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When are skinny jeans going to die?

112 replies

RoganJosh · 20/06/2016 11:48

I really want to create a capsule wardrobe/uniform but surely we're seeing the end of skinny jeans soon? I think if my jeans were slim/boyfriend then I need different shape tops.
It feels like skinny jeans are going, but that's not reflected in what's in the shops.
Anyone got a crystal ball/an idea of how to handle this distressing issue?! Wink

OP posts:
Floisme · 23/06/2016 19:40

Sorry, chopped off a couple of words: ' .. to make us feel out of touch and irrelevant.'

Floisme · 23/06/2016 19:15

Pillows I agree, young people are not driving fashion at the moment. As a teenager in the 70s, I'd have chewed off my own arm before I dressed like my mum so I have to admit, I find it quite unsettling!

I think it's partly because young people have found other ways - e.g. technology - to make us irrelevant. And I do like it that I can still look reasonably modern even though I'm nearly 60. But the downside is that no-one's shaking things up and fashion is getting stale and frankly - I think - a bit dull. And we're reduced to arguing about a few square inches of denim. Grin

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 17:45

It's not like i don't like the shape of legs, or i don't know what legs look like etc It's just that i don't think that shape looks good under skin tight denim.

And 'Learn to like it' ? Err no. I didn't realise i had to like anything. It's perfectly okay to not like an item of clothing. It's not the person underneath i am criticising, just a type of garment.

StickTheDMWhereTheSunDontShine · 23/06/2016 17:30

Everyone either looks too fat or too skinny. There seems to be no point where someone's thighs are slim enough but their knees don't look too big and calves always appear too chunky or non existent.

IOW human shaped.

Learn to like it. It's the way we're made.

Fireflybaby · 23/06/2016 16:55

It doesn't bother that much for adults, it does my head in that I can't find "normal " trousers for my daughter. She hates wearing skirts and dresses or leggings so it's a real struggle to find trousers that are not skinny.

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 15:02

I would have thought Thumb, that something higher waisted would sort of hold it all in rather than having low rise with a muffin top? I feel much more uncomfortable and less secure with bulges over the top of trousers than with a nice tight held in feeling. What kinds of tops do you wear with the low rise jeans?

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 23/06/2016 14:31

Yes, I would have to agree that which jeans style cuts more into your middle is probably more dependent on yer actual middle than the jeans. As I said before, mine's an apple shape. Apple muffin, in fact. And therefore the high-rises are the worst for me. :(

Plus I don't like blue denim - nor solid black - washed out black is my preferred option (also currently not particularly fashionable or easy to find!!)

GlassCircles · 23/06/2016 13:03

Oh I had forgotten about combat trousers - how I loved them. They somehow didn't seem to move about (to the wrong places) as much as jeans, and suited my low-slung figure.

Agree re jeans being a nightmare on any kind of non-perfect non-standard human - look at Jeremy Clarkson.

Twinklestar2 · 23/06/2016 09:23

Never I hope! I love them. Smile

Judydreamsofhorses · 23/06/2016 09:22

I love a "mom" jean in the summer, and they're good for my shape (small waist but hippy), but I think they only look good - on me, at least - with a tucked in top and bare ankles. Otherwise I like a high-waisted, ankle-grazing skinny with Chelsea boots. Have recently discovered All-Saints Stilt and love them. I do agree that finding a "perfect" pair of jeans is really, really hard.

TheWindInThePillows · 23/06/2016 08:55

Flo I noticed that skinnies crosses the generations. I thought once middle-aged women like me wore skinnies, it might render them uncool and the youth would flee from them, but that doesn't seem to have happened. Both me and my dd wear skinnies as our staple wear.

TheWindInThePillows · 23/06/2016 08:53

I got roundly told off on a previous thread on skinnies when I pointed out that all the students at my uni (which attracts quite a wealthy crowd) ubiquitously wore skinnies- apparently what young people wear isn't what drives fashion.

I went recently to a huge venue packed with a slightly older crowd- and the skinny/blazer combo was favoured by 30-60 year old women too.

Skinnies are just not over, however much people want them to be!

Floisme · 23/06/2016 08:45

I may join you at the barricades MrsKoala - as soon as I've decided what to wear Grin

I think sooner or later young people will get their act together and we'll have another 60s moment, consigning jeans - and all who wear them - to fashion history. At least I hope so, even though I'll be swept away myself. I like watching what people wear and at the moment we've got 3 or 4 generations looking the same. It's boring.

