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Life after Liz Earle?

30 replies

Marmaladecat1 · 15/11/2014 21:11

I've used the hot cloth cleanser for about 4 years now.
I'm just running out, I wondered what else was out there that works?
I've got dry skin which is borderline sensitive. Not prone to spots.
Skin also tends to look dull and grey!
I sound a right dish!
Any recommendations? Thank you

OP posts:
SuperFlyHigh · 17/11/2014 12:58

bunbaker - sorry I've been distinctly unimpressed with it! In fact noticed far more spots...

Bunbaker · 17/11/2014 13:01

It just goes to show that everyone is different. I have very even tempered skin and have never come across a cleanser it didn't like.

SuperFlyHigh · 17/11/2014 13:10

Bunbaker - I loved Soap and Glory peaches and clean (but it was a bugger to get out of the bottle and they changed the formula.

I seem to have spots lately though which I rarely have... hormonal, perhaps but I don't feel it's cleaning as well as it could do for me!

I may give the Vit E cleaner a go though. I want to like the hot cloth method.

avagosling · 17/11/2014 16:46

I was in the same same situation, and then I discovered the oil cleansing method! It's like hot cloth cleansing, but kind of home made, a lot cheaper and you can adapt it to your skin. I found this very helpful:

SuperFlyHigh · 17/11/2014 17:30

ava - that sounds very interesting! Thanks!

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