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Share your hilarious family holiday stories with Drac from Hotel Transylvania 3 - £300 voucher to be won

209 replies

DracLordOfDarkness · 16/07/2018 09:32

Hello, it’s me, Drac, again! Thank you for all of your wonderful tips to help me survive my family vacation on the world’s first ever cruise for monsters. Yes, yes a cruise is just a hotel on water! I know we might as well have stayed at home at Hotel Transylvania, but my little ghoul Mavis insisted I need a vacation. I’ve heard that lots of people, especially humans, like to go on family holidays and I would love to hear about them and any funny stories you have.

My most hilarious moment on my monster cruise holiday was on the plane over. I know it’s ridiculous because vampires can fly but apparently I need to relax. We flew with the infamously dangerous Gremlin Air who have truly excellent customer service on board as you can see below Grin. PM me if you’d like their details - they’re truly fangtastic.

So what hilarious family holiday stories do you have? Did someone get really bad moon-tan lines? Perhaps you tricked someone into eating a bucket of garlic? Did you go on a cruise and someone accidentally dropped their suitcase or phone overboard? Or the whole family take part in Karaoke? I love Karaoke and have some spooktacular moves to go with my singing!

Whatever your funny family holiday stories are, please share them with me and you will be entered into our Hotel Transylvania 3 prize draw to win a £300 voucher of your choice. Maybe you could use the vouchers for your own luxury monster cruise vacation?

Good luck!


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Share your hilarious family holiday stories with Drac from Hotel Transylvania 3 - £300 voucher to be won
OP posts:
tobermoryisthebestwomble · 05/08/2018 07:52

We took the family to London to celebrate my dad's birthday. We had lots of treats booked: west end show, dinner, zoo, Legoland.
My DH was pulled over by police driving home from work the day before we were due to travel, it turns out his MOT had expired that day. Fortunately we have two cars. DH has the big family car, I have a little FIAT 500, not what you would class as a spacious car with significant boot space. Also the air con wasn't working and it was a baking hot weekend with all the usual snarl-ups on M25.
We packed up the car and drove the 300m to London after doing a really good job of packing all our gear in the tiny boot...until we arrived and realised that we had forgotten to pack the case with all the kids clothes in and, even worse, my dad's birthday presents.
There was nothing we could do but laugh, really (and head to the supermarket to buy two whole new sets of clothes for the kids for three days).

Kangakate · 05/08/2018 14:51

We went for a walk in the local woods near where we were staying when I was younger and I decided to show off by walking down a fallen log, after getting everyone's attention and pronouncing 'look at my perfect balance' I fell off and into a stinky bog!

sbruin1122 · 05/08/2018 17:54

dad getting locked in a portaloo!

Mamabear1986 · 05/08/2018 18:23

We have just had our 1st family holiday to a caravan park.
We hired a car but for some reason the booking was wrong and instead of a 7 seater we ended up with a tiny tiny car. Not only did We have to squash 5 of us into the car but we also had all our luggage. On route there, my eldest son was sick in his toy bucket. We didn't have anywhere to pull over and seeing as we were only 6 miles from the caravan park I decided just to hold onto the bucket of spew! Imagine a small car, 3 little boys and myself clutching a bucket of space whilst 1 kid was crying because the car smelt of foot, 1 crying because he was over tired and the other kid looking like death warmed up. Not the ideal start to our holiday.

rocketriffs · 05/08/2018 20:13

Coming from the North of Scotland, we don't have motorways and large intersections or anything like that. We decided we would holiday in Berkshire and take in a bit of Reading Festival. On the way there, we were on the M4. It was 5 in the morning and we missed our turn off. My brother driving, not knowing how to get to the other carriageway did what he would do on a normal road, mirrored, signalled and did a U turn. The car sank into the gravel on the central reservation. There we were, stuck until a passing recovery lorry towed us out. The lorry driver must've thought we were a right bunch of muppets.

JudgeRulesNutterButter · 05/08/2018 21:13

Don’t know if it counts as hilarious but our most ridiculous attempt at a holiday was a week in a tiny flat on the beach in the pissing rain. Cramped, boring, nothing to do except try and entertain DD (3) and then talk in whispers all evening. God that was a fun week. Hmm

suewilly · 05/08/2018 22:04

We recently took our little ones to Peppa Pig world and the two eldest at 11 and 7 kept saying they were far too old to want to see it. They were adament they were going on sufference because Peppa Pig is one of 2 year old Leo's favourite TV programmes.
Strangely though, as soon as we got on the boat ride the two girls couldn't contain their excitement and were constantly shouting out when they saw the characters!

baconbap · 05/08/2018 22:21

The car broke down. Eventually the breakdown lowloader turned up, but he'd been told the car would still drive, which it wouldn't. He hand winched the car onto his vehicle. The we set off. After about an hour he stopped as his brakes had seized on, and phoned for another breakdown truck. I had visions of an even bigger truck coming and the both vehicles getting winched onto this, but the car was transferred onto the replacement breakdown truck and eventually we were transported to a garage at our destination.

grannybiker · 05/08/2018 22:27

Even now the children are older we gently take the p1ss out of Mr GB as he'd always issue dire warnings about not getting feet wet. Guess who ended up with wet feet each time? LMAO!

jamielmdjs · 05/08/2018 23:15

The wee man went down the water slide for the first time. We checked the depth, same as the shallow end at the hotel so fine for him. Current (from the slide) made it a wee bit trickier but still fine but he decided to play a prank. When he hit the water he went under, and flapped about for a joke. His quick reacting dad jumped in almost immediately, expensive camera around his neck. Camera ruined, the wee man 'saved' from his joke and the lifeguard still in his seat looking on bemused.

