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Sheer Summer Tops, what Bra Colours?

32 replies

valerie123 · 08/08/2015 22:07

I assume a black bra is slutty, but a white one generally prints through more.

My DP doesn't want to see me in black.

Does it actually matter?

OP posts:
alongcamespiders · 10/08/2015 22:34

Brilliant thread: Endurance, Daddy Pig and The Slutty Black Straps.

Brings back memories of a recent thread, poss on relationships where a person was talking about weird bra scenarios and not wanting to ruin the mystic by letting people to see the upholstery or somesuch weirdness...

Anyway, ignore me, I'm just marking my place...

Bunbaker · 10/08/2015 21:24

"Plus another set of straps to endure?"

What kind of clothes do you wear that straps have to be "endured"? I don't have this problem and I only find a bra sweaty if it is 30 degrees+ outside.

Coastingit · 10/08/2015 20:53

Eek. Please wear whatever undies make you happy and ignore your DH.

Nude bras best - they're not remotely sexy but tbh that shockingly isn't always the first consideration when I pick my undies.

OttiliaVonBCup · 10/08/2015 20:15


Fine choice of word OP.

You can wear nothing underneath if you find some bras tarty.
Problem solved.

TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 10/08/2015 20:15

Um, since when has it been horrific to 'endure' straps?! Straps don't need enduring, if they do you're doing something wrong.

Wear a cami. Where do you live if you think a bra will make you sweaty under a sheer top?! For what it's worth, if I'm wearing a top that my bra can be seen through,even to a tiny degree (like a recent slubby t-shirt) I wear something underneath it. I don't boil though.

MrsMummyPig · 10/08/2015 20:10

Flesh coloured tshirt bra - not that obvious under most colours, no lace, no chicken fillets, no cami top and only one set of straps. Sorted.
I'd actually be more inclined to wear a lacy underwired plunge type wonder bra and ditch the husband

MaryBerrysEyelashes · 10/08/2015 20:05

oh god just a bra
we already said that

bawabod · 10/08/2015 20:04

ladies ladies ???!!!

valerie123 · 10/08/2015 19:58

If it's really hot, I basically want to wear just a very light and airy top, which will inevitably be quite sheer.

Any bra underneath is sweaty enough, but a cami or vest as well? Plus another set of straps to endure?

OP posts:
TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 09/08/2015 14:50

If you want to avoid your bra showing through and avoid looking tarty, wear a cami or vest top underneath rather than just a bra!

MaryBerrysEyelashes · 09/08/2015 14:28


"daddy pig do you like my bra"


mummypig3 · 09/08/2015 13:32

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Lj8893 · 09/08/2015 13:31

Your dp sounds like a twat!

Changebagsandgladrags · 09/08/2015 13:22

FFS her name is bloody fucking Mummy Pig. So of course he's Daddy Pig.


MaryBerrysEyelashes · 09/08/2015 12:52

Talking about your h as daddy pig is gross

MrsMummyPig · 09/08/2015 10:49

Most of the bras I own are black as I have a lot of dark clothes.
I am the least tarty person ever, in fact I look alot like my namesake.
If daddy pig said he didn't like black bras i would compromise, wouldn't make him wear them but I still would if I wanted too. Grin

burnishedsilver · 09/08/2015 10:30

The easiest way to avoid tarty is to wear whatever colour bra you like but don't have it on display. A sheer top without a cami is not an easy look to pull off.

mrsdavidbowie · 09/08/2015 09:22

I'm not implying wearing a sheer top is tarty BTW
I wear them.

mrsdavidbowie · 09/08/2015 08:57

Good grief. You're wearing a sheer top but don't want to be tarty

Googlers123 · 09/08/2015 08:55

Black bras aren't tarty, honestly

FuckOffPeppa · 09/08/2015 08:36


MaryBerrysEyelashes · 09/08/2015 08:33

Black isn't tarty. Are you part of. Weird religious cult


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valerie123 · 09/08/2015 00:19

It's not just him, I just don't want to be too tarty or too frumpy, if that's possible.

OP posts:
FuckOffPeppa · 08/08/2015 23:59

Bin the controlling Dp, wear whatever fucking bra you like

valerie123 · 08/08/2015 23:37

He doesn't like me wearing anything black, deep plunge style, lacy or with chicken fillets.

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