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Am I too old and chubby to wear a tutu?

28 replies

MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:16

Well, not quite a tutu but one of the tulle midi skirts from Elsie's attic! Thinking of getting one to wear to the Races...was thinking of a pale blue one with a simple black Bardot top. The only thing is I'm a shortish size 16...but I love them! I'm 35, should I know better? I'm not convinced they're very flattering.

OP posts:
notagiraffe · 24/06/2016 22:18

Wear what you like, when you like. It doesn't sound flattering but it does sound fun. Clothes are not just about being as slimming as possible. Well, tutus definitely aren't! Grin

PacificDogwod · 24/06/2016 22:18

"Flattering'? I don't really get that phrase.

Tutus are cute.
If cute is your style, go for it whether they are flattering or not Grin

PurpleDaisies · 24/06/2016 22:19

I think it depends on the cut. If they puff out at the waist they're not very flattering but if it's more of a swingy one I think they look really pretty.

Could you try one and see?

MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:26

I've left it a little late as I need the outfit for next weekend. Has anyone seen any on the high street that I could try? I reckon I could get away with it as have a couple of 50's style flared midi skirts that channel
my inner Sandy from Grease but I'm trying to accept I'm chunkier than I'd ideally like to be but fed up of defining my clothing choices and hiding in black swing dresses! Thinking along the lines of something like this with pretty flat sandles and a very plain top.

Am I too old and chubby to wear a tutu?
OP posts:
MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:29

Sandals even! Oh the shame Blush

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ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 24/06/2016 22:29

You do realise the models in your pics are 5 foot 9 and a size 8?

AmberNectarine · 24/06/2016 22:31

I have one. I am 5'5 and a size 6-8. it makes me look wide - I wear it with a crop top to show I have a waist!

PurpleDaisies · 24/06/2016 22:32

If you're wearing flats you might need to be a bit careful with the length. Those are all very pretty skirts that would look lovely with a plain top.

MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:33

Haha hmm when you put it like that! What do we think about this? From Elsie's Attic

Am I too old and chubby to wear a tutu?
OP posts:
MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:35

I think I'm leaving the tutu alone! I know you're right about the wide look, I do love them but maybe best for me to admire from afar! The search continues

OP posts:
MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:36

Thanks Purple. I think I'd be a little swamped as it's the midi length I'm comfortable with with bare legs and I think with flats I'll look dumpy! They are lovely but maybe not for me!

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maggiethemagpie · 24/06/2016 22:42
MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:43

I like that a lot! And it's not as voluminous. Great find Maggie, thank you!

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MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:45

Bugger, they only go up to a size 14, maybe that's fate telling me to leave the tutus alone.

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AmberNectarine · 24/06/2016 22:54

That's the one I have (the needle and thread) and they come up small.

MrsTatum1980 · 24/06/2016 22:59

I'm stepping away from the tutus. The more I look the more I realise you need slim legs poking out or a tiny, toned waist, as I don't possess either of those attributes I'll just look on enviously at people in them! I'm jealous Amber Smile

OP posts:
AmberNectarine · 24/06/2016 23:05

Honestly, I don't look that good in it, I just like it!

maggiethemagpie · 24/06/2016 23:07

Yeah N and T are great if you're skinny, not so much if you're not. I had to starve myself for weeks to fit into one of their dresses for my wedding, and it was in their largest size. Bloody worth it though.

LondonStill83 · 24/06/2016 23:12

Op I am a short 16 (though have a nice hourglass figure) and tried on a few outfits similar to those in your first photo and looked REALLY BAD.

And I normally really suit dresses and 50s style...

If that helps!

YouMakeMyDreams · 24/06/2016 23:15

Don't say that if you love them go for it. I got one from China off of amazon that got good reviews. Half the Elsie's at tick price and their sizing put me off. I'm a size 14/16 Apple shape so I look like Mavis from willow the wisp in it but my god do I love my tutu. I'm going to Paris next week and if I can't wear one their I never will Grin

PacificDogwod · 24/06/2016 23:23

Would any of these dresses suit?
Not a tutu in sight, but you could add a lovely petticoat to most of them Wink

bettybroccoli · 25/06/2016 09:20

This one is flattering - I have it, although would never wear it with the weirdly baggy top like the model has!


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Buttwing · 25/06/2016 09:26

I've just ordered at tulle skirt to wear for a christening. I'm 5"7 and a size 12 it is THE most unflattering thing that I have put on my body! You need to be seriously thin to carry it off.

MrsTatum1980 · 25/06/2016 10:37

Makemydreams- I believe it is compulsory to wear a tutu whilst in Paris!
Betty- I'll have a look in Zara, I'd never have noticed that one due to the god awful top and jacket they've put it with!
And Pacific- I have a couple of the Lindybop style dresses already but will have another look, I've found their materials are a bit hit and miss! I think I'm going to stick to this style though as I know I feel comfortable in them and the big skirts hide a multi due of sins Smile

OP posts:
mogloveseggs · 25/06/2016 10:44

Oasis have some gorgeous stuff in at the moment.

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