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Wedding dress help. I don't really like wedding dresses!

39 replies

CoffeeAtLukes · 20/09/2016 23:08

Please can anyone give me ideas of where to look?

I like the things at needle and thread but nothing is quite right. They are definitely in the right direction though.

I like simple clothes, nothing too patterned or fussy. Definitely nothing strapless. I'd like to wear a light colour but it doesn't have to be white. I'm sort of picturing a very pale yellow but that might just be a pipe dream.

OP posts:
CoffeeAtLukes · 21/09/2016 12:37

We haven't actually decided yet little Blush but it's between two that are very similar so the dress would work with either.

It sounds stupid but I think dp would be bemused if I turned up in some big white dress but with the green one I can see him thinking "yeah, that's her"

OP posts:
margiebargie · 21/09/2016 12:10
margiebargie · 21/09/2016 12:08

Can't stop. Here's a sale bargain.
What would be your ideal shape?

Littleallovertheshop · 21/09/2016 12:00

I love both the dress and the thought of it for a laid back Scottish affair. If it won't out you, what's your venue?

CoffeeAtLukes · 21/09/2016 11:58

They are all lovely margie. I hadn't seen that website before. I like the last one but I tend to carry my weight on my hips so bodycon shape doesn't really suit me.

OP posts:
margiebargie · 21/09/2016 11:55
margiebargie · 21/09/2016 11:53

God I love loads of the dresses on this site, wish I was planning my wedding.
How about 20s style?

margiebargie · 21/09/2016 11:49
margiebargie · 21/09/2016 11:46
CoffeeAtLukes · 21/09/2016 11:27

I just think white dresses are too formal for me. It's going to be quite a laid back affair.

I'm going to order the asos one to try on. I feel like it's very me. A lot of dresses I look at I like but couldn't imagine actually myself wearing.

OP posts:
PeachMelba78 · 21/09/2016 11:09

I love the ASOS one. I wore purple, I love coloured dresses!

CoffeeAtLukes · 21/09/2016 11:04

I hadn't thought about ghost blu, thanks. I'll look now.

OP posts:
wowfudge · 21/09/2016 07:24

Thistles and green will work fine OP. The stems and the outer layers are green.

Blu · 21/09/2016 00:07

Have you looked at Ghost?

CoffeeAtLukes · 21/09/2016 00:05

My boobs are quite small. I'm breastfeeding dd2 at the moment so they are a bit bigger but I'm sure they'll shrink down again.

I'm also excited about the thistles mango. Not sure how they would go with the green...

OP posts:
KentMum2008 · 20/09/2016 23:54

Ahhh my DP is wearing a kilt when we get married. I'm not Scottish but I'm so excited at the prospect of thistles in my bouquet and tartan ribbons in DDs hair.

PaperdollCartoon · 20/09/2016 23:53

I love that OP! So unusual but actually still looks quite weddingy. Both those Marchessa ones are stunning as well. I say wear whatever you want, break the mold!

KentMum2008 · 20/09/2016 23:53

I think that's beautiful! Definitely not a traditional wedding dress. How big are your boobs? Sounds like an odd question, but looking at that dress there's very little in the way of room for big babylons 😂

CoffeeAtLukes · 20/09/2016 23:46

I'm in Scotland.

I'm not adverse to grey. I wear it a lot in fact! Grey would look nice with the colours in dp's kilt actually.

What do people think of this I sort of love it but I have looked at about 5000 pictures of dresses today so have started to go a bit crazy I think.

OP posts:
KentMum2008 · 20/09/2016 23:46

Sorry, I'm done now!

Let us know if you find something OP Smile

KentMum2008 · 20/09/2016 23:46

This is pretty, short again.

Or any of these Maids to Measure, all pale colours but no yellow...

KentMum2008 · 20/09/2016 23:40

Or this coast yellow one. Shorter length, and quite lacy but still fairly understated I'd say...


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KentMum2008 · 20/09/2016 23:39

What are your feelings on grey? This one by mint velvet is beautiful. Elegant without being showy, a little embellished but not overkill.

Stevie77 · 20/09/2016 23:35

Where are you based? There's a great bridal shop where I live and she often has colour wedding dresses on display, as well as other really funky wedding dresses. It's in south Manchester.

CoffeeAtLukes · 20/09/2016 23:31

All the outnet ones are lovely in fact. I do like sleeves on a dress. I'm worried yellow and sleeves might be too much though.

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