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Tickets for Paralympics

209 replies

GeorgeEliot · 12/08/2012 18:30

Are there any left?

Missed out on seeing Olympic park but would really like to take dc.

OP posts:
foofooyeah · 20/08/2012 15:08

But only if you have a spare £300 per ticket!

Stangirl · 20/08/2012 15:25

Use Ben Marsh's Ticket Checker. Find him on Twitter then follow the link from his profile. You'll need t know the codes for the sessions you want (can be found on Olypic site). One of my friends got Olympic tix this way and I got Para ones last week.

Southwest · 21/08/2012 16:18

Grrrrrrrrrr says there were some phone line disconnected me after minutes of listening to rubbish messages and the website now won't even request tickets for me

Of course they are now all gone

Hate them all!

caramelwaffle · 21/08/2012 16:33

Fall asleep for ten minutes and they all go on sale. Requesting everything. No do's.

jennywren123 · 21/08/2012 17:05


TheSkiingGardener · 21/08/2012 17:06

Got some after putting the same request through for about 10 minutes. It's really not a transparent system though is it! I think the twitter alerts have been the only way I got them this time, they just go too damn quick.

QuiteOldGal · 21/08/2012 17:58

Now my IP address is banned from Ticketmaster for too many ticket requests and not purchasing them. I think it lasts 24 hours. Grrr.

I keep getting forbidden if I try to access the Olympic ticket website and googled it, it said to much ticket requesting from different browsers, we are using 2 browsers here, I was also using twitter and ticketchecker.

caramelwaffle · 21/08/2012 19:11

Oh that sounds good TSG

booboofanny · 21/08/2012 20:24

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Southwest · 22/08/2012 01:33

You're lucky skiing (maybe I need a sporty nickname lol)
I tried around 5 for ages well over half an hour only requesting one lot at a time even cut the numbers from 3 to 2 and not a thing

caramelwaffle · 22/08/2012 16:15

Tickets on sale now (London Venues)

TunaPastaBake · 22/08/2012 16:16

Quite a few by the looks of it - Good luck !

caramelwaffle · 22/08/2012 16:21

Olympic Park tickets on sale now.

caramelwaffle · 22/08/2012 16:26

Success! Yes.

caramelwaffle · 22/08/2012 16:26

Forgotton what days I've bought for now Hmm

WhyTheBigPaws · 22/08/2012 16:46

Yay, just got some thanks to the Twitter alert - pure chance that I happened to be on there when I was supposed to be working. Got Wheelchair Basketball and Olympic Park, DD is beyond excited and I'm really pleased :)

topbannana · 22/08/2012 17:28

Not sure my heart will stand much more of this :o
I HAD tickets for the cycling, equestrian and athletics in my basket (for the first time ever I should add!!) but never got them when I requested them Hmm
I did splash out £6 on Olympic Park tickets for DS and I so that, if all else fails, then he will at least get to see the park.
PeppermintCreams · 22/08/2012 17:31

We've just got Athletic tickets. Very excited as we'll get to see the stadium. Cheap £10 seats though so god knows how far back we'll be.

Can now concentrating on getting tickets for the in laws.

caramelwaffle · 22/08/2012 17:35

Athletic Tickets!!? How?!

TeamGBsometimes · 22/08/2012 17:43

Just got Olympic park tickets for our family to have a nosey around.

My family are not that that keen on seeing any events apart from athletics or cycling which were all gone. So I bought a single wheelchair basketball ticket for me when they are back at school. Sod 'em, I'll go on my own and have a fab time :)

PeppermintCreams · 22/08/2012 18:11

I have no idea how I got them! Just luck!

But I am following the twitter feeds so logged on as soon as I started getting text message alerts from 2012 TicketAlert. Which was about 10 minutes after they were released because I was at the corner shop!! So I'm very very lucky, and happy!

Also got park tickets as emergency back up for the in laws.

Dollydowser · 22/08/2012 18:37

After days of trying we managed to get athletic ticket this afternoon too. My dh just happened to check on twitter the second they announced a release. Can't believe our luck!


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VeryHappyMummyOf2 · 22/08/2012 20:19

I have spent hours at the computer, trying to get tickets. Finally got some for athletics but only by using

It alerts you (and gives direct links) way before the tickets actually appear on the ticketmaster site. It also gives sound alerts (I can do house chores but then as soon as the alarm sounds I drop everything and turn into manic woman at the computer).
Other tips include signing in and keeping your basket active using Check4change. That way when you do get tickets you don't need to mess aroung with emails and passwords (and those horrible security words!)
I am so relieved to have finally got some. Good luck to others in their quest for tickets.

caramelwaffle · 22/08/2012 20:22

Great tips VeryHappy

GetDownNesbitt · 22/08/2012 20:23

Fucking hell! Got some!

Went for Olympic Park only but soooooo pleased. Only the 9999th attempt - was pure luck, checked and booked immediately.

And my train tickets were only £60 too - bargain.

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