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Shall we see if we can fill a thread with nice things from M&S?

179 replies

MumBod · 11/02/2017 13:30

There must be some...

OP posts:
GertyTheGert · 13/02/2017 23:51

Gosh I was surprised to read someone thought tunic type tops were FRUMPY??! I have three 1960s type ones from M&S (obvs not recently but...) and they are very smart/dare I say trendy! I've seen similar in other shops but they are a tad longer (to the bottom of the knee) which I think has the frumpy look! M&S HAS suddenly (very recently) taken to calling tops tunics when they are actually frumpy tshirt type tops, so it could be the other "threader" is thinking of them. M&S also keep saying stupid things like "skater dress" when the garment blatantly isnt anything like a skater dress!!! And shell top is another misnomer they use for another bluddie tshirt - why do they do this? It doesnt make the shite clothes any better!!!!!

OneDayIWish · 14/02/2017 00:17

I like this Autograph blouse. It isn't too short and the ties at the back make it a little different.

LiefieLiefie · 14/02/2017 11:54

I was the one who called tunics frumpy. I think it all depends on the length, the pattern and how you style them. Anything floral or paisley sort of style, I find very frumpy.

I think the first two pictures are massively, massively frumpy - based on the length, pattern and styled with jeans/unflattering trousers. I wouldn't call them trendy at all

The last one isn't frumpy to me, same if it was a plain top in a block colour.

Each to their own.

I know what you mean re M&S calling things by different names - the dresses that I have been raving about are labelled as tunics. I'm 5ft 9 and they hit just above my knee.

Shall we see if we can fill a thread with nice things from M&S?
Shall we see if we can fill a thread with nice things from M&S?
Shall we see if we can fill a thread with nice things from M&S?
CaraAspen · 14/02/2017 12:20

The tunics with leggings look is awful. I have never worn leggings because they are so not me. The third pic, I would call a striped t shirt/ sweatshirt - not a tunic

thenightsky · 14/02/2017 12:22

That first tunic with the massive pattern is pretty much what I lived in during my pregnancy in 1991!

Hoppinggreen · 14/02/2017 14:01

See oneday that blouse just about sums up the M&S designers to me.
They take a nice blouse and then add 2 additional design features too many. I liked it until I saw the back.
They need to stop with the " quirky" shit and perfect the basics

Horsemad · 14/02/2017 21:55

I went in M&S last week and couldn't find a single thing I liked. Now I know I'm super fussy, but everything and I mean EVERYTHING seemed to be polyester Angry

All absolutely hideous, IMO. M&S used to be my 'Go To' store for Workwear, but these days it's almost impossible to find anything worth buying...

RemusLupinsChristmasMovie · 14/02/2017 22:01

Melli I've got those skinny combats, or similar, in grey and in khaki - have worn them a lot. I really like that striped top too - am v find of a visible zip!

nostaples · 15/02/2017 08:56
70ontheinside · 15/02/2017 09:08

Was in our city centre M&S yesterday and they had given it a facelift. Chucked out half the stock, including everything nice, and left in all the rubbish.
Somebody upthread nailed it: they take a great basic and then add 2 unnecessary details which means I won't buy it any more Sad

BreatheDeep · 15/02/2017 09:15

Hopping agree, that's exactly it. I think Monsoon do that too

kneesupfatty · 16/02/2017 07:57

I was also in our nearest big M&S yesterday helping dh to buy some new work stuff. I couldn't find a single thing that I even wanted to try on, but dh bought a beautiful pure wool suit, a couple of cotton shirts, a couple of jumpers in either wool or cotton and an Autograph Mac. I was chatting to some other ladies in the changing room and we all agreed that, with womenswear, they need to follow the lead of what they do so well in menswear.

Laiste · 16/02/2017 09:44

NO long line vests in black at ours yesterday. sigh. Not one.

All their tops are soooo damn short. I saw a few tops which i might have liked IF they hadn't been as long as they were wide.

EggsEleven · 16/02/2017 16:47

I went into M&S today with my 20% off voucher and tried on the following

black jersey top

stripe slash neck top

[] jumper in black]]

All were disappointing and didn't sit quite right.

[] didn't even lift off rail as horrible material in real life]]

Ended up just buying a duvet set instead.

EggsEleven · 16/02/2017 16:48

Sorry about links - trying to feed DD as well
As post! Will try again later when I don't have a baby attached to me.

Heratnumber7 · 16/02/2017 16:58
Horsemad · 16/02/2017 20:00

I hate the bell shaped sleeves that everything has this season. Angry

Kr1stina · 16/02/2017 20:25

I like their boys slim fit school trousers for my skinny sons.

misiabella I glad to hear that you love M&S so much that you even joined Mumsnet to come and sing their praises.

thenightsky · 16/02/2017 20:36

I had a £19.50 credit note.

I got three bottles of cava and 30p change!

They have money off multiple buys of wine at the moment. The posters in the shop say 'buy six', but I got three bottles of £8 cava for £19.20.

smurfest · 16/02/2017 20:47

they do good tights - my Bodysensor 40D tights from there have lasted for ages and still look new.

probably missing the point...

Floisme · 17/02/2017 08:53

First the op is (twice) accused of being on the M&S payroll and now Kr1stina interrogating misiabella. Confused

I like some M&S stuff too so how about me?
Infiltrator perhaps? M&S Stasi?
Will I be sent away to Hush Camp for re-education?


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AmethystMoon · 17/02/2017 09:12

I've just ordered this silk shirt in navy and the sage colours, am hopeful as I like the pockets on the front. Also their silk is usually thick good quality.

Fozzleyplum · 17/02/2017 09:22

DH and I tend to use M&S for good quality neutral basics. I really like the fact that it's a British company and its ethical standards are high. However, I'm not in the habit of looking there for distinctive pieces, because of the way the shop is set out and the fact that much of the clothing is too fussy for my taste or is in synthetic fabrics.

We buy:
men's trousers
skinny, extra long school trousers for DS
jeggings for me
underwear (but not the bras- not a great fit IMO)
shoes for work as they do wide fit.
Clothes for DS2 (13), who is not concerned with fashion, but will wear only ethically-produced clothes.

I tend to buy "higher end" tops - Scottish cashmere jumpers, and silk shirts.

This thread has made me think, though, that if I can be bothered to navigate the confusing layout, there are some plainer, good quality, things I'd like.

JohnCheese · 17/02/2017 09:27

I'm with you Flo on the Hush love. I don't get it. It's fine, some things are v nice but just a few bits. Certainly not worthy of the immense live it gets IMO.

I'm buying [[ this bag] with ma 20% off. For the summer. Prib a tad over-priced but perfect for me for summer.

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