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What jeans to have size 18?

11 replies

Inthebeginning · 17/03/2013 21:36

I lost a lot of weight as went from a size 26 bottom half to a size 18 (sometimes 20).
I'm still wearing the same type of jeans that I used to wear- stretchy bootleg. They look ok on me but I'm worried they're a bit outdated.
I'm thinking what other type would suit me? I'm very curvy with a blobby belly ( I'm working on it)
I thought about straight leg/skinny for when I wear tunic tops? Or maybe slouchy/boyfriend jeans so I can wear tighter tops.
I know I'm still larger but I'm so much smaller than before iyswim!
Any ideas? And where from?

OP posts:
Nombrechanger · 17/03/2013 21:41

I'm a size 18-20 and wear jeggings from m&s to wear with long tops.

Inthebeginning · 17/03/2013 21:44

Thanks nombre I already have leggings so wanted something a bit more denimy but haven't had any before so might have a look.

OP posts:
BreasticlesNTesticles · 17/03/2013 21:52

Well done on the weight loss!

I am an 18 and 5ft9. I wear these and they're great

Piffpaffpoff · 17/03/2013 21:58

I have straight leg ones from M&S that are £12.50. I'm 5 7", size 18 apple shaped and these are cut quite high on the waist so less of a muffin top than others. They are not the most stylish but fine for wearing with hip length or longer tops.

Inthebeginning · 17/03/2013 22:00

Ooh breasticles I like those! Are they comfy? Piff I'll look on m and s website too.

OP posts:
BreasticlesNTesticles · 17/03/2013 22:03

Yep! My fav pair of jeans at the moment.

siiiiiiiiigh · 17/03/2013 22:04


You must feel like a new woman.

I am hoping you are about to share your secret and it doesn't involve giving up pinto grigio....

well done.

missalien · 17/03/2013 22:11

You need m & co best jeans ever and will be a size smaller !

perplexedpirate · 17/03/2013 22:12

Breasticles they look fab!

Inthebeginning · 17/03/2013 22:19

Never thought of m and co! Will have a look.
Once I got into it. It was quite easy. Walk everywhere, exercise twice a week, only have treats wine at the weekend.
Just got to get into wearing "thinner" clothes now!

OP posts:
Inthebeginning · 18/03/2013 21:16

I bought some thick lovely jeggings today. From Sainsburys! £12.50! Size 20 but trying not to get disheartened

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