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Dirty washing

61 replies

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 08:47

We have the DSCs every week from Thursday (at 6pm, not straight from school) till Sunday pm. They usually come over in their own clothes and bring their school uniforms with them, which we send back with the kids on the Sunday washed and ironed.

Today is a non school uniform day for 3 out of 4 of the DSCs and mum has packed up the dirty uniforms in a bag and sent them over for us to wash. So basically we have a whole extra couple of loads to do i.e uniforms as usual plus what the DSCs are wearing today. We only just keep on top of our washes as it is, as we have to dry the clothes on limited radiator space (they smell mouldy if we use an airer). BTW mum doesn't wash the uniforms at all during the week, they just get done once a week with us.

It often works out that between the four of them, one or other of the DSCs will have a non-uniform day every other week or so and up till now we've washed the extra clothes without fuss, but I think sending over three lots is taking the mick.

Am I petty for feeling annoyed or is she petty for packing up dirty clothes specially so we can wash them?

I think I know the answer but needed a rant Grin

OP posts:
TheMumsRush · 07/03/2014 11:29

Yes Ellie, I thought mots kids did have more than one set. I'm just going on my own experience though. But as a mum myself, I wouldn't not hand over a uniform to spite the ex. That would not be fair on my own dc. The pitfalls in SP'ing are endless Sad

TheMumsRush · 07/03/2014 11:30

Snoozy, you have two options. Suck it up or put your foot down. If it were me I'd be sending them back as they came.

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 11:33

Ellie like I said to duplicate four lots of "proper" uniform would be too costly for us.

DSC1 has been doing a course on Fridays for the last few weeks requiring he goes to school in own clothes, we've washed his uniform without complaint. So not being petty for the sake of it, just that three lots is taking the biscuit I think.

Having said all that I know IABU since I obviously should have forseen such situations when deciding to marry a man with kids Grin

OP posts:
TheMumsRush · 07/03/2014 11:36

Snoozy, did someone say that? I love how that line gets rolled out. And for what it's worth yaNbu Grin

Xalla · 07/03/2014 11:49

She is taking the proverbial piss then. Maybe send them back washed and ironed this time with a polite little note on top saying you won't be doing it again when they have a non-uniform day on the Friday. And / or suggest that when they next need new uniform, she buys a set for her house and DH buys a set for yours.

BeverlyMoss · 07/03/2014 11:52

Yes, - taking the piss indeed. I would have to say something along the lines of, of course you don't mind turning around a uniform wash when they come wearing it/are leaving wearing it - but if you send more than one change of clothes to wash it simply won't get done.

Obviously I understand this is easier said than actually said Wink

And I love the notion that your should buy a tumble dryer or 4 more sets of uniform because their mother can't be arsed to do a bit of washing over the weekend Grin

brdgrl · 07/03/2014 13:37

I agree with purpleroses that MOST weekends, it is logical for OP to do the washing (well, actually, it would be more logical for OP's DH to be doing it, but that's another matter!).

I'm actually not entirely sure about this one. Ideally, your DH and his ex would share responsibility for the uniform washing, rather than it being seen as a 'weekend job' which then is done by the parent who has them of a weekend. Ideally, there would be a second set for each kid, paid for by DH and ex together, and each household can produce clean uniforms every other week.

As it stands, though - I can kind of see why she has done it. The kids wore the uniforms 4 other days and they still need washed. You have a routine, and presumably she sees it as your DH's job, not your's, to ensure the kids have the clean uniforms, and that has been a sort of default division of labour. After all, why shouldn't their dad be doing a share of their washing, and she's presumably got their non-uniform washing still to do as well...

I appreciate though that the backstory may cast a different light on it all.

elliebellys · 07/03/2014 13:56

If it happens again just wash the uniforms but put their own clothes in a bag to take home,mum would then wash them as normal for the days there.

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 14:35

brdgrl that's the thing, we are getting extra to do because as well as the uniforms we are also having to wash what the DSCs are wearing today instead. Yes their mum has got their non-uniform washing still to do as do we. If anything we have more to do as on a weeknight the DSCs often don't change out of their school uniforms till bedtime.

But you know how it is...little niggles that in the context of lots of other niggles add up to way more than the sum of their parts.

FWIW DH is going to do all the washing this time but bring the issue up with DSCs mum.

OP posts:
purpleroses · 07/03/2014 14:38

FWIW DH is going to do all the washing this time but bring the issue up with DSCs mum. - I think that's quite a result - as good as you can hope for really given that the DSC and all their dirty clothes have already arrived :)

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 14:44

Hahah Purpleroses it's all a bit ridiculous on the face of it really. But in the context of living your life in the shadow of someone else determining what you should or shouldn't do...these things become a big deal.

(although on a practical level with so many people in the household even a little extra laundry is a pain in the hole!)

OP posts:
QueenTea33 · 07/03/2014 18:07

No advice for you, but I certainly can sympathise. I don't think you're being unreasonable at all.

Dsd's mum doesn't wash ANYTHING and happily sends dsd to school in dirty clothes whenever she's with her. She sends her to us on Sundays in dirty clothes, knowing I'll wash them before I send them back and if it's a non uniform day on a Friday, she'll give us our uniform (as if she's gonna buy it!) back unwashed, even though it will have been just sitting there since Thursday.

