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When are skinny jeans going to die?

112 replies

RoganJosh · 20/06/2016 11:48

I really want to create a capsule wardrobe/uniform but surely we're seeing the end of skinny jeans soon? I think if my jeans were slim/boyfriend then I need different shape tops.
It feels like skinny jeans are going, but that's not reflected in what's in the shops.
Anyone got a crystal ball/an idea of how to handle this distressing issue?! Wink

OP posts:
Floisme · 21/06/2016 19:44

I think we've just forgotten how long it takes for jeans to change. Plus skinnies always hang around for longer than flares because they're much more practical.

I'm back in straight leg too. Really like them.

AddToBasket · 21/06/2016 19:48

Totally agree that practicality is keeping them alive. So much easier to hoik on wellies...

I bought some high waisted flares. I wear them sometimes but I kind of feel like they are wearing me. Skinny jeans are less demanding.

MangoMoon · 21/06/2016 19:48

I've been in straight leg & boyfriend jeans for about a year or so now, I have long ever so slightly bootcut for a bit less casual going out.

Proper to the ankle/shoe skinny jeans have long had their day already I think - skinny but with enough give after the calf so they can be folded up to cropped are a bit more current.

PolaroidsFromTheBeyond · 21/06/2016 19:51

I like skinnies for the simple reason that you can tuck them into boots when the weather is crap (which is often, let's face it) and so avoid getting your jeans wet. I spent a decade schlepping about in bootlegs that were sodden around the hem and I am not keen to go back!

Oblique27 · 21/06/2016 19:58

One person ( male or female) in 1000 looks good in skinny jeans but people obviously don't see what I see when they look at themselves in the mirror each morning

notamummy10 · 21/06/2016 20:01

Hopefully never, skinny jeans make my legs look good! (Well as good as they can be - they're tree trunks!)

PimmsIsMyDrinkOfChoice · 21/06/2016 20:03

I suspect they died the moment I bought a pair

usual · 21/06/2016 20:06

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MissRabbitHasTooManyJobs · 21/06/2016 20:34

I bought a pair from primark recently, really dark denim with a rip on each leg, they're the most comfortable and flattering jeans I've ever had, also are high waisted and stretchy, £10.
My best friend wears boot cut jeans with ballet Flats or trainers and they look horrible, really age her and she's 11 yrs younger than me. I dress younger and and she dresses older ( I'm 38 she's 27 ) boot cut do nothing for me and make me feel frumpy.

StickTheDMWhereTheSunDontShine · 21/06/2016 20:55

If oblique thinks I look bad in skinnies, then she hasn't seen me in anything else.

My legs are short and the only reasonably toned part of me. Boyfriend jeans tend to have more of a fat middle aged man look to them on me. Slim fit look chunky and don't tuck into boots properly. Forget anything with a bit of flare at the bottom.

And, in the end, I'm buggered if I'm going to stop wearing something that emphasises my best bits just because my best isn't good enough for the delicate sensibilities of the likes of oblique. They can stay indoors if they find the sight of most women so offensive.

UhtredRagnorsson · 21/06/2016 21:30

I look better in skinnier than I do in anything else. Maybe that's not saying much.

UhtredRagnorsson · 21/06/2016 21:30

SkinnieS bloody bloody iPad.

rollonthesummer · 21/06/2016 21:34

Never, I hope. I love them!

Glamourgates · 21/06/2016 21:44

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WhiteHairReally · 21/06/2016 21:49

Midlife Chic blog says, in reference to sales shopping.

'Remember that trouser shapes are changing fast- skinniest don't have much more life in them, you're better off aiming for a peg shape or at least a relaxed skinny/straight cut.'

candykane25 · 21/06/2016 21:52

There are a lot more alternatives now though. I wear relaxed skinnies and straight legs or cigarette cut now.
Skinnies are classic esp in summer turned up.

Floisme · 22/06/2016 07:04

I'm spending the summer in girlfriends, rolled up straightlegs or wider leg crops. God I'm enjoying it - I was bored rigid with skinnies. Yes, I may drift back to them when it's too cold for bare ankles, plus there are my two favourite jumpers to think of that don't work with anything else. But it's not enough ... I love autumn and winter clothes and I want to feel excited not, 'Oh, it's you.'

It feels like skinnies and I are in a dead relationship but we're still together because it's convenient and we don't know what to do about the dog.

NicknameUsed · 22/06/2016 07:18

"although trying to find skinny jeans that are actually skinny is a nightmare,"

You must have extremely slim legs then because the shops are full of utrs skinny skinny jeans.

I generally find that shops that are aimed at the teenage end of the market seem to have just skinny jeans, and maybe the odd boyfriend - New Look, Primark, Top Shop etc, whereas shops that target an older market or who just specialise in denim sell a variety of different styles of jeans - Next, Levi, any chain store or supermarket.

I own jeggings rather than skinnies because I find the extra give in them more comfortable. I also own a couple of pairs of slim straights and a relaxed skinny pair.

Ohchristmastreeohchristmastree · 22/06/2016 07:51

I also think skinny skinny has had its day. I like slightly relaxed skinny or slim leg - nothing really tight on the ankle. Although I go tighter in the winter (for boots).
I did bag a pair of flares last year and although I like the feel of them I felt like I was in fancy dress and did actually wear them as fancy dress this year!
I guess there could be a peak beard effect soon though

NicknameUsed · 22/06/2016 07:57

I don't think skinnies have had their day at all. Maybe my view is influenced as a parent of a teenager, because teenagers just aren't wearing any other style. All the shops are full of skinnies and shops aimed at teens only have skinnies. IMO they are here to stay for a while.

KittyKrap · 22/06/2016 08:07

I was an 11 year old punk, I hope they never die out!

I struggle with flares as I'm clumsy, one toe caught in the other foots flare when coming downstairs..peg leg scream "soccer mom" at me and as much as I'd love boyfriend jeans they make me look a good two sizes bigger than I am. The joys of hips. Oh and I refuse bootcut. And high waisted is a no-no if you ARE high waisted (camel toe) or have a belly button piercing, yep, still hanging onto that.

I'm sure they all look lovely on you lot!

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 22/06/2016 08:10

I hate skinny jeans. :(
Can't buy any just now, as can't get straight leg jeans easily. I did find some in one shop, but they only had them in size 12 and size 16 - I'm a 14 - so I bought one pair of the size 16s because I didn't think they looked too baggy, but after wearing them for a a while I realised that there's jsut too much fabric hanging around and they're uncomfortable. :(

Bootleg are my preferred cut. I'd like to see them back.


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ThumbWitchesAbroad · 22/06/2016 08:14

Should have said I'm in Australia so things are a little different here (although not as much as 20 years behind the times any more!)

Eastpoint · 22/06/2016 08:15

I have some flares that I love but they need heels & dry weather so I hardly wear them.

FrustratedFrugal · 22/06/2016 09:07

Around here (I'm in a Scandi capital), the ultra skinny trend has already died and tight lycra jeans look really dated. A looser straight / slightly tapered style looks fresher.

I'm loving my khaki chinos atm.

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