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what would you wear with this?

10 replies

mrsflux · 07/11/2009 20:39

hey ladies

i'm looking for something to wear for my work and hubby's work christmas parties.
i've found this and this

what would you wear with them?

i'm 5 foot 2 size 10, short legs which are pasty and usually bruised!

is was thinking leggings and some heels? am i right? and what sort of heels?

OP posts:
badietbuddy · 07/11/2009 20:46

I love the first one in black. I can't tell how short it is but if not indecent then I'd go for opaque black tights over leggings. Maybe a shoe boot

adriennemole · 07/11/2009 21:14

I've just brought a dress in very similar colurs recently.
I also think black opaques would look good and maybe some metalic coloured shoes such as [[ these]. I'm loving the tights and peep toe look at the moment.

mrsflux · 07/11/2009 21:16

it says mid thigh online and i'm a shortie so probably not too rude for tights!

i have an aversion to shoe boots though! don't know why i just can't stand them.

any alternatives???

OP posts:
adriennemole · 07/11/2009 21:16

whoops here

adriennemole · 07/11/2009 21:22

I think the second one looks more tunic like (it does say upper thigh ) so I think that would look nice with some black leggings or 80 den footless tights and some killer heels maybe platforms in black purple or metalic.

mrsflux · 07/11/2009 21:23

adriennemole - found the shoes, they are lovely but so much higher than i could manage. especially as i'm planning on drinking which will mean staggering as i'm such a lightweight after having DS!

OP posts:
adriennemole · 07/11/2009 21:26

Ok so maybe not so much 'killer' heels I've got a similar coloured pair though and they seem to go with everything which is helpful.

mrsflux · 07/11/2009 22:16

yeah colour is great!

any ideas about alternative heels that are a bit less killer!

OP posts:
cheesesarnie · 07/11/2009 22:18

i love the second one in both colours but prefer purple.

adriennemole · 07/11/2009 22:45

Hmmm if you're wearing thick tights or leggings I think you should go for quite a solid shoe as opposed to party sandal types.

My go with everything shoes are t-bar, peep toes with quite a thick (though high!) heel. These are ok though not really what I was thinking but you get the idea. Platform courts I think would go well with tights though they maybe too high.

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