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i have just got a lovely dress from tulip and nettle

151 replies

hoxtonchick · 30/07/2008 14:21

look, here. bit of a rubbish photo, but it's gorgeous. now i need some clever dressmaking type to copy it in many different fabrics....

OP posts:
Umlellala · 05/08/2008 10:34

Ah, it came
Loveit all but it doesn't all love me !!!!

Keeping bandanna top, perfect for bf - although feel guilty ~I didn't get the dress for dd cos she LOVES my top! Matching mum and daughter

dresses are too long... gonna make my lil sis (tall, rakish) try them, or see if I could take them up.

love the blue t-shirt but stupid giant bf boobs too big, lil sis again (or might keep for when not bf anymore)...

cut is big so size 1 is much bmore like size 10-12 I think (not 8-10).

Great find of a shop though - cheers hoxtonchick!

largeginandtonic · 03/08/2008 12:46

I like it! The kids stuff anyway. The adults stuff does look shapeless but must admit am pregnant and thought the smocky tunic stuff would be perfect.

The sailor boy stuff is gorgeous, am loving it. May order

Umlellala · 03/08/2008 12:36

Am about to order... how long are the dressesthough? am pretty small, they seem quite long? i really really like these!

ExterminAitch · 03/08/2008 12:24

see my tits aren't super-big, but i have what i might euphemistically refer to as A Strong Back. (of a coalman's back, as my father called it). so i'd be worried on that score, hate when things pinch under my arms. i'm bookmarking the site, however, as i did look further and decide i liked the red top also. only teeny sizes left, though. boo.

hoxtonchick · 03/08/2008 09:15

You might be ok with the medium aitch, I am a real 16 and the only place my dress is remotely fitted is on the norks.

We're on holiday in. Northumberland this week, must be quite close to T and N....

OP posts:
halogen · 02/08/2008 22:17

I love the little red towelling dress, too.

I'm quite excited by my purchase. How can I never have heard of these people before? All their stuff is right up my street.

Do the children's things come up big or small?

MsDemeanor · 02/08/2008 22:10

In reality these clothes are absolutley lovely. The dresses are the only things I've ever put dd in that made three people stop me in one day and ask where they were from. The denim smock dress is a total showstopper. Quality is amazing and these are children's clothes that aren't made by sweatshop children. I really like then.

onebatmother · 02/08/2008 22:07

Definitely go for it, lucicle - it's a bit of a bargain, I think. I went to a garden party (not Holloway) today and felt very minimal and tasteful, but quite groovy at the same time. I wore it with flat clarks ballet/mary-janes (with button-fastening strap) in dull silver and very red lipstick...

halogen · 02/08/2008 22:01

Thanks very much, onebat. I think I'm going to chance the bell-sleeved dress in a size 1 as an 8 with rather broad shoulders and fairly substantial norks. It's a bargain, after all. Actually, it really reminds me of a fantastic dress I got from Jigsaw in the mid-eighties and wore to death for the next ten years so I think I'll love it even if it is slightly big.

onebatmother · 02/08/2008 21:55

I'd say a 10 lucicle - the large is plenty large enough for me and I'm 14-16

tiredemma · 02/08/2008 21:55

hideous stuff.

one little chap looked like oliver twist

halogen · 02/08/2008 21:49

Lovely lovely dresses. Is the size 1 more of an 8 or a 10, does anyone know?

onebatmother · 02/08/2008 21:38

I agree that I would sell my boy before I saw him in a hero collar.

ExterminAitch · 02/08/2008 13:36

nah, am 36c. how i wish the large had been in stock. nothing else on the site piques my interest. in fact i'd go so far as to say that it near enough offends my eye. (hoxty's dress might be good but not on me, my friend).

FranSanDisco · 02/08/2008 13:22

I've ordered the bell sleeve denim dress - I think it will look "happening" in the winter with boots. Wouldn't/couldn't make ds wear any of that smock gear - we live in Essex and he'd heave his head kicked in quite frankly

FranSanDisco · 02/08/2008 13:21

I've ordered the bell sleeve denim dress - I think it will look "happening" in the winter with boots.

Sidge · 02/08/2008 13:18

Oh ok, I'm glad I don't live there then. I don't want to have to dress like I live in Prisoner Cell Block H

onebatmother · 02/08/2008 13:08

the granny/singer look is very of the moment, my dear, in the metropolis...

Sidge · 02/08/2008 13:05

Those clothes are awful. Maybe it's the way they have been photographed but they look really cheap and shoddy, as if someone's granny has run them up on her clapped out old Singer in the dining room with fabric she picked up at a jumble sale in 1978.

They're so shapeless, don't they make you look like you're in a woman only prison?

onebatmother · 02/08/2008 13:01

I am a 36C and the large is absolutely fine, if I were 34B I would prob risk the medium for £15.

onebatmother · 02/08/2008 12:55

are you large in the upper region? That's the bit that would be tight-ish, if so.

ExterminAitch · 02/08/2008 12:49

if you wish to swap it for a wee-er one, i'd take that L off your hands. i'm a 14-16 so i don't think i could go to the smaller size. what do you think?


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onebatmother · 02/08/2008 12:46

this is a L and it says that is a 14 equivalent, but actually, and perhaps because of the bagginess, it's rather generous I fear.

ExterminAitch · 02/08/2008 12:37

actually, boo. it's not available in a large. hoxty how weird are the sizes, really?

ExterminAitch · 02/08/2008 12:34

i fancy the bell-end sleeve one myself, tbh. it'll be great in winter. what's the postage like?

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