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 08:18

Flo - Fashion needs us to be a bit miserable and always looking for something better. If it wanted us to look good it would want us in what suited us and was practical. Instead it wants us to keep buying more jeans which 'aren't quite right' and feed the denim beast. Otherwise how would they earn their money? What would writers gnash their teeth about twice a year? Grin Don't fall for it! Reject the hegemony of denim!!!!

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 08:15

Agree with Tate above - the high waist cut in less than the low rise on me as they pretty much stay where they are meant to be, rather than slipping down then cutting into low belly/hips when you sit (and muffin tops are uncomfortable). However you then have the hard seam round the fanny issue and unattractive bunching which gives an undesirable 'cunt triangle' (as my friends and i referred to it in the 90s).

I also find the length of a high waisted Mom jean difficult with shoes, as when I sit they shorten considerably (and pull on the knees unless there is lots of give which then changes the look also). So only shoes which require no socks and look fine with a lot of ankle showing and then it means are only really suitable for summer.

Floisme · 23/06/2016 08:09

I kind of know what you mean MrsKoala. In fact I'd just written a long post about how - even though I've worn jeans all my life and I'm slim and have ok legs and arse - I've never found a pair I was entirely happy with and... then I realised you'd beaten me to it Grin

I think you've made a very good point. As my mum might have said, we've been sold a pup.

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 08:00

It's not that i don't like jeans (i do have an odd relationship with them i admit Grin ) it's just that there are so many other trouser materials and styles out there (which i think are more practical and flattering) that i find it hard to understand the reign of denim at the expense of all these other things. To me denim is uncomfortable, much more so than a trouser with a lycra give etc, and it's not that flattering (if at all) to justify it's popularity.

Part of the fashion myth of jeans that make them so attractive is that they are so easy to wear, you just pull them on, look great and like you've made no effort and go (a bit like natural looks make up etc). the reality is that this is quite hard to achieve. There is a reason fashion writers see finding the perfect jean as a sartorial holy grail. Because it's hard. The reason it's hard is because loads of them look shit on our figures, yet we still try (me included), buying into this idea that we will just slip on a pair and look effortless and gorgeous. It's part of the temptation and frustration of the product.

I do think teenagers are different - they usually look great in everything! the bloody bastards Grin

NicknameUsed · 23/06/2016 07:35

I think jeans look fine on most people. As DD is a teenager I tend to notice what other teens are wearing, and nearly all of them look lovely in skinny jeans.

I think you just don't like jeans really.

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 07:18

No, I am London born and bred.

MrsKoala · 23/06/2016 07:16

Yes, eloquent, apart from with long/welly boots on in the winter/ rain I just think they don't look nice. Everyone either looks too fat or too skinny. There seems to be no point where someone's thighs are slim enough but their knees don't look too big and calves always appear too chunky or non existent. The balance of the leg just never looks right to me. And feet either look tiny or massive (my 8s look ridiculous).

It seems such a hard look to wear, I wonder why so many people do given how unforgiving they are. I even think they look shit on models. It's just such a bizarre silhouette to me.

NicknameUsed · 23/06/2016 07:11

I prefer higher waists as well. Mid and low rise just cut into me. I am pear shaped though so my waist is 12" smaller than my hips. My urrent favourites are a pair of relaxed skinny from M & S.

MrsKoala I assume from your name you don't live in the UK. Believe me, in our climate jeans are a pretty good option, except on the occasional really hot day when they are uncomfortable, and skinny jeans are even more uncomfortable in the heat.

Tate15 · 23/06/2016 06:52

Now I love high waisted jeans! The higher the better, I find the very comfy and they don't cut in for me!


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Tate15 · 23/06/2016 06:51

I'm wearing slim leg straight cut jeans this year, they make my legs look longer!

MumsTheWordYouKnow · 23/06/2016 06:50

I hope not. The idea of long jeans you have to faff around with and get just the right length so they look right is not something I want again and even with the right length they drag in puddles and end up fraying at the back very quickly. I've just got rid of a bag to charity vowing to never wear them again!

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 23/06/2016 01:11

Ah yes, the high waisted mum jeans. They are in here as the only alternative to skinnies. They have THREE buttons going up the waistband. THREE!

I like my mid-rise jeans because I can sit comfortably in them. I have a pair of highrise ones (perforce) and they cut into my belly. The idea of having three buttons cutting in is just too much! You wouldn't be able to sit down in them.

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