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Any experience of Brazilian hair straightening?

51 replies

GinAndaDashOfLime · 16/02/2013 17:18

Trying to cheer myself up post baby and was wondering if anyone has had a Brazilian hair straightening (as opposed to a Brazilian bikini wax! Grin

I've got very thick coarse, shoulder length wavy hair which is so unmanageable that I wear it tied back every day. The other day I caught a glimpse of my reflection and I realised I've turned into "school run mum" with tied back hair / fleece / no makeup / flat boots - and it uttetly depressed me Sad

Got 3 DCs so no time to faff around straightening my hair after each wash - and I've always been truly crap at doing it myself anyway..

So can anyone help?

Does it work?
How long does it last?
How much does it cost?
And can anyone recommend a salon in SE London / Kent?

TIA for your help transforming me back to someone I like the look of!!

OP posts:
StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 05/07/2015 21:03

the amazon kit works for me but you do need to check your shampoo ingredients, its sodium chloride you need to avoid, if flush I use ojon damage reverse, if not I but sainsburys cherry kids shampoo. lasts up to 3 months if I do it to the letter and use the right shampoos.

Katiedaly · 04/07/2015 12:58

Check out QOD! It's an organic Brazilian keratin treatment. No chemicals. Lasts 16 weeks. Brilliant

LollieB · 25/04/2014 14:26

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nobodysfool · 07/03/2013 20:11

Have you read some of the negative reviews on Amazon Shock

SofaCanary · 07/03/2013 19:51

Tis a revelation, Science I'm telling you, the shittier your hair the bigger the transformation. Get it done! Grin

ScienceRocks · 07/03/2013 19:47


SofaCanary · 07/03/2013 19:25

I don't need serums anymore, just a bit of heat protecting spray and I'm good to go!

TerraNotSoFirma · 07/03/2013 12:43

Me neither, also I've just bought a couple of bottles of serum as they were on offer, so I'd be pissed off at the waste. :)

ScienceRocks · 07/03/2013 08:51

Terra, i can't imagine not having to use products to tame my hair!

TerraNotSoFirma · 06/03/2013 19:59

science I was just wondering about products as well, just bought a new serum, I guess we should just look for the word sulphate in the ingredients?
Maybe our hair will be so fabulous that we won't need products :)

ScienceRocks · 06/03/2013 11:59

A few questions: I know about salt free shampoo and conditioner, but do you need to be careful with styling products once you've used the kit?

Also, how does it work when you next go to the hairdresser? Do you have to declare the work you've done, so they don't use anything that might interfere with it?

And how does it go? Does it grow out, leaving frizzy roots but nice ends, or kind of just fade?

ScienceRocks · 05/03/2013 21:13

I couldn't find this thread the other day so started a new one. Glad it's reappeared!

I have ordered the amazon kit, plus some wet to dry straighteners (no hair dryer). I am hoping it will make my hair less frizzy, I'm not bothered about it being straighter.

Great to hear so many success stories. I haven't even coloured my hair before so am feeling a bit nervous about doing it.

Ladyhaha · 05/03/2013 20:59

Can I just say a huge thank you to those who recommended the Amazon kit. I've got long, thick, frizzy, wavy hair which usually takes ages to dry and style, but after using the kit last week, I can now blow dry my hair in 5 mins and I don't need my straightners! Amazing stuff!

MrsSalvoMontalbano · 03/03/2013 17:05

ordered Grin

MrsSalvoMontalbano · 03/03/2013 17:02

ooh, this has cheered me up no end!

TerraNotSoFirma · 03/03/2013 16:53

Any shampoos and conditioners that are sulphate free.
I've ordered the kit from amazon and tresemme shampoo and conditioner from tesco, £5 each, massive bottles though.

Will have swishy hair in no time. :)

Mrsap · 03/03/2013 09:29

What brand of shampoo/conditioner works after this treatment? I would like to use one that is silicone free too? Any ideas?

TerraNotSoFirma · 03/03/2013 00:02

Do you know if you can use the amazon kit on the same day you've had colour done?

lona6666 · 02/03/2013 19:42

Hi there, could you tell me what amazon kit you used? What was it called? Please :)

Thank you!!

JaxTellerIsMyFriend · 23/02/2013 18:18

just make sure you use salt free shampoo! It will last.

SofaCanary · 23/02/2013 14:10

Hi nobodys I used the Amazon one, it's bloody brilliant...I'll be thrilled if it lasts for 3 months!


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JaxTellerIsMyFriend · 23/02/2013 12:47

about 3 months

nobodysfool · 23/02/2013 11:20

Sofacanary - which one did you use?

SofaCanary · 22/02/2013 15:11

How long do you find it lasts for, Jax?

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