might keep it and put a couple of others on ebay, because i don't have one I like wearing at the moment.

I ahve also bought some jodhpurs in the sale for £15, again loads of wear so don't feel too bad about it. But i so understand the 'wearing what you already have' ethos and it is actually great fun when you go for it - things begin to mean something once you start to use them, properly. It also teaches you what works for you and what doesn't practically as well as in terms of looking nice.

LetThemEatCake · 03/01/2010 14:11

Hi Penth
great idea for a thread!
Count me in! Other than new jeans, which i'll need once baby weight is all off, I can't justify anything new for this year, as I bought loads of summer clothes in Australia this time last year and then didn't use them in the uk summer due to unexpected pregnancy.

Have been on an eBay mission for a month or so now and still have a bit to go.

CybilsDrivel · 03/01/2010 14:12

LTEC I give you 1 week

MarshaBrady · 03/01/2010 14:16

Great I can be in for a while as have a £350 voucher for Liberty for new shoes and something else then that's it! So I'll be using that up.

Easy peasy.

Plus just did a big shop there in the sales. Done.

(I may just get a few more of my favourite tights and that's it ).

First half of year will be easy anyway.

LetThemEatCake · 03/01/2010 14:18

Cybil, you only know me from my pregnancy and post-pregnancy stages, both of which necessarily entailed buying new clothes.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that someone who loves looking at and talking about clothes is buying in equal measures

StayFrosty · 03/01/2010 14:23

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FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 14:24

Forgive me
Is that not like being a boa constrictor and saying 'I have just swallowed an entire elephant, I don't think I will be hungry for a little while'

JaneiteIsTrite · 03/01/2010 14:24

to Liberty voucher.

I have told dp that other than a new pair of jeans I will not buy any new clothes until after my birthday at least (it is in February but hey...I'm doing it in small steps!).

My 'sin' is 50s style skirts with quirky details but I have lots so can live without any more. I have a couple of lovely dresses that are unworn because they are a bit too long.

FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 14:27

I find the weirdest thing about switching from spending to non spending is the mental bit.

I can't do it negatively, it has to be a positive, as in 'I am saving all this money' or 'I am spending as little as possible to keep as much as possible'

but that makes me feel like I am verging on being a tight arsed git, so it can be challenging as I have known a few tight arsed gits and they were awful.

I don't want to aspire to being like them.

And aspiring to not being in debt feels too close to my parents.
maybe I have just not quite grown up yet...

drlovesmincepies · 03/01/2010 14:27

can i join please? i think i need some help with this as i have 28 pairs of jeans, 30 pairs of shoes 20 handbags , two black bags full of underwear sets , and 3 vanity cases full of makeup/ lotions/creams ect.i also have lots and lots of shampoo. (omg 15 !).
i need to save some money for a much needed holiday - i havent been away for 12 years .

dexter73 · 03/01/2010 14:27

Don't think I can join this thread yet as I saved my Christmas money to buy a jumper in the Brora sale, but after that I will join in!

FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 14:28

Janeite me too but the is quelled knowingit will likely buy one and a half silk headscarves

Sorry Marsha just kidding! Their stuff is gorgeous.

MarshaBrady · 03/01/2010 14:32

Is that not like being a boa constrictor and saying 'I have just swallowed an entire elephant, I don't think I will be hungry for a little while'

yes, yes Flight it is

Worst still it is care of my mother who took me shopping on her card and it's a credit note from some stuff I took back

I soothe my conscience by remembering I only see her once a year...


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FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 14:36

Oh it sounds GREAT fun Marsha
I was only teasing.

FlightAttendant · 03/01/2010 14:37

[admits to having Liberty Macintosh, but it did come from ebay]

Lulumama · 03/01/2010 14:40

i am with you OP, i had decided to make this year a less material one. i have clothes, shoes and boots to cover every eventuality, i need nothing, i am very lucky and i will save for work that needs doing to the house an my car is on its last legs. so far more important things to deal with than clothes/cosmetics etc.

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