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Is it wrong to even flick through a Lands End catalogue?

91 replies

moondog · 20/08/2013 15:09

Just checking.
Or is it only worn by v fit but ancient well off elderly Americans on a world tour.
(Before anyone starts, there is no apostrophe. They got rid. Too complicated for clientele apparently.)

OP posts:
moondog · 21/08/2013 16:48

'Sports' shops are my idea of hell.
Overlit, full of nasty lime green and black stuff and bizarre correlation between poor level of fitness of those who tend to wear them.
Equally, despise all that 'designer' exercise wear. What idiot pays ££ for something you get your gusset and oxters moist in (and not in a good way)?

OP posts:
sophiedaal · 21/08/2013 16:51

There is no good way of having moist oxters. Not even in a Catherine Cookson novel, let alone a branch of JJB Sports.

GrimmaTheNome · 21/08/2013 16:55

Yes, they're hell - you have to know what you need, and find a staff member to tell you where it is. Don't wander around looking for it yourself.

moondog · 21/08/2013 16:56
OP posts:
MrsDeVere · 21/08/2013 16:59

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

JohnnyDeppsfuturewife · 21/08/2013 17:13

I know LE is wrong but last week I bought a lovely merino jumper dress in black for just £30 in the sale.

Similar to this

Unfortunately dd2 attacked it with scissors so it's at the dry cleaners having a couple of inches cut off the bottom. Fortunately i'm a short arse so it was quite long before.

motherinferior · 21/08/2013 18:53

I've got that dress. It's a keeperGrin

aftermay · 21/08/2013 21:57

Imagine my confusion today when I thought I saw Lands End clothes in a naice shop in Wimbledon. Turns out it was in fact Lakeland. Not my style either.

Br0na · 21/08/2013 22:03

I bought a few tops from them and they are nice. but then my style is kind of simple and classic. I am not frumpy though. I don't race out to buy a biker jacket cos it's in this season but I like that jersey look. I'll link to the top I bought and yall can mock me . here I also got a pair of black jersey trousers that I wear instead of tracksuit bottoms. they are a bit smarter than tracksuit bottoms so if I want to drop off kids and then go and do some yoga I can do It without changing. would never buy shoes from though. I don't have one foot in the grave.

Dontletthemgetyoudown · 21/08/2013 22:27

Another squall parka wearer here. I do spend my winter weekends on the sidelines if football/rugby/lacrosse and hockey matches though. If not there then walking the dogs.
Its plain black no logos good sized hood and warm. Prefer it to having a brand on my shoulder like the northface or merrel eequivalent.

Dd has some lovely summer wear and I have two really nice plain jersey dresses which have been perfect this summer. Ok so im not going to win any style awards and the fashionistas amongst you might snear at my 37yr old mumsiness but I feel good and comfortable and I like them!

Ordering the dc winter coats and foregoing the boden ones as the sizing and quality has been much better than the ones we ordered from boden this season.

fossil971 · 21/08/2013 22:47

I wish they did the Squall parka in hi-vis, I would love one for being out on site at work instead of awful oversized blokes' anoraks.

GrimmaTheNome · 22/08/2013 00:04

I have a couple of pairs of jersey bottoms which I used to wear instead of trackies - but then they got relegated to serve as warm nightwear in the cold winters. Better than bloody damart! Grin

helzapoppin2 · 22/08/2013 05:07

It's all coming out now. All these closet Lands End wearers!
I have a down parka and two chino skirts. I am a lost cause!

CatsWearingTutus · 22/08/2013 06:14

My name is cats and I wear lands end! There I've said it. Love their supination cardigans and turtlenecks for layering. Current favourite from there is this dress. Fits like a glove, is an unusual pattern and very flattering. I have to dress conservatively for work and find their stuff is good for that.

AKissIsNotAContract · 22/08/2013 06:20

It doesn't look all that different from Boden to me.

orchidella · 22/08/2013 14:56

I get their supima T shirts and cardigans which are great basics and often in vivid colours which suit my winter colouring. They have a 20% off everything promotion at the moment. Have just branched out and bought a couple of their scarfs, a white and blue stripey one and the Vibrant Cobalt Floral one

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