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Dirty washing

61 replies

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 08:47

We have the DSCs every week from Thursday (at 6pm, not straight from school) till Sunday pm. They usually come over in their own clothes and bring their school uniforms with them, which we send back with the kids on the Sunday washed and ironed.

Today is a non school uniform day for 3 out of 4 of the DSCs and mum has packed up the dirty uniforms in a bag and sent them over for us to wash. So basically we have a whole extra couple of loads to do i.e uniforms as usual plus what the DSCs are wearing today. We only just keep on top of our washes as it is, as we have to dry the clothes on limited radiator space (they smell mouldy if we use an airer). BTW mum doesn't wash the uniforms at all during the week, they just get done once a week with us.

It often works out that between the four of them, one or other of the DSCs will have a non-uniform day every other week or so and up till now we've washed the extra clothes without fuss, but I think sending over three lots is taking the mick.

Am I petty for feeling annoyed or is she petty for packing up dirty clothes specially so we can wash them?

I think I know the answer but needed a rant Grin

OP posts:
allnewtaketwo · 08/03/2014 12:52

Frog lol at bringing their own towels & bedding Shock

Snoozybird · 08/03/2014 13:06

Uniforms are washed and on radiators. We won't be ironing them though Wink

OP posts:
Benzalkonium · 08/03/2014 13:26

Don't wash the non-uniform clothes... If she is handing you a bag of dirty laundry to deal with then you can reciprocate.

Im surprised how many people seem to only have one set of uniform... It is expensive, but can be passed down. I have loads of uniform ( lots of 2 nd hand) so they can get it changed any time the chuck their dinner down it.

Have you asked the school if they have a second hand box?

TheMumsRush · 08/03/2014 14:08

I might try sending their bedding to be laundered! Grin I've never heard if such a thing! Lol

monkeymadness1 · 08/03/2014 14:23

Snoozybird. I can't believe you washed them. You're a better person than me. Id have handed them back tomorrow evening and their mum could have washed them and out them on radiators! I really hope you hand her back their dirty non uniform clothes. Seems petty but you're not her bloody laundry woman!

Incidentally, it's gorgeous outside today- can you stick them on the washing line? Smile

Snoozybird · 08/03/2014 16:22

Thanks for the info Benzalkonium, might be worth us looking into. I'm surprised too that the DSCs wear their uniform all week yet their normal clothes are washed after a day's's definitely not our place to say anything though!

monkey I wish the weather was lovely here, it's been very grey and gloomy here today!

OP posts:
Benzalkonium · 08/03/2014 16:41

Schools who insist on expensive uniform really have an obligation to support parents.... Ask at reception. Our school secretary puts any relevant aged stuff in a bag and gives it direct to the kids now, as we are. The only ones who accept it Blush but I'm not forking out 10 quid a shot for cardigans! But this is a whole other thread.....

monkeymadness1 · 08/03/2014 17:26

Surely no school is obliged to provide uniform to parents? I though parents on benefits were given a uniform grant each year to help with costs?

Benzalkonium · 08/03/2014 18:57

No... I guess not, but if they insist on a particular supplier, then it would be mean of them not to facilitate second hand uniform, as it can get so expensive.

I am only going on my experience here. Our local selective school has 2nd hand stuff which anyone struggling can ask for. Which is just as well because the uniform list adds up to hundreds of pounds.

monkeymadness1 · 08/03/2014 20:33

Yeah, ours have 2nd hand sales but that's organised by the PTA and from donations from parents to raise funds rather than sorted directly by the school.

Our school is a normal state primary and our school jumpers and cardigans must be purchased via the school or school shop in town. £16 cardigans and £15 jumpers. They are really good quality though and wash up really well. Each kid only needs 2, could get away with just 1 each of your kids aren't messy eaters! Grin

Benzalkonium · 09/03/2014 09:26

See, I really take issue with the 'must be purchased from the school or special shop' crap. The minute they start insisting on this, I think they really have to ensure there is a 2nd hand market for parents who struggle.

low waged parents struggle too, not just those on benefits.

But this is a whole other thread, like I say!

I hope op finds the school helpful.

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