piggypoo · 06/08/2018 07:13

We went to Cornwall years ago, and at the time I didn't know that my Mother-in-law was petrified of crabs. We hit the beach, and I heard a blood-curdling shriek. I turned round to see my MIL, had dropped her ice cream, she'd spotted a ginormous crab, and tried to run, but her tights had started to fall down, so there she was, desperately trying to pull up her baggy tights, and at the same time put as much distance from her and the crab as she could. I still maintain to this day I saw the crab laugh at her, as we all did! It was hilarious!

greensmith68 · 06/08/2018 09:39

we went camping in devon got there on the saturday got a nice pitch at the top of a slope with beautiful sea views the next day it was scorching hot we went to the zoo and the heavens opened we ran across some grass to get under cover hubby shouted becareful coming down that hill i said what just has slipped over and skided down the hill i had red clay mud from top to toe and to make matters worse i had white top and shorts on and i'd broke my flip flop when i'd tripped needless to say the photo's were posted on facebook before i'd even made it to shelter thanks to my teenage son

blue25 · 06/08/2018 10:29

A trip to Clovelly where a very sweet donkey shat all over my foot

ItsJustASimpleLine · 06/08/2018 10:31

We were won a family holiday at Center parcs. Parents, Sis & BIL Niece, Bro & GF and our toddler DD. We were all day in the cafe area of the Swimming Pool having lunch. DD had quite an impressive poo face which give us warning of a imminent explosion however this time she simply rolled to the side and pooed, it came straight out the side of her swim nappy and onto the chair and through the little holes like a sprinkler. There was so much it was everywhere I just picked her up and ran to the changing room which thankfully had a sink we could clean her in and my poor DM had to clean up the mess on and under the chair. It was so embarrassing a couple other parents however offered their sympathies when we came back out and said it was quite the impressive poo for such a small child. I was horrified!

MaureenMLove · 06/08/2018 11:52

Going to the airport, with a couple of friends dressed as pirates was a highlight. We'd gone straight from a party and we were slightly merry. The friends sat a bit away from us on the plane and when the cabin crew came down with drinks, they said, 'oh, that's funny, there's another couple dressed as pirates down there!'Grin

It was funny at 5am getting on the plane. Not so funny when you land 4 hours later and your luggage has gone missing and you're explaining to the lost luggage guy that you can't spend two weeks dressed like this!Grin

Oh how we laugh now....!

Leanfun · 06/08/2018 15:42

Once staying in the Peak District we decided to have a fish and chip picnic. All was going well until a sheep decided to follow our toddler. Toddler climbed into the back of our estate car and the sheep tried to follow after the chips. The sheep would not move away for me only did so when it heard husband’s voice.

cathryn1 · 06/08/2018 21:31

mommy and ava went swimming in the pool learning to swim, daddy works hard at home so we let him sleep on the sunbed not knowing no suntan lotion, those shoulders were sore when he woke up, so sore he had to wear mommies Always pad on his shoulders to keep the tops off the burn

clarabella12 · 06/08/2018 23:40

we went a big family holiday to florida as it was my parents 40th wedding anniversary. as a gift my brother gave them mickey and minnie mouse wedding hats and made them wear them all day with personalisation of their wedding date and length of time married on it. the looks they got was hilarious plus lots of compliments some people thought they got married as babies..

slbhill42 · 07/08/2018 22:23

DS6 is learning French. We went to France. He was very excited about the opportunity to hear and speak it in real life. The first shop we went in he took some sweets to the cashdesk, the cashier spoke to him in French and he was so overwhelmed he dropped to the floor like he'd collapsed, leaving her peering over to see where he'd gone lol

rhinosuze · 08/08/2018 07:33

I remember my mum taking me to Spain as a child and getting lost in the middle of nowhere, because of their siestas we couldn't find a bus or taxi for hours to rescue us. All I did was cry

Thatforagameof · 08/08/2018 21:25

Losing my bikini top on the water slide just as i went into the landing pool where there were lots of people waiting. I cringed at the time but can laugh about it now.

Hopezibah · 10/08/2018 22:00

erm I really really don't want to confess that it was me rather than the kids that provided the most memorable holiday experience for all the wrong reasons! Going through a security door (accidentally) at the airport and setting off ALL The alarms! Having to then be detained until they checked all our details. Then there was the time I tried paddleboarding and got swept out to sea and had to be rescued by the rescue boat. I don't seem to have much luck on holiday!


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itsonlysubterfuge · 11/08/2018 11:22

My MIL is hilarious without meaning to. One time she asked an innocent (male) member of the cabin crew how she could join the mile high club! She meant she wanted to join the Skymiles club, where you get miles for flying. How funny.

littlemonkeyz · 12/08/2018 19:37

We went on holiday in Scotland. My mum decided we should go bilberry picking to make some pie for tea. We couldn't understand how my 3 year old brother could pick bilberries so quickly. When we got back to the cottage, my mum started to wash the bilberries only to find that my brother had in fact been picking rabbit poo instead (it looked very much like bilberries!). Needless to say, my dad decided to pass on bilberry pie that night!

colleenw · 13/08/2018 11:04

When we went on our first abroad holiday - we stayed in a big big hotel in majorca and on the first night we stayed up late at the entertainment. When it got rather late for the little ones we decided to get back to our room and get into bed. Only we (more I) walked into the wrong room (The second key was actually the key for our next door neighbours) However i'd been so desperate for a wee and rushed in before the kids and my husband and straight into the bathroom for a wee. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed, me or our neighbours! My husband still can't breathe when telling that story to anyone!

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