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Can anyone help me find jeans that fit my thighs?

17 replies

bitofadramaqueen · 20/11/2008 19:03

All my pregnancy weight seems to have landed on my already curvy thighs. Gone from a size 12 to a 16 on my bottom half, and while I know I need to work on shifting the weight, I need to find a pair of everyday jeans to keep me going in the meantime.

Can anyone recommend any jeans that are fairly generous in the thigh but aren't completely hideous? I've also got a pretty short leg. I've tried on loads of jeans today that fit everywhere but are embarrassingly skin tight on the thigh. God was in a foul mood when I was in the queue for legs

Also don't want to pay a fortune...

OP posts:
IAmHollyGolightly · 21/11/2008 13:45

Ooh, I might have a look in New Look

bitofadramaqueen · 21/11/2008 13:42

flowery I tried on the Hula jeans in new look and liked them so much I bought two pairs . If only I'd started this thread before yesterday's ill-fated shopping trip!

Pixel it would never have occured to me to try fat face, but we do have an outlet store nearby so I'll try there next time I visit.

Thanks to everyone for advice - I knew MN would help me out

OP posts:
PixelHerder · 20/11/2008 22:56

Sympathise re the foul trouser-shopping mood!

I struggle with this too - best bet is generally Next, though I did find a random pair in Dorothy Perkins of all places a few weeks ago (had to take them up though, grr). Fat Face are also worth a look if you have an outlet near you. Gap are shite (just thought I'd mention that!)

Look hard for a pair that have legs that are cut to the same width from crotch to hem (ie don't go in at the knee, or taper towards the ankle. That way you don't get so much of that nice sausage-thigh effect.

shhhh · 20/11/2008 22:49

btw,typo error... Im not a size 4.......i wish...

Its taken me ages to get motivated however and to finally see results...dd is 3.6yrs and ds is 21months and I needed to do something.

Hope you find some soon..may be worth trying on ones suggested and go from there. At least the groudwork is done iykiwm. x

puffling · 20/11/2008 22:44

Topshop Eva.

bitofadramaqueen · 20/11/2008 22:40

Thanks everyone. I have had a pair of next ones but I didn't find them particularly flattering, and due to their constant wear over the last couple of months they've already fallen apart.

Well done on the weight loss shhhh - I think it will be a very very long time before I can squeeze into the size 10 skinny jeans I wore only 3 years ago

OP posts:
shhhh · 20/11/2008 22:22

thats true robinpud..thought it as just me...

I have recently lost weight and gone down 3 sizes and tried on x6 pairs of petite in my size4 and they all fitted differently and in fact I bought 2 skinny pairs that fitted better than bootleg.. and I have NEVER bought skinny jeans because I thought they were for skinny people

robinpud · 20/11/2008 22:16

Next- bootleg.. but try on 3 or 4 pairs in the same size.. the last ones I got were 6" longer than one of the pairs.. they might have been labelled wrongly, but lots of them vary.

shhhh · 20/11/2008 22:10

Next...I find them brill.

duckyfuzz · 20/11/2008 19:18

M&S autograph jeans, fab for pears

bitofadramaqueen · 20/11/2008 19:16

Have just seen that they are only a tenner. Will definitely try those!

OP posts:
marlasinger · 20/11/2008 19:16

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

bitofadramaqueen · 20/11/2008 19:11

Oh, will also try new look. Didn't think of there.

OP posts:
bitofadramaqueen · 20/11/2008 19:10

Have never tried Monsoon for jeans so can give them a go. Tried M&S today and while quite a few pairs fitted they were still super tight on the thigh .

It was hard enough to get trousers and jeans to fit with curvy thighs when I was 10/12, but it's bloody impossible now!

OP posts:
bran · 20/11/2008 19:07

I thought Monsoon were better the other way (for apple shapes with big waists). M&S always seem to be very pear-shape friendly to me, at least I've never been able to wear trousers from there and I'm apple-shaped. You probably won't want to go there, but Evans go down to a size 16 and are very generous on the hips IME.

flowerybeanbag · 20/11/2008 19:07

New Look Hula. I am pear shaped and a 10-12 so normally would have to get a 12 bottom half at least in jeans.

New Look Hulas I am in a 10 no problem.

twinsetandpearls · 20/11/2008 19:05

Monsoon .

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