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Anyone interested in a "use it all up", "don't buy any new clothes this year" thread?

933 replies

Penthesileia · 03/01/2010 12:46

This may come across as a rather anti-Style and Beauty thread...

For all kinds of reasons - we're a bit stretched financially this year; environmental & ethical; intellectual, etc - I've been thinking that this year, I ought to try to:

a) use up all the beauty products I've accumulated before buying new ones

b) try not to buy any new clothes (except necessities, such as tights, should I ladder them, etc.), as I own lots of nice clothes and, frankly, although I really adore shopping for new clothes and having nice new things to wear, I simply don't need them; plus, I've come to feel that I ought not to buy clothes that are not ethically sourced, if I can manage it, and this is quite difficult - so what's more environmentally friendly or ethical than not buying anything at all?

Anyway. I realise that this is rather self-indulgent, and it's a luxury of a kind to choose not to buy more stuff (I say this because I know that there are many on MN who don't have much to spend on themselves). However, I was hoping to find some like-minded souls who might like to support me in giving up my shopping addictions.

I know this is entirely vacuous and frivolous , but we could (occasionally) post what we're wearing, how we're accessorizing or innovating to make our old wardrobe feel new, etc. Obviously, this thread might appeal to people who are already thrifty (kudos!) and who might be able to give tips, etc.

So, is there anyone out there who wants to join my challenge?

OP posts:
JaneiteIsTrite · 03/01/2010 14:41

Gosh yes - our house needs LOTS of work. Must remember to start a thread about damp proofing and heating. Yawn.

Looks at Vivienne westwood lovelies instead.

KnottyLocks · 03/01/2010 14:44

Right, I'm in....once I've bought some new jeans in the sales as my backside is near hanging out of mine.Not a good look.

My wardrobe is heaving. Some things I've had for 20 years . I'm rubbish at throwing things away and have kept some things purely for sentimental reasons.

Everything in there from size 8 to size 18. Am currently a 10/12.

I have a perfectly good sewing machine I should use to alter/mend stuff. No excuse for buying more really.

There's also a really good wardrobe surgery near us that adapts clothes. An allowed expense?

MarshaBrady · 03/01/2010 14:47

My big challenge is to get back to a decent size to fit into some beautiful clothes I have not even worn yet due to pregnancy.

Which was planned, but happened just after I bought some nice stuff. Including a Vivienne Westwood dress - which is sheerish and very unforgiving on post baby bumps. I want to wear that before I'm passed it! (Or pregnant again...)

OhYouBadBadKitten · 03/01/2010 14:59

Me, except I do need 1 pair of trousers. I split my go anywhere trousers and only have jeans (1 nromal pair one giant) and 1 posh pair.
....and a blouse to go with a grey skirt and pink cardi.
other than that def I'll join in.

We are having a shopping break for a month. Going to make do with what we have or go without. Eat from freezer and cupboard apart from fresh veg and milk. Want to get my computer repair paid for.

MrsSeanBean · 03/01/2010 15:48

I have resolved only to buy online this year.

Somehow I find I don't buy on impulse when online, I think more about whether I need want the item(s) in question.

Hope this won't just give me a licence to max out my credit card!

Have not actually bought anything yet this year (not a great achievement as it's only 3 Jan ) - am waiting for Brora and Toast sales to start.

overmydeadbody · 03/01/2010 16:17

I'm in.

I ha ve loads of clothes already, and have just sorted through them all and have a pile that I want to adapt with my dewing machine and a bit of inventiveness.

I am going to buy everything I need form charity shops too, like stuff for DS.

I start a new job tomorrow and last month got all my new work clothes for this job form chairty shops, so am pleased with myself on that front already.

Now we need a thread all about ways of adapting clothes to give them a new lease of life...

nowwhatdoido · 03/01/2010 16:20

Online shopping is my downfall. I am totally addicted to it. It's going to be a hard habit to break.

traceybath · 03/01/2010 16:22

LTEC step away from the light.

I'd love to do this but its never going to happen. Having been pregnant/bf for the past 3 years I have no spring/summer clothes.

Am going to buy less and more wisely though.

noddyholder · 03/01/2010 16:22

I so wish I could join you ladies but would be impossible

MrsSeanBean · 03/01/2010 16:24

We should all style one outfit and post piccies of 'before' and 'after'. Today I put together the following from old bits and pieces:

  • pink cropped bolero over an ancient M&S long tunic tank/ vest
  • silk scarf in pink, green, blue, turquoise
  • denim Skirt (old fat face summer one)
  • thick ribbed tights

It's nothing wonderful but looks OK together - whereas teh individual items (apart from the scarf) I was none too keen on.

I think scarves will be the way to go for me this year.
carciofi · 03/01/2010 16:25

I really should do this but I know I won't stick to it. Will try to be more sensible though.

vivalepew · 03/01/2010 16:33

I wear the same stuff anyway.

Once you start with scarves you're on a slippery slope. I had to buy a wicker basket to store mine in .

claireybaubles · 03/01/2010 16:44

I did the beauty product bit last year and it felt good so I'm up for continuing with that

With clothes I don't tend to buy much anyway because I don't have the money but I tend to splurge once or twice a year and buy a few things all at once-I'd like to stop doing that as it makes me feel good for a while having all all these new clothes to wear but then I get the credit card bill...

