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Females who seldom wear trousers

50 replies

Rebecca54 · 01/10/2012 11:54

We had another chat over our office coffee break this morning about women who never or seldom wear trousers. It all started on Friday when we noticed that we were all in our black trousers again as autumn approaches and will probably stay like that until late spring.

We came up with (with a little help from people on here who joined in the previous thread):-

Kirstie Allsop (never wears trousers)
Dr Kate Williams (never wears trousers)
Nigella Lawson (recently seen in trousers following her slim!)
Dita von Tesse
Caroline Flack
Louise Minchin (Breakfast TV presenter)
Myleene Klasse.

Can our friends on here add to the list before our sad conversation tomorrow

OP posts:
Pagwatch · 01/10/2012 11:56

Pagwatch - never wears trousers


timetosmile · 01/10/2012 11:57

The Queen Grin

timetosmile · 01/10/2012 11:57

pag are you royalty or just MN royalty? Wink

BunnyLebowski · 01/10/2012 11:58

Didn't you already do this thread a few days ago OP?


SarkyWench · 01/10/2012 11:59

SarkyWench never wears trousers.

And this is entirely the fault of mumsnet's S&B board. Before I went on there I only wore dresses to wedding.

iseenodust · 01/10/2012 12:00

Me except for dog walking. Just the wrong shape.

Black trousers to work are just another self-imposed (and lazy) uniform. Grin

Pagwatch · 01/10/2012 12:01


I am Big Arse Royalty

Eliza22 · 01/10/2012 12:05

Pag.... Had a peak at your're TINY!

I don't wear trousers. Ever. Bought my first pair of jeans in 10 years, last week. I felt so elated that I posted on here.

LFCisTarkaDahl · 01/10/2012 12:07

I don't really either, I'm a tunics/leggings, dresses/thick tights kinda girl.

Dollydowser · 01/10/2012 12:24

Dollydowser, never seen in public wearing trousers. I partly blame S&B lot too.

MaBaya · 01/10/2012 12:25

Me! Wear dresses with tights and shoes or smart boots for work, leggings with dresses/tunics and boots for casual. I wear jeans once in a blue moon and abhor black trousers...

Pagwatch · 01/10/2012 12:27

Ooh good for you Eliza22

I know I am not huge - its a matter of proportion. Flat chest but comparatively very large bum, plus short legs. It's not a good look on me Grin

Although I have been seeing a personal trainer and I am much more balanced out now. I bought some jeans a month ago at dhs suggestion. I am getting ready to pluck up the outrage and wear them.....

PretzelTime · 01/10/2012 12:28

I have started to wear dresses a lot, but still wear trousers for practical reasons. If you never wear trousers, what do you wear when you work out, do things like hiking and horseback riding, sitting on floor with toddler, etc etc? Not to mention when it's bad stormy weather outside?

Dollydowser · 01/10/2012 12:31

Pretzel, what is this 'working out' you speak of?

Chandon · 01/10/2012 12:31

I sit on the floor with a toddler in my knitted dress quite comfortably.

Riding does not apply, working out in leggings, tennis in skirt!

bradbourne · 01/10/2012 12:35

I rarely wear trousers except for going to the gym. Just prefer skirts and find them more comfortable and I think they suit me better. Stormy weather? Long coat and boots.

HappyAsEyeAm · 01/10/2012 12:36

A pretty comprehensive list there!

I used to wear trousers or jeans all the time. But now (I'm 37) I think that skirts and dresses look so much better on me. Much more forgiving, and I feel and look more feminine, even when I am wearing boots with them.

I'm always on the lookout for skirts in Autumn and I am really enjoying getting last Autumn's Boden skirts out (the fun skirt is a favourite of mine).

Pagwatch · 01/10/2012 12:51

I walk the dogs in the rain wearing boots and a raincoat.
I usually find that my knees survive the trauma of a bit of rain under cover of some tights. They haven't melted yet.

I can sit on the floor in a skirt and tights. they don't fall apart

I wear work out gear to work out. We are talking about clothes rather than specific sports wear,arn't we?

I wouldn't say I wear trousers just because I may have once pulled on a pair of salllopettes to ski or a fireman fancy dress outfit

NigellasGuest · 01/10/2012 12:55

my mum never wears trousers - she only wears "slacks" Wink

FreddieMercurysBolero · 01/10/2012 12:58

FMB - never wears trousers bar pjs.

Helltotheno · 01/10/2012 12:58

That word 'slacks' is disappearing gradually methinks. Sometimes I throw it out at home just to enjoy the 'wtf' looks I get :)

I'm sure you will look lovely in your jeans Pagwatch :)

doglover · 01/10/2012 13:03

Nearly all my colleagues at school are now into the 'black trousers' look. Hate it - boring!


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Issy · 01/10/2012 13:12

I wear jeans at the weekends because I'm lazy. I never wear trousers at work because I have short legs, a big arse and a tiny waist and dresses and skirts with boots look so much better. I make an exception in high summer for a particularly flattering pair of high-waisted, flared, black-linen trousers from Hobbs which seem to overcome the above-mentioned flaws.

When I hit 50 in a couple of years time I will substitute tweeds and brogues for jeans at the weekend.

NigellasGuest · 01/10/2012 13:35

I wear trousers most of the time, usually jeans.

I do have loads of skirts but tend to end up in trousers again, and the reason is that I cannot STAND the feeling of tights especially around the thighs and above!!

anyone have any tips other than wear socks (which isn't always a great look if said skirt is knee length or higher)?

PretzelTime · 01/10/2012 13:51

OK I was just curious since I mostly saw dresses as party/formal wear before. But I'm actually going to go out in the rain in a dress and wellies right now! It's a comfy style.

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