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I want to streak my hair

13 replies

Nabster · 18/02/2009 08:48

Two colours.

Am I mad?

Can I buy something and do it at home?

No time for the hairdressers.

OP posts:
veryembarrassedmummy · 18/02/2009 09:16

If you want it to look good, go to hairdresser- at home is too risky. Never done it at home, but having had to sit for 2 hours whilst they put 3 diff colours in my hair and being VERY careful to follow the cut etc to place the right colour in the right place, I'd never DIY.

Only have mine done every 5-6 months, so although £££s it's worth it and everyone says it looks great.

Dropdeadfred · 18/02/2009 09:17

you HAVE to have this done at the on eart do you think you will 're-streak' each strip correctly when the roots grow through..?

MadameCastafiore · 18/02/2009 09:23

I did it at home with one of thise kits once!

Looked like a bird had shat on my head - had to go and pay for it to be fixed so I wish I hhadn't have bothered and paid for it to be done in the first place!

MyChemicalToilet · 18/02/2009 09:24

Please don't do it yourself. My DP did mine with a home kit, was a bit heavy handed (couldn't really see where the colour was going) and my hair went bright orange all over. I couldn't face the people at work the next day, so called in sick while I found a hairdresser who could remedy it. £90 and two days later, I was back to normal. It was a false economy for sure.

Nabster · 18/02/2009 11:53

Had bought it before you answered.

Not doing it yet as I want it cut first. Once I find someone who can cut my hair decently I will see about colouring it.

My hair is so many colours I never get obvious roots.

OP posts:
TrillianAstra · 18/02/2009 11:56

Get a friend to do it - I bleached streaks in a friend's hair once (with one of those swimming cap with holes in jobbies) and it came out really nice. You do really need someone who can see all around your head. And remember to do underneath layers not just the top layer, otherwise if you pull teh hair back you'll just have one line of colour like a skunk.

MarlaSinger · 18/02/2009 12:06

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Nabster · 18/02/2009 12:06

Not at all, thank you,

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Nabster · 18/02/2009 12:07

"Go to the hairdressers if you don't want it to look nice."

Freudian slip??

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MayorNaze · 18/02/2009 12:07

well i will be in the minority but i say go for it. practice makes perfect. or go for it at the hairdresser but pay very close attention so then 6 weeks later when it is all grown out and faded you can just slap your own colour where they did it.

good luck

MarlaSinger · 18/02/2009 17:07

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nailpolish · 18/02/2009 17:09

stripey hair is possibly one of the worst fashions of recent times

so very common

Nabster · 18/02/2009 17:56


It wouldn't be stripey.

Just odd bits.

Going to have it cut first and then decide about colouring.

Might save up once I have found someone who can cut it well before I let them near me with colours.

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