It seriously boils my piss. How hard is it to stick a wash on occasionally?!

monkeymadness1 · 07/03/2014 18:50

I understand why you normally wash them at yours OP. They wear them there Thursday, perhaps get washed Thurs night but either way they get worn Friday. Then over Sat and Sun you wash them to take back to mums house Sun Pm ready for school Monday.

However, this time they didn't need them for Friday, so they took them off on Thursday, they changed into their own clothes and mum packed their dirty uniforms to send to you to not be used just to be washed?

She's having a laugh. Id expect DP to call her and ask if he machines broken. If not, send them back unwashed. Cheeky mare! She gets every single weekend child free, hardly struggling for time to put a wash or two on.

monkeymadness1 · 07/03/2014 18:52

QueenTea "boils my piss" Smile Oh I love that! So many things DSC's mum does really boil my piss!

GreenGoblin0 · 07/03/2014 20:10

I don't understand why you need to wash the clothes they are wearing now as well as the school uniforms? I would just wash the uniform as otherwise there won't be time for them to be washed and dried on Sunday night but send them back in the clothes they came in without washing them as there's no need to wash these is there? That way you don't have extra washing.

Ps further to other posts on the thread I'm glad I am not the only one who has been deemed not fit to wash DSC's school uniforms "mummy says you'll ruin them you're not allowed to wash them mummy will be angry" and "mummy says the smell" although a complete u-turn was performed when it suited her... :-/

Meepers · 07/03/2014 21:19

Why not put clothes on an airer and stick it in front of a radiator turning it occasionally? Confused

Cabrinha · 07/03/2014 21:51

Not having a go at anyone here, but... how sad is it, the number of people not "allowed" to wash clothes? How flipping ridiculous. And for the children to be dragged into it too :(

OP, obviously you've said there's backstory so I'm guessing YANBU!! But without a backstory, I did wonder as someone earlier did about division of labour. Especially as she does 4 night's before school to your 1... Perhaps she sees you (your husband I mean) as getting the fun whilst she gets the slog, and uniform washing is to even that out in her mind?
I'm not criticising your arrangements, I'm sure it's all agreed and for good reasons. But just from my own point if view, I'd be gutted to never have weekends with my child!

Strawberryjuice · 07/03/2014 22:08


She's taking the piss.

Please don't do that washing.

Send it back dirty. Be strong girl.

Meepers · 07/03/2014 22:24

Really don't do the washing and send it back Sunday night when there will probably be no time for it to be washed dried and ironed before school for the kids? Nice.

It's a little bit of washing. Yeah Ok so Mum probably shouldn't have sent it but so what? Do it this time and say not again.

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 22:44

GreenGoblin the DSCs usually want to wear a different (nicer) set of clothes to go back to Mum's on the Sunday.

Meepers as said in my OP the clothes smell mouldy if we put them on airers, even in front of the radiators.

Cabrina DSCs mum doesn't want the DCs on the weekends as that's when she sees her DP (we've asked, she's said no).

I am also gobsmacked at the numbers of posters not allowed to do their DSc's washing Shock

OP posts:
Meepers · 07/03/2014 22:50

I don't really understand how that's possible but ok. Dry cleaners this once or just hold back on some of your washing over the weekend.

I just don't think it's right to send the clothes back unwashed when DC will need them. As I have said the Mum was unfair to do it but really it's a bit of washing.

Snoozybird · 07/03/2014 23:08

^Meepers* smelling is believing Grin

Agreed it's not right for the DSCs to send back the dirty clothes which is why I said previously we're doing them anyway. Was just interested to know whether I was reasonable to feel peeved by it, that's all.

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heidiwine · 07/03/2014 23:18

So amused to read this...
DP has 2 girls and their Mum has recently decided that on our weekend we do all school washing (including full games kit) except youngest DSDs school skirt which we can't be trusted with because: 'Heidi ruined the pleats' when ironing.
With games kit and our washing we have 4 loads (and no tumble drier).
We don't say anything though - no energy to fight it and DPs ex would involve the girls which would make the whole thing worse than it is...

daisychain01 · 08/03/2014 07:16

Another DSM here, with solidarity re school uniform. DP and I realised long ago its "the last frontier" for DSSs mum to give us grief. Pathetic, frustrating and petty isnt it?

We ended up having to write a letter pointing out she was only compromising her son's education by buggering about with uniform, witholding her set of uniform which left DSS short during our period of care, not sharing the burden of buying new school shoes, school bags every trick in the book (subtext, she earned about 3 times what DP earned at the time, bought new cars every two years but still wouldnt stick her hand in her pocket for her DS!). We "cc'd" her solicitor ( i.e. the letter didnt get sent there but it was an interesting result because all the shenanigans instantly stopped! What a surprise)

YADNBU snoozy, and its a bit of a rock and a hard place for you Sad - send the clothes back dirty is likely to be inflammatory and may impact the DCs if she gets them involved - do the washing and it sets a precedent.

So did you end up doing it?

FrogbyAnotherName · 08/03/2014 08:03

Im Another one who was 'not allowed' to wash my DHs DCs clothes (or towels/bedding which they also used to bring with them in their neatly packed suitcases).

I used to get a perverse pleasure from knowing that DHs ex would launder the unused towels and bedding when the DCs took them home - and relaunder all the clothes I'd put through with the household washes while they were here. Sadly, the DCs were dragged into it and told to hide washing from us, so eventually, we gave up.

DH assures me it's not personal - his ex used to do the same when their DCs stayed with relatives, too!

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