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Does anyone else have to wash their hair every day??

102 replies

Kolarola · 26/02/2020 22:35

I'm approaching 40 but I have to wash my hair every day else its greasy! I know its not good for my hair though. Does anyone find dry shampoo works?

OP posts:
Ocies · 28/02/2020 11:47

I wash mine every day. The only time I didn't have to was when I was pregnant and it definitely looked better the day after washing, but that phase didn't last long. I cannot get on with dry shampoo at all.

Ideasplease123 · 28/02/2020 11:50

Yes I do! I try to keep away from conditioning everytime though. The back of my head is horrible once slept on I always get a wild parting crown

Kuponut · 28/02/2020 11:59

Used to have to - but since I started bleaching it regularly it's now much less oily than it used to be (doesn't look dry as it's short and so regularly trimmed it doesn't get the chance to be) and now it's much more obliging the day after I've washed it. Like others I had very fine hair which was just an uncooperative pain in the arse and my colouring habit's got it much more obliging.

bingowingsmcgee · 28/02/2020 12:40

Yes I wash my hair every day and if I skip a day I always regret it and feel saggy. Phillip what's his face the trichologist says it's absolutely fine, in fact quite beneficial, to wash greasy hair every day. Hate the boring 'oh don't wash it every day you'll strip the natural oils' logic. Your hair is dead fgs, it doesn't care about natural oils! So long as your scalp is happy that's all that matters. And a clean scalp is happier than a clogged greasy one.

CloudsCanLookLikeSheep · 28/02/2020 14:05

I can stretch to 2 days but no more. It's a pain and I get scalp psoriasis too which means I can only use certain shampoos.

TableNiner · 28/02/2020 20:41

My hair changes colour and goes much darker (not a good look as I am pasty) if I don’t wash it every day. It’s slightly better now I am in my forties and having my hair bleached also dries it out. I deliberately keep it longer so I can tie it back and just wash the fringe the second day.

I read on here you are supposed to use dry shampoo on day 1 to get the second day, ie not wait until the second day when it’s too late!

paleontologist22 · 28/02/2020 20:47

I used to wash my hair every day and hated it. I stopped washing first daily and did it every other day. And then after a few weeks added in another day. Now I can go up to 10 days without washing my hair and it would still be acceptable when I go out. I use a spray or two of dry shampoo daily and run my hairdryer on my hair for 30 secs or so and it's fine.

I also use the lush seaweed shampoo bar which strips it of all the grease as I live in an area with really soft water and my hair literally used to look like I'd dipped it in oil as soon as I'd got out the shower!

MrsGrindah · 28/02/2020 20:50

I wash every day but have dry hair. However it is like a rats nest in the morning so have to wash to tame it. Really would love to wash it less but just can’t face the world. Have to.blow dry and straighten too.

LaurieFairyCake · 28/02/2020 20:52

My hair is not greasy and I have washed it every day for the last 40 plus years

It's in perfect condition. I have it highlighted every six weeks, it's fine.

wasgoingmadinthecountry · 28/02/2020 21:14

I have the worst hair ever. Really really fine and flyaway with no body at all. I teach small children so don't feel the need to blow dry it but it needs to be clean. I need it cutting but it never looks better after - blow dry doesn't work. Luckily my children all have lovely luscious locks - nos 2 and 4 always have their fab hair commented on by hairdressers (they are grown up now).

Ellapaella · 28/02/2020 21:40

I have to wash everyday as I get itchy flaky scalp. I cannot use any product at all in my hair as it makes it worse. It's an absolute nightmare as it takes ages to dry and I have to straighten it or it is a big frizzy mess.

VanillaSpiceCandle · 28/02/2020 21:40

I’m in the same boat. I think people who advise you need to train your hair by washing it less have no idea how greasy it can get. I also have naturally blonde hair which I think makes it look much worse. I dyed it a mid brown in the past and it definitely looked less greasy.

I’ve tried all of the high street brand shampoos and can’t seem to see much difference. I am tempted to try silicone and sulphate free but most seem to be advertised for dry/frizzy/colour damaged hair and I’m worried it’ll be too moisturising and will just make the problem worse. Does anyone have any recommendations please?

NiteFlights · 29/02/2020 08:04

@VanillaSpiceCandle I use L’Oreal Botanics lavender for fine hair. I’m not saying it’s the world’s best or anything, but I like it.

Franticbutterfly · 29/02/2020 08:51

I wash mine every day because I look like worzel gummage when I wake up.

MyOtherProfile · 29/02/2020 09:05

I have to wash everyday as I get itchy flaky scalp

I wonder if this is self perpetuating.

slipperywhensparticus · 29/02/2020 09:12

I was mine daily it's just nasty when I dont

Ellapaella · 29/02/2020 09:19

@MyOtherProfile I have psoriasis on my scalp. I have to use poly tar shampoo or neutrogena T gel. On the times I haven't washed everyday I've had visible flakes in my hair and the itching has been a lot worse, almost unbearable. Having visible flakes in my hair isn't acceptable to me so I prefer to wash everyday.

HermioneWeasley · 29/02/2020 09:22

I’ve washed mine every day for pretty much my whole life. It’s very fine and goes lank and greasy if I leave it.

Usually not a problem, but I’ve just had my eyebrows microbladed and have to keep them dry for 10 days.....

Franticbutterfly · 29/02/2020 09:53

10 days!!! I wouldn’t be able to cope!

FartnissEverbeans · 29/02/2020 10:07

I have really long, thick, coarse hair that takes ages to wash and dry (almost an hour with the hairdryer). It needs to be washed every day - or it did, until I discovered dry shampoo.

Dry shampoo has changed my life! I love it! In fact I actually prefer my hair on a dry shampoo day (I use it every other day) because I like the volume and texture it gives.

@SpeckledyHen You sound weird. Nobody’s giving out medals for washing your hair every day just because you want to - because nobody cares

VanillaSpiceCandle · 29/02/2020 10:12

Thanks @NiteFlights I’ll give that one a go. I don’t mind trying anything from the high street as it’s money I’d spend anyway. Fingers crossed!

Winterlife · 29/02/2020 10:14

Yes, in my 50’s, have always had to wash it daily. It’s become worse with age. As I can work from home, I have tried skipping a day and it makes no difference. Dry shampoos don’t work for me.

Like a poster above I too was hospitalized for over 10 days. No effect.


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MyOtherProfile · 29/02/2020 13:34

@Ellapaella wow that sounds really tough.

MyOtherProfile · 29/02/2020 13:35

@drigon Sorry, I missed your question. I have halved how often I wash my hair by using any of the lush shampoo bars. My hair just isn't as greasy with them.

Todayissunny · 29/02/2020 13:43

Like @myotherprofile I have been using solid shampoo bars for a while now and have gone from washing at least once every day to 2 or 3 times a week. Could probably leave it longer though.
I started with Lush but found a fabulous small producer where I live (not uk). Just search and try different things. I can't stand using liquid shampoo now.

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