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Does anyone else have to wash their hair every day??

102 replies

Kolarola · 26/02/2020 22:35

I'm approaching 40 but I have to wash my hair every day else its greasy! I know its not good for my hair though. Does anyone find dry shampoo works?

OP posts:
BoswellsBollocks · 26/02/2020 23:32

Northernsoullover it’s shocking isn’t it?!

It’s a bit a family trait unfortunately. My dad had greasy, fine hair he’d have to wash daily and my eldest DS is the same now.

YorkshirePud1 · 26/02/2020 23:32

I have fine hair that goes greasy if not washed every day. I don't mind though, I don't feel clean unless I've washed it and love being able to smell my shampoo all day. I also don't think it's necessarily true it's bad for your hair - it depends on the individual's hair type and mine is definitely not damaged from washing it every day.

MiniGuinness · 26/02/2020 23:33

Wow northern you call speckledy rude, but look at what you wrote to Boswells. I agree with speckledy because dirty hair really smells. But those who only shower for a minute probably don’t notice that. 😂

YappityYapYap · 26/02/2020 23:38

I'm a wash my hair everyday day person too! My hair gets so greasy if it isn't washed in the morning. I can't even wash it the night before because it goes greasy over night! I've fought against it for many years, tried all sorts to try and be able to wash it every second day etc but nothing works. It just needs washed everyday and I've accepted that now. I've managed to get my shower, teeth brushing, getting dressed and doing hair and make up down to about 35 minutes in the morning so I do have the time. My hair dries very quickly with the hair dryer and only needs a quick straighten as it's naturally quite straight

Lexilooo · 26/02/2020 23:38

I used to, then I stopped using products containing sulphates and silicones and my hair became much less greasy and feels in better condition. I wash it with conditioner now no shampoo at all and it looks fine on day 3!

chesterfuckingdrorrs · 26/02/2020 23:40

I used to, now I wash every 2/3 days. I wear my hair up a lot of the time so I can get away with leaving it a bit longer without it looking too bad.

If I use dry shampoo I put it on before I go to bed to give it a chance to really work in and only use a light spray in the morning when I'm getting ready.

Lynda07 · 26/02/2020 23:40

Washing hair every day is not bad for you at all, particularly if you keep it short. I used to wash mine each morning before work and if I was gong out in the evening, would wash it again. It was just nicer freshly washed. I don't always bother now I'm at home but it could do with more frequent washing.

CherryPavlova · 26/02/2020 23:44

I can’t shower without getting my hair wet. I can’t imagine not washing it every day.

TheNoodlesIncident · 26/02/2020 23:57

I have been thinking of starting a thread titled Is Your Hair As Crap As Mine I Bet It's Not...

It's the same old story; fine and flyaway (AKA frizzy) and greasy enough to make a daily wash essential. I can look in the mirror some 22/23 hours after washing it and see the roots are sticking together and it no longer looks clean.

It doesn't matter what shampoo I use, the result is always the same. And it looks shit if I don't blow dry and if it's remotely humid outside it explodes into a dandelion clock at 12 (as Terry Pratchett said). So even more naff. The straighteners will help with the humidity if it's not too high, but using straighteners every day is not ideal and I always have split ends, even though I get it trimmed every six weeks.

The most annoying thing by far about it is that when I was pregnant, it sorted itself out and wasn't greasy at all, I only washed it once a week. Even then I only did it because I thought it must need washing by now! It didn't have split ends either. So, now I know it can do it if it tries! It obviously just chooses not to. Angry At the moment I only give it one wash, no rinse and repeat, because I'm going to be doing it all again in a few hours anyway, else I will look like I'm channelling Medusa. So fed up with it!

Sorry for the whinge, it was quite cathartic.

wafflyversatile · 27/02/2020 00:03

I used to have to or my hair would be lanky by 3pm the next day. The last year or so that has not been the case. Menopause I suppose.

Dry shampoo only works if you do it before bed, not in the morning.

Bluewater1 · 27/02/2020 00:07

Yep every bloody day. Does my head in. So greasy though so no option

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 27/02/2020 00:14

Yeah I do because like a pp it's strong and thick and looks a state if I don't.

I've also got to that time of life where I don't feel fresh if I don't wash my hair everyday.

happymummy12345 · 27/02/2020 00:39

I don't need to wash mine every day. I wash mine every 3 days usually. I have naturally curly hair that goes frizzy when it's washed if I don't straighten it. So I'm glad I don't need to wash it daily. I cba tbh.

