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Best place to buy UGGS in New York?

18 replies

LightHousekeeping · 28/12/2012 13:17

My friend has offered to bring some back for my mum. What would you go for and where would you buy them from? I'm not asking her to go to any outlets. Thanks.

OP posts:
starjules · 08/03/2013 19:09

There is a great shoe shop in soho which sells uggs I am trying to remember the name! I got 2 pairs there for less than we pay here for one.

EldonAve · 08/03/2013 17:29

I'd go for Bloomingsdales or the UGG shop

fedupofnamechanging · 08/03/2013 16:29

If you are in America, I recommend you try a brand called Beach Feet. I haven't been out of mine since December and they haven't collapsed or worn away at the sole like I've seen on some Uggs.

closvflb · 08/03/2013 16:14

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starfleet · 30/12/2012 18:48

They have changed their sizing - I've got old ones in a size 5 but the new ones I bought in NY a couple of months ago are a 5.5 which fit like a normal 5. It's a tad confusing.

Lighthousekeeping · 30/12/2012 12:22

Macys dont sell them, I couldnt find them on their site.

Im in a dilema now. My mum is a uk 4.5 but she asked for a 5. On the size chart it looks like they do a 4.5 or a 5.5? do you think a 5.5 will be too big? on their chart they put it next to a euro 38 which is a 5 in my eyes.

She wants the Bailey Button. She doesnt like the plain ones.

OP posts:
Jaeme · 30/12/2012 02:18

Workingallxmas that's a fake site - prices are a giveaway, tall boots wouldn't go for $70.

If you're ever not sure about a site go to // click on counterfeit education there should be a link in there to check if a site is legit or not.

Workingallxmas · 29/12/2012 18:20

Do you think this site is genuine?

gindrinker · 29/12/2012 08:33

Macy's go to the customer service desk, they'll give you a 10% off voucher.

LightHousekeeping · 28/12/2012 22:40

Can you make a suggestion? My friend is going in morning. The long plain ones are not going to look good on my mothers short legs.

OP posts:
Ilovecrossfit · 28/12/2012 22:11

my button isnt bothering me as such is the top is curling outward as MerryChrismoose said.

MerryChristMoose · 28/12/2012 22:05

The triplets are not flattering on anyone other than those with really thin legs.

I have a pair of single button ones and the tops are curling outwards.

I'd go for a button-less style.

LightHousekeeping · 28/12/2012 21:55

It's my ma. She had plain short ones and wants a longer length. I hope the buttons aren't a pest.

OP posts:
Ilovecrossfit · 28/12/2012 21:42

I prefer the ones without any buttons, ive grey short ones with a button and they are my least favourite...than I suppose whatever you like :)

LightHousekeeping · 28/12/2012 18:06
OP posts:
Bella88 · 28/12/2012 17:52

There's an Ugg store in Soho I think.

starfleet · 28/12/2012 17:28

As OP ^ said they sell them in most shoe shops - there are also a couple of Ugg stores in Manhattan. They are pretty much the same price whether you buy directly from Ugg shop or other shoe shops. Still much much cheaper than here!!

swooosh · 28/12/2012 17:01

Most stores sell them.

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