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Life after Liz Earle?

30 replies

Marmaladecat1 · 15/11/2014 21:11

I've used the hot cloth cleanser for about 4 years now.
I'm just running out, I wondered what else was out there that works?
I've got dry skin which is borderline sensitive. Not prone to spots.
Skin also tends to look dull and grey!
I sound a right dish!
Any recommendations? Thank you

OP posts:
Marmaladecat1 · 15/11/2014 21:18

Sorry should add, I like wash off cleansers. Not picky honest!

OP posts:
libertychick · 15/11/2014 21:33

Based on recommendations on here I recently switched from using Liz Earle to using Superdrug Vit E hot cloth cleanser and it is great and about one third of the price of LE.

rootypig · 15/11/2014 21:35

Ren has the most lovely new rose range, the cream cleanser is very comforting and I'd say better for dry skin than C&P. I often just put it on as a mask! that's how gentle it is.

amazonianwoman · 15/11/2014 21:36

I used to use Liz Earle.
Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa balm is fab. Have also just bought some Clinique Take the Day Off based on online recommendations, haven't tried it yet though.
I've also used and loved Shu Uemura Ultime8 cleansing oil - £££ but lasts forever.

ggirl · 15/11/2014 21:53

Superdrug one is almost identical to LE one

Madaboutthrows · 15/11/2014 22:03

Superdrug one is good. I am currently using my freebie liz Earle and then it will be back to the Superdrug one

Clarabumps · 15/11/2014 22:36

I like Ultrabland by Lush and also Oskia balm cleanser.
I've also heard great things about the Body Shop chamomile cleanser as a dupe to Take the Day off Balm. A lot of the beauty bloggers have featured it.

NoelleHawthorne · 15/11/2014 22:59

Micellar water

snowgal · 15/11/2014 23:22

Neal's Yard Wild Rose Beauty Balm - ££ but lasts forever and amazing stuff!

HappySunflower · 15/11/2014 23:23

I switched to asda nspa and far prefer it, plus it is masses cheaper!

CurlyWurlyCake · 15/11/2014 23:24

Currently using LE but great to know there is less expensive options.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/11/2014 09:42

The Body shop's Camomile cleansing balm-SOOOOOOOO much better than Liz Earle.

Marmaladecat1 · 16/11/2014 11:57

Thanks all, body shop I think might be the one.
If not I'll head to superdrug.

Good to know it's not just LE!

OP posts:
Keletubbie · 16/11/2014 11:59

I love the Superdrug one. The cloth that comes with it isn't quite as nice as the LE one, but it's only £3 for a huge tube when it's on offer.

Marmaladecat1 · 16/11/2014 12:00

Ooh hang on, cleansing butter or balm? I can't find balm online

OP posts:
DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/11/2014 12:05

It's in a tin and it's called Camomile cleansing balm.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/11/2014 12:06

Sorry, no, it's called butter. It's not though it's a balm.

RipMacWinkle · 16/11/2014 12:58

I am currently using the REN one mentioned up thread. I love the scent and feel of it. I have sensitive skin and I find the cloth removal gentler than the muslin particularly for winter. For me, the telling factor is that I've not once skipped cleansing properly at night since I got it BlushBlushBlush

RichTeaAreCrap · 16/11/2014 13:10

I switched from Liz Earle to Elemis - it is so much better I think. I use the balm or the cream cleanser and my skin does look so much brighter.

SuperFlyHigh · 16/11/2014 19:00

Is there a difference between the superdrug vit e and natural radiance cleanser?

In my superdrug they only had the natural radiance hot cloth cleanser pack and I'm really unimpressed with it. Is the vit e one better?

ktd2u · 16/11/2014 19:19

Decleor do a lovely foaming cleanser that comes with muslin £26 from John Lewis and it's great Smile

Fabulassie · 16/11/2014 19:33

Well, I've recently upped my skin cleansing game. I've heard raves about double cleansing here so I googled it and that's what I'm doing. This is what I use, but I think specific products are an individual thing:

End of the day:

First, I use an eye makeup remover. I currently have a sample from Clinique. It seems very nice. Then, I use Take The Day Off by Clinique (I hear there's a good dupe by Bodyshop btw). I rub it into my face and then I rinse it off. Then I use some non-foaming liquid/water-based cleanser. I get it from my skin care clinique. It has enzymes and antibacterial something to combat spots. I cleans my face really well. I forget what it's called.

For the second cleanser, I use a Boots No 7 rotating brush cleaner (similar to a clarisonic and much cheaper). This leaves my face very clean and smooth and ready for all my skin care products.

Morning: Just a bit of the water-based cleanser to wash off any oil from overnight. Sometimes I'll use the rotating brush thing to exfoliate but I have switched to doing it in the evening so not so often in the morning.

Although I'm sure my glycolic acid night serum (Olay Regenerist) plays a big role in it, my skin is looking pretty awesome lately. I used to have haggard pores and lots of those little white bumps (milia) on my cheeks. The milia are almost entirely gone and my skin just looks very smooth and luminous, now.


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Bunbaker · 16/11/2014 23:02

"In my superdrug they only had the natural radiance hot cloth cleanser pack and I'm really unimpressed with it. Is the vit e one better?"

I use the Natural Radiance one and it is great on my skin (mature, combination skin)

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/11/2014 23:14

I think it's trial and error as I prefer the vit E one out of the two, but the best of all I've tried is the chamomile butter/balm.

yazzy85 · 17/11/2014 00:25

love the clinique balm on my oily skin

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