Miljea · 27/02/2020 12:17

"then I stopped using products containing sulphates and silicones"

Could people share exactly what products they use and where they buy them from?

oohnicevase · 27/02/2020 13:51

Shit that must be so annoying .. I wash mine every 5 days or so and find that tedious and it's never greasy , just dry .
Can you break the cycle by leaving it and seeing it what happens ? I'm sure I read somewhere that greasy hair shouldn't be washed daily .. not sure exactly how you break out of the washing cycle though !

NiteFlights · 27/02/2020 13:53

I wash mine every day, sometimes twice if I’ve been DIYing. It’s very fine and is very quick to wash and dry. I can’t bear the feeling when I haven’t washed it and though it’s not mega greasy, it sticks up oddly round the crown. I don’t like showering without washing my hair.

I use L’Oreal Botanics @Miljea, i get it from Boots. It’s improved the condition of my hair but I still wash every day.

lynsey91 · 28/02/2020 09:23

I am in my 60's and have washed my hair every day since I was about 14.

It is greasy but it's not just that. It sticks out everywhere in the morning and it's easier to wash it.

My hair is very short now and I am used to washing it (I did it when it was almost waist length). I shower and wash my hair in about 4 minutes.

I like it to feel clean. Also hairdressers say my hair is in very good condition so it obviously doesn't damage it. One hairdresser said "you wash your face every day so why on earth would you not wash your hair"

slipperyeel · 28/02/2020 09:31

Yep every day. It’s weird as my scalp gets dry but my hair gets greasy. Can’t stand the feel of it without a daily wash.

BorneoBabe · 28/02/2020 09:32

I used to be this way. My hairdresser kept telling me I needed to 'train' my hair to not get so greasy. It took about a year, but I can now go 2 days without a shampoo. It's not GREAT, but it's passable.

RanchoRelaxo · 28/02/2020 09:39

I used to! And honestly if I didnt wash it daily it would be itchy, greasy and gross. I dont really remember what made me stop, but I started to leave it for every other day, then when I got pregnant a few years back my hormones must have changed and now I can go 2/3 days without washing it, which is so much easier!

Carnabie · 28/02/2020 10:01

I have washed mine every other day for years (at least 8 years possibly more) and it’s still gross on day two (see picture) and by the end of the second day I’m ready to claw my scalp off. In my last pregnancy I was able to go down to washing twice a week but as soon as the baby was out I had to do it every other day again. Dry shampoo makes me itch and gives me oozing sores on my scalp so I’m allergic to something in it. Going silicone free made no difference other than making my hair frizzier (tried for over 9 months). Bar shampoo didn’t stop the grease but made my hair feel heavy and kind of stuck it together. Every other day is my compromise.

Does anyone else have to wash their hair every day??
dayslikethese1 · 28/02/2020 11:03

Honestly it annoys me when people go on about leaving it and it will sort itself out. If that was true I would have had great hair when I was younger because my DM was convinced once a week was enough (she had greasy hair herself as well but now seems to have realised the error of her ways). I can get away with every other day and dry shampoo in between; I only use shampoo and occasionally tiny bit of conditioner on the ends only. If I use any other products it goes greasy instantly (all those volumising sprays and things seem to be nonsense). I rotate shampoos in my bathroom as it seems like my hair gets too used to them otherwise; it honestly doesn't seem to make much difference which ones I use though weirdly I find Head and Shoulders quite good for the grease even though I don't have scalp issues.


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dayslikethese1 · 28/02/2020 11:05

Whenever I buy a slightly more expensive shampoo I tend to regret it as often they seem to make my hair more greasy (especially the ones aimed at volumising weirdly, I don't know why) It seems like shampoos aimed at dandruff work for greasy hair; does anyone else find this?

LilyJade · 28/02/2020 11:31

If I don't wash my hair every day my hair looks awful - the roots look greasy as does the underneath & the ends look dry!
Dry shampoo doesn't work for me.
I'm 43 but tbh I've always had the same problem.
Also my hair is really fine so it looks best when it's just been dried.

Occasionally it looks good the next morning if the weather is rainy & has made my hair go curly...

idontwanttogoooooooooooo · 28/02/2020 11:45

Yeah, tried last baby to do every other and I just looked so greasy. I stuck with it to see and I had to go back to everyday after a few months. My hair looks wet otherwise at the roots. It makes me look like I have bad root growth, but I don't dye my hair.

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