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Is it wrong to even flick through a Lands End catalogue?

91 replies

moondog · 20/08/2013 15:09

Just checking.
Or is it only worn by v fit but ancient well off elderly Americans on a world tour.
(Before anyone starts, there is no apostrophe. They got rid. Too complicated for clientele apparently.)

OP posts:
Secretswitch · 20/08/2013 18:56

Lands End!! Phah! L.L.Bean is where it's at if you want real outdoorsy American gear.

SundaySimmons · 20/08/2013 18:58

Today it's the Lands End catalogue. Tomorrow it will be Cotton Traders. It's a slippery slope, ladies.

Oh you fiends! I clicked on the links! I quite like some of the coats!

IsThatTrue · 20/08/2013 19:01

I love lands end for practical stuff. I have the 'toggle boots' in black and red which are great for winter although not waterproof. I get the dcs coats from there too (in the sale a year ahead).

lurkingaround · 20/08/2013 19:04

Yes moondog. I look at those Sunday papers's catalogues too. They have all sorts of interesting stuff in them that I never knew existed. 'Tis an education in itself. Jeez I love catalogues.

HalfSpamHalfBrisket · 20/08/2013 19:05

Craghoppers, MrsDV, Craghoppers is what you need.
Now, do I just leave S&B forever of my own volition or do I wait for an official email?

LadybirdsAreFab · 20/08/2013 19:05

Their swimsuits are fabulous. I have had many over the years and they last for ages.

We are back in the UK for Christmas so have bought winter coats for the family from them.

Procrastinating · 20/08/2013 19:11

I looked and I can tell you that it is wrong.

I went into a shop that mainly sold fleeces oon Saturday. I decided that I would rather be cold.

MrsDeVere · 20/08/2013 19:14

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LifeofPo · 20/08/2013 19:15

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SconeRhymesWithGone · 20/08/2013 19:18

For years, I have bought only Lands' End swimsuits. The quality is outstanding.

NoComet · 20/08/2013 19:20

Grandma we love you!

I'm a 45y frump and there Web site is too old and dull for me.

Yes there is good warm outdoor stuff, but nothing that isn't cheaper and nicer in our ourdoor outlet shop.

Unless you realky want to go out wearing your Duvet.

LindyHemming · 20/08/2013 19:23

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helzapoppin2 · 20/08/2013 20:14

I do want to go out wearing my duvet!

helzapoppin2 · 20/08/2013 20:16

I have to say, we had a Lands End in our local Sears store. It was always empty. North Face at the mall was, however, always heaving!

exexpat · 20/08/2013 20:20

My DCs used to wear loads of Lands End clothes - very good quality, plain (no cartoon characters), hard wearing. The down jackets in particular were excellent value if you bought a size up in the end of season sale. I'm also still using some brushed flannel bed linen (lovely and cosy) and towels I bought from them about a decade ago. But the women's wear is very middle-America.

moondog · 20/08/2013 20:33

Middle America.
Aye. Land of bad perms, white polo necks, strange glasses and big teeth.
Oh and lots of very dark green home accessories.

(I do love Americans and America though. I jst don't want to emulate that particular tranche of society.)

at inexorable slide to Cotton Traders

OP posts:
helzapoppin2 · 20/08/2013 20:39
helzapoppin2 · 20/08/2013 20:42

Sorry! It was a lovely red lumberjack shirt!

GrimmaTheNome · 20/08/2013 20:44

If you're an outdoorsy shortarse they are very useful for basics. Petite Supima tshirts and plain vest tops that are exactly the right length and really good quality cotton. I've had a few good longsleeved tops too (which again I really do need petite to get arm length right).

Some of their kids stuff is good (esp for girls who want non-pink, non-logo'd).

I wish they'd do their 'water shorts' again though... I got a pair goodness how many years ago, brilliant if you do watersports and want something with pockets big enough to stow stuff (ok, guess that one is a bit specialised but I've lived in them the last fortnight... fortunately show no signs of wearing out).

idiot55 · 20/08/2013 20:44

Anyone remember Damart? Does it still exist.

idiot55 · 20/08/2013 20:47
ProphetOfDoom · 20/08/2013 21:00

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GrimmaTheNome · 20/08/2013 21:03

ugh, damart - I had to wear their pjs as a kid in a non-centrally heated house. Warm, but nasty synthetic stuff and having had MILs mail forwarded to us when she went into a home they use appalling selling techniques on old people.

fossil971 · 20/08/2013 21:11

I've got the Squall insulated parka too. It's the business if you have to do things like stand in a blizzard watching your DC playing football on a weekend. In fact I guess it was designed for "Soccer Mom". Oh dear!

dottygamekeeper · 20/08/2013 21:22

I bought a beautiful mac from Lands End years ago - a bit like the Boden rainy day ones, it is cream with a green and black flower pattern. Every time I wear it, someone stops me and comments favourably on it (most notable comments from a Parisian shop assistant in a very smart shop on the Ile Saint-Louis, and a rather good looking man in a lift in Selfridges, much to the amusement of the DCs!). However, some of the other stuff is rather frumpy...pick carefully...

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