My problem is that I'm generally feeling a bit shit in myself atm (split from h, no body confidence) and buying clothes is the easiest way to temporarily make myself feel better about how I look. Any tips on a longer term solution appreciated!

lumpsdumps · 03/01/2010 16:47

I'm doing exactly the same thing, my husband and mother think I'm nuts

LastTrainToLapland · 03/01/2010 17:04

I would love to join in, but I have a problem. After 3 years of working free-lance (hence, mostly in my track pants!) I'm planning to go job-hunting this year (dd off to preschool most mornings, doesn't need me as much any more). Assuming I find a job, I will need to do some shopping for essential work clothes. If I can put this down as "essentials" and try not to buy anything frivolous, then I'm in

Also interested in clothes swap. I'm 5'3", 10/12 depending on the Fat Face I can sometimes squeeze into an 8 which makes me

duckyfuzz · 03/01/2010 17:11

will definitely do this with the beauty products, have loads to use up, will also try to do it with clothes, but trying to lose a bit more weight so will promise only to buy new if its due to a drop in size

Flamesparrow · 03/01/2010 17:16

Ok, I'm in.

I do have to buy a new black eye liner though as I gave mine to DH's mate for NYE and told him to keep it for future fancy dress.

I have loads of clothes, the majority don't fit so I need to get onto that. A pile I don't like the style of and just wear because they are there, so I need to clear out.

I have far too much makeup and keep buying more (seriously - I have 4 different green eyeliners..)

GeorginaWorsley · 03/01/2010 17:50

I had resolved to do something like this.
Have loads of lovely clothes,but fear I too will succumb to the odd thing to make 'other' things look good,IFYSWIM'
eg,saw a lady of about my age the other day in black leggings,black patent boots,longer length white jersey top and waterfall grey cardigan.
Now I have all those things bar the boots,which smartened the whole look up.
Therefore,I could do with some patent black boots,thinks I.
Have been to 5 or 6 parties in last few weeks and bought nothing new at all.
So for me,it is to spend more wisely,wear what I have,build better outfits.

dexter73 · 03/01/2010 18:20

I think I am thinking more along the same lines as you GeorginaWorsley, to spend more wisely. Perhaps if I limit myself to one item a month then I will only buy things I really want.
I don't have to worry about beauty products as I am strictly one in/one out on perfume, shampoo, face cream etc. Have no interest in them!

Romanarama · 03/01/2010 18:41

I'd like to do this, as am quite poor at the mo, relatively speaking. Only thing is I've recently moved from somewhere lovely and boiling and sunny to somewhere horribly damp and freezing, so my summer wardrobe is unlikely to pass muster. But, I'm determined to try. I'm about same size as Penth and may post some things to swap, though prob only things that don't fit as there are few nice clothes I can bear to wave bye bye to. Using up the junk in the bathroom is definitely a sensible idea.

sarah293 · 03/01/2010 18:44

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Fleecy · 03/01/2010 18:53

I'd also like to spend more wisely.

I don't want to stop buying stuff altogether but I want to stop buying so much of it. I've got a huge wardrobe but lots of it is fashion stuff that isn't well-made and will date so not sure how that'll go!


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tiredoftherain · 03/01/2010 19:13

Ooh this is the thread for me! Last year I tried to give an item away for every new one I bought but somehow my wardrobe is still bursting.

I have a shameful amount of clothes, must have nearly 100 sweaters and cardigans in varying muted shades, plus jeans in every style and hue. I will not need to buy mascara until approx 2020.

Am going to try and only spend what I can earn by selling on ebay.

Fleecy · 03/01/2010 19:21

Have just done the nerd thing, though not properly and counted up my winter wardrobe.

Obviously there is some cross-over with my summer wardrobe, like shorts and skirts that can be worn all year round if you wear tights, or denim skirts or going out stuff. But it doesn't include proper summer stuff as I have that packed away currently.

And it doesn't include work wear either - I usually work from home and rarely have to meet clients so I keep two or three client-friendly outfits separately.

But my winter wardrobe contains...
14 pairs of jeans
3 pairs of trousers
11 skirts
6 pairs of shorts
11 coats and jackets
28 cardis and jumpers
1 waistcoat
4 gilets
14 dresses
11 shirts/tunics/nice tops (plus tens of vests and t-shirts)
4 short jumpsuits (I like my legs!)
7 scarves
7 hats

And around 80 pairs of shoes and boots, although this includes summer stuff like gladiator sandals and wedges.

I don't have many handbags though - three nice ones I use day-to-day plus a couple of smaller bags for going out. Have gone for quality not quantity with my bags!

Anyone else brave (or bored) enough?

minko · 03/01/2010 19:24

Sign me up! I'm glad to find so many other people thinking like me. I do have something of a shopping addiction, but I also have a lovely wardrobe of great clothes which I need to wear more. I have also lost a lot of my freelance work/income so need to tighten purse strings. I think working with what I've got I could make up more outfits and mix and match a bit more imaginatively. Also very keen on accessories so need to work it all a bit more (sounding very Gok now...)

So, I'll be turning to this thread for support from now on... Am a bit scared if truth be told!

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