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I've tried and failed to get past skinny jeans

34 replies

HalfStar · 06/11/2016 11:49

But I can't. Just given in and ordered yet another pair. Hmm

I LOVE the look of mom/straight-leg anything 90s and high waisted, but I just cannot get the look right, it's so cold here I have to wear socks and the socks fall down and it's really uncomfortable.

I'll be wearing looser-fit jeans in summer with sandals but for winter I'm afraid it's still skinnies all the way.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
HalfStar · 07/11/2016 11:19

ooh those socks are gorgeous. I actually ordered a couple of pairs from Zara Men to see if they'd stay up better with my rolled up mom jeans, will report back...

OP posts:
niminypiminy · 07/11/2016 11:11

Followed a link on En Brogue and am now fantasising about spending a ridiculous amount of money on socks from Oybo.

Believeitornot · 07/11/2016 08:21

I have massive feet. Skinny legs and super skinny ankles.

I will not give up my skinny jeans. Although as I get older I feel I want to be comfortable. So have been switching to knitted dresses and thick leggings/tights.

Bliss. I can move that bit more without having to breathe in when I sit down (although the Next high waisted skinnies are fab)

Floisme · 07/11/2016 08:17

You're right niminy this thing about socks being invisible is absolutely crazy and I can't believe I've fallen for it. Blush It's like saying gloves mustn't be on show.

CallarMorvern · 06/11/2016 22:53

I feel I repeat myself on jeans threads, but skinny jeans look ridiculous on me as I have huge feet and the tightness on the ankles makes me feel a bit queasy. Skinny kickflares or baby bootlegs all the way here. Plus, I can still remember the skinny jeans of my youth, we called them drainpipes and the ankles had to be less than a certain measurement or else you weren't cool.

clumsyduck · 06/11/2016 22:23

There are other cuts of jeans ?? Grin actually Iv been toying with the idea of getting some looser straight fit jeans . Living on the edge over here 😂

AnyFucker · 06/11/2016 22:19

That site is great, niminy

niminypiminy · 06/11/2016 22:01

I'm wondering what's wrong with socks.

I've never worn jeans tucked into boots, doesn't suit me, but isn't that look a bit dated now? (Actually I think it was dated some years ago.)

In any case I don't see why there should be this sock phobia. I wear straight jeans, a little rolled up, with trainers or shoes and socks, and I haven't developed hypothermia or terminal style-death. Lots of rolled up/cropped/7/8ths trousers with socks on En Brogue - scroll down to latest Instagram photos.

Floisme · 06/11/2016 21:56

HalfStar I've worn them with a plain shirt (cotton but silk would be lovely) or a V neck cashmere jumper. Basically something fairly plain and just a little bit slouchy but not oversized cos that would swamp me.
Brogues on my feet. Then taxi or car as soggy hems aren't fun!

This is the kind of effect I'm after .... in my dreams.

I've tried and failed to get past skinny jeans
FlopIsMyParentingGuru · 06/11/2016 20:22

I wear straight leg jeans. If I go down a size then on my chunky legs they look slim fit without clinging too much.

HalfStar · 06/11/2016 20:16

I really love the sort of dusty tomboyish thing you get with high waist mom/girlfriend/straight jeans rolled up in summer with bare ankles. Just in winter.

judy your outfits always sound lovely (stalker Grin) so I'm pleased it's not just me who hasn't figured out a fix for this ankle issue!

OP posts:
HalfStar · 06/11/2016 20:12

Flo velvet widelegs for fancy sounds lovely and definitely something I could get behind. What tops do you wear with?

Yeah it's just the practicalities of everyday coming into play really, a mix of weather and lifestyle (I WFH a lot and kids are young). I'll get over it!

OP posts:
Floisme · 06/11/2016 19:03

Fuzzy Have you got any at the back of the cupboard from 8-10 years ago? That's what I'm wearing at the moment. They still have a bit of lycra (I'm not a fan of pure old school denim - too many bad memories) but they're more relaxed and they haven't got that overstuffed look.

(Only snag is some of them are comically low waisted.)

Fuzzypeggy · 06/11/2016 18:56

Can anyone recommend any skinnies which are made of less stretchy fabric, more like old school denim, so that they look more relaxed and less sprayed on?

MontanaSkies · 06/11/2016 18:26

Yep - exactly the same here. I look enviously at the cool students in my town in their high waisted, wide leg/ looser fit jeans, but now it's getting cold I'm planning to buy yet more skinnies to go with boots and warm socks.

Only difference is I'm avoiding too much elastane these days and going for a slightly less skin-tight skinny. More relaxed and thicker denim. Will dabble in different shapes when spring's here. Until then will continue people-watching to see if anyone's perfected a winter friendly non-skinny formula I can shamelessly copy.

GizmoFrisby · 06/11/2016 18:17

I love skinnies. I only wear boyfit jeans in summer. Can't imagine not having them

Bluntness100 · 06/11/2016 18:13

Me too on the skinnies, although I'm thinking of dragging my straight and boot cuts out of hibernation . I can't do any other type though boyfriends on me and loose or, high waisted on me just look stupid. 😞😞😞

Imsickofnamechanging · 06/11/2016 18:02

*goofy Well I have got a choice I suppose, a choice not wear jeans at all. But that's not a choice for me iyswim, I do love jeans but just not skinnies and there's no other choice in the shops.

GoofyTheHero · 06/11/2016 17:58

I wear them as I've got no choice

Why have you got no choice?

AnyFucker · 06/11/2016 17:48

I can manage the "girlfriend" shape but otherwise it's skinnies for me too

Bertucci · 06/11/2016 17:46

I love skinnies. I cant see me wearing anything else.

Flares, bootcut and anything else just looks bloody awful imo.

Imsickofnamechanging · 06/11/2016 17:43

I hate skinnies with a passion. They feel like I'm in a contraption and just feel tight and uncomfortable, I wear them as I've got no choice but can't wait to fling them off and free my legs as soon as I get home. Hate all all the skinny jogging bottoms as well.


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MrsLogicFromViz · 06/11/2016 17:40

I love skinnies too, despite having a couple of Ikea Pax wardrobe shelves packed full of denim of all shapes, washes and styles.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 06/11/2016 14:32

Pretty much live in sknnies here, although I've also got some cotton skinny combats which I like and which I might have to layer over leggings soon, as they are only summer weight.

Judydreamsofhorses · 06/11/2016 14:12

In summer I wear mom jeans, cropped flares, dungarees - all rolled up with bare ankles and trainers or brogues, occasionally sandals. In winter all of those look daft - on me at least - with boots, so it's skinnies all the way.

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