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Covering up at the swimming pool

29 replies

ILovedThe90s · 21/07/2015 20:15

For modesty reasons I want to cover up at the pool but I'm not finding anything that floats my boat. I'm a size 10 with a pregnant looking belly (but no baby!)

I have currently been wearing a roxy short sleeve rash vest, billabong knee length shorts and a swimsuit underneath. I fancy something different now as I've been wearing that for years.

I'm thinking about a tankini with built in chest support but no cleavage and that has tummy control, with 3/4 length capri swim leggings. That match.

I am thinking that this is impossible. I can't find anything. Can anyone help me?

OP posts:
Akhenatonn · 15/01/2016 12:57

I wear a swim dress from bon marche,

nazmahashim2 · 04/11/2015 09:30

You can try some of these maybe? A few of them are really cool, I'm planning to buy one too.

ILovedThe90s · 24/07/2015 20:37

Thanks everyone. Been studying your suggestions and I'm thinking about this

Will it make my boobs look flat and horrible and will it just draw attention to my pot belly? But it's a good length and well, a good price too!

OP posts:
Bunbaker · 22/07/2015 17:45

"Here in small-town Ruralsville people will be curious"

Same where I live, hence my comment. I didn't mean to sound rude though.

TheyreMadITellYouMaaaad · 22/07/2015 17:42

I don't think that swimming in cover-ups makes people look at you more or makes you stand out. I'm allergic to sunlight, fat, and long-bodied, so finding a swimsuit that protects my skin and fits me properly is very difficult. I have swum in the oddest of outfits, and I didn't feel like I was being paid any more attention than when I used to swim in 'conventional' swimsuits.

Admittedly, wearing the full head-to-toe Sharia swimsuit in an infoor pool does make you stand out a bit more, though. Perhaps it also makes a difference where you are. Here in small-town Ruralsville people will be curious; but in most of London, say, people won't bat an eyelash.

auldspinster · 22/07/2015 12:36
CMOTDibbler · 22/07/2015 12:22

I think it should be up to everyone what they wear if it makes them feel good CoperCabana. But I do have massive scars and a physical disability and don't cover up at the pool - my choice. And as I thrash people in the middle lane swimming with one arm, they can stare all they like Grin

CoperCabana · 22/07/2015 12:10

Are not ate

CoperCabana · 22/07/2015 12:07

For the people who say, don't cover up if you are self conscious about something, have you actually got scars or a physical disability? I have, and I feel much more confident in swim leggings. People stare at me either way. I would rather they stare at my nice swim leggings than my not so nice legs. I know you are trying to be supportive, but by saying it draws more attention and by dismissing peoples feelings, you ate in fact being the opposite.

museumum · 22/07/2015 12:02

try these people

museumum · 22/07/2015 11:57

My local swimming pool sells something that looks like a tri-suit but isn't padded. It's on a dummy at the window of the small swimsuit shop they have on site.

BlameItOnTheBogey · 22/07/2015 11:52

Athleta have a ton of things like you describe. Not sure if they deliver to the UK though?

CheersMedea · 22/07/2015 10:40

tri shorts always have a cycling pad

They don't ALWAYS have a cycling pad. A lot do though as I said.

OnlyLovers · 22/07/2015 10:31

Your local community don't sound very nice, TBH.

But lots of good suggestions on here.

CMOTDibbler · 22/07/2015 10:29

This? You could then wear an underwired bikini top underneath for control, but it looks really flattering.

tri shorts always have a cycling pad, and aren't ideal for just swimming in

HelpMeGetOutOfHere · 22/07/2015 10:26

the childrens ones are much cheaper. I reckon an age 14 would be close to a size 10, might be worth a try?

mowglik · 22/07/2015 10:24

I wear a tankini with Capri length leggings - Google Islamic swimwear and you'll find plenty of Capri leggings made from swimsuit material.

Look for tankinis in your bra size on eBay and you'll find lots of non cleavage style choice in tankinis as well

HelpMeGetOutOfHere · 22/07/2015 10:24 any of these suitable? the longer leg ones are so expensive.

I wear a swim dress from bon marche, but im guessing its not covered enough for religious reasons, but does fulfil the not showing my wobbly belly criteria. (I have a horrible tummy after 3 c/sections and a big weight loss)

CheersMedea · 22/07/2015 10:12

What about tri-shorts and a rash vest?

You can get long-ish tri shorts (designed for triathlon swimmers to go straight on to a bike) that you can swim in, provide coverage and won't need a swim suit underneath. some of them have seat padding in for the bike (but not all) so you'd just need to look for some without.

There are loads of funky rash vests around - try amazon for a start.

MamaLazarou · 22/07/2015 07:52

I have a leg suit, £8.99 from Sports Direct. It's so comfy.

ILovedThe90s · 21/07/2015 22:43

I was thinking of something like this but can't find anywhere

Hope the link works

OP posts:
CMOTDibbler · 21/07/2015 21:35

This swim skapri is really nice.


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ILovedThe90s · 21/07/2015 21:27

I have a boy leg suit. Looks awful on me and its so tight round the legs it's uncomfortable to wear!

OP posts:
PretzelPrincess · 21/07/2015 20:59

Google 'knee suit' and variations of it. Loads come up!

ILovedThe90s · 21/07/2015 20:55

Thanks for your replies.

It is for religious reasons, but I don't want to look religious iyswim. I don't wear headscarf. In fact you wouldn't know my religion just by looking at me. I'm very English and I don't want to change that. But I have to be a bit more modest if I were to bump into anyone from the local community or my DH would be upset (gossip and backstabbing etc)

I would love a nice halterneck push up design with high leg cut. That would suit me. But not my life choices

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