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Share your hilarious family holiday stories with Drac from Hotel Transylvania 3 - £300 voucher to be won

209 replies

DracLordOfDarkness · 16/07/2018 09:32

Hello, it’s me, Drac, again! Thank you for all of your wonderful tips to help me survive my family vacation on the world’s first ever cruise for monsters. Yes, yes a cruise is just a hotel on water! I know we might as well have stayed at home at Hotel Transylvania, but my little ghoul Mavis insisted I need a vacation. I’ve heard that lots of people, especially humans, like to go on family holidays and I would love to hear about them and any funny stories you have.

My most hilarious moment on my monster cruise holiday was on the plane over. I know it’s ridiculous because vampires can fly but apparently I need to relax. We flew with the infamously dangerous Gremlin Air who have truly excellent customer service on board as you can see below Grin. PM me if you’d like their details - they’re truly fangtastic.

So what hilarious family holiday stories do you have? Did someone get really bad moon-tan lines? Perhaps you tricked someone into eating a bucket of garlic? Did you go on a cruise and someone accidentally dropped their suitcase or phone overboard? Or the whole family take part in Karaoke? I love Karaoke and have some spooktacular moves to go with my singing!

Whatever your funny family holiday stories are, please share them with me and you will be entered into our Hotel Transylvania 3 prize draw to win a £300 voucher of your choice. Maybe you could use the vouchers for your own luxury monster cruise vacation?

Good luck!


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Share your hilarious family holiday stories with Drac from Hotel Transylvania 3 - £300 voucher to be won
OP posts:
sunshine265 · 01/08/2018 18:11

First holiday away with our 4 and 2 year old girls... well it felt like I was a single mother with my husband being the third child. I spent two week organising them watching them etc etc as this littlest one was a bad combination with the swimming pool. So I asked my husband to watch the girls in the baby pool. I look up and my youngest is bobbing up and down in the pool- my husband looking around chatting no worries in the world. I had to jump what felt like metres from my sunbed into the pool to fish her out (she luckily was fine) but it just made me realise what a plonker my husband actually is! 🙄

Littlebluebird123 · 01/08/2018 20:52

Not the most awful thing to happen but it was pretty bad at the time. (We laugh about it now.)

After spending 8 hours driving a 4 hour journey (accidents/roadworks/m25 car park) we (dh, me and 2 dcs under 5) arrived at our hotel at 11pm. (Popular cheap motorway hotel chain, can't imagine this was hugely unusual). Needless to say we were shattered and just wanted to sleep (in our pre-booked and paid for) family room.

Receptionist looks at us nervously. Taps a bit on the computer. Nervously grins again and then disappears into the back - for 5 minutes.

I turn to dh and say, they've given our room away. Confused

Receptionist comes back, taps on computer again (imagine little Britain type tapping) and says sorry but we don't have any family rooms left, only doubles.

Dh and I adjust the two small children we're carrying (who are all but asleep) and explain in firm but quiet voices that we've paid for the room so he has to find us a room, now! Or two rooms if they only have double beds in them as we can't fit 4 into a double bed.

He then finds 2 rooms and off we go.
We are at different ends of the corridor but only have one bag (as we were expecting to be in the same room) cue lots of dh and I quietly padding up and down the corridor settling DCS and swapping toiletries etc so we could get ready for bed.

Then dc with dh manages to spill most of a bottle of coke on the duvet so he ends up squashed in a corner trying to avoid the soggy bit.

Thankfully we managed to sleep and continue our journey but I wasn't impressed that they'd given away our room nor that we had to come up with the solution for them!

VanellopeVonSchweetz99 · 01/08/2018 22:30

Took our children to The Beach.
They ... wait for it ... hated The Beach.

SummerTimeSoon · 02/08/2018 07:54

Two years ago, my partner and I decided to take our son (1yr old at the time) for a relaxing holiday in Spain. One day after a 'relaxing' morning at the beach, we were chilling on the balcony together eating a bit of lunch when ds slid the balcony door shut! We were all locked outside. Luckily we were on the first floor and had a roof below us that dp could climb down onto. He walked along the roof around to the side of the hotel and found a small window and waited there till someone came along and opened it for him. He then climbed through the tiny window and went down to the reception to borrow a spare key. Ds was none the wiser the whole time, playing happily on the balcony and completely oblivious to the trouble his dad was having 😂 I love that little monkey!

UnlawfulBananaPeeler · 02/08/2018 08:46

I have a few (seem to be highly clumsy on holiday)

First one was me when I was about 14 , there was a dog in the beach doing flips as the owner kicked sea water for it to chase, it was absolutely amazing and I was so absorbed in watching it and walking along the front I didn’t see the huge sign post and walked directly into it making a huge comdey ‘DOING’ sound . My mum laughed so much she wet herself a bit.

Second was a camping trip when I was young, about 5 and my brother about 15 . We were playing tag and I stood right in the middle of a prickly nettle plant and I ran at him with such force and shock with my hands in the air I snapped his bare stomach as we collided and he had two teeny hand shaped welts for a day or so..and in lots of pictures.

Last one I was on holiday with my mum when I was 18. She’s usually quite sensible but apparently all inclusive holiday anything goes and she was drinking tequila sunrises at 10 am. As we walked towards the pool down a steep hill she slipped and did the splits and ended up holding her drink up in the air above her head while everyone started at us. When asked why she didn’t try to steady herself she said ‘well I didn’t want to spill my drink’ . I inforced the after 12pm rule on my 50 year old mum Grin

Windmyonlyfriend · 02/08/2018 09:47

First night of mine and DH’s honeymoon and we’re looking out over lake Garda from our balcony, sipping champagne. Being the conscientious person I am, I’ve slid the door closed to keep the mozzies out.

Of course, I’ve locked us on the balcony. We end up having to yell at passers by asking if they could please tell reception that we’re locked out and could they send someone to rescue us please.

Eventually someone understands the crazy waving shouting Brits and help is sent. The manager reassured us it happens very frequently. (Maybe put a sign on the self-locking door then?!!)

jazzitup · 02/08/2018 11:25

Lost in the Lake District with a car that refused to do another mile, Oh how we laughed together as a family.
I do love a bit of Sarcasm

katieskatie82 · 02/08/2018 13:03

well this wasn't quite as hilarious for me as it was for others. It was the first day of our holiday and i got stung on the lips by a wasp. I had to go to hospital and get it looked at. I was fine afterwards but spent the first few days of the holiday looking like Mick Jagger!!

ha2el · 02/08/2018 19:11

Preparing for holiday, all clothes washed and piled up for each one of us. It was just a case of putting the piles into the suitcases , nicely grouped for each of us. Unfortunately the pile containing the children's underwear didn't go in, so for the first few days the 5 and 7 year old were wearing a combination of underwear belonging to Mum and Dad. The children loved it. And we tried not to laugh. Virtually inpossible!

cmlover · 02/08/2018 19:22

this wasn't funny at the time but can laugh about it now.

first holiday I took my 3 and 6 year old on holiday I went with a friend. to a caravan site.

we had been to the kids club, I took my children home and my friend stayed behind drinking with her sister who had come up for the day.

they come back left the door open, friend then went to get something out of the room my kids where in. she noticed my 3 year old wasn't in bed and started panicking that he got up and walked out the caravan her and her friend looking outside calling his name.
finally after franticly searching for 10 minutes they wake me up ... and find my 3 year old cuddled up to me under my blanket.

we had words that if she actually thought my son was missing she should have woke me up straight away.

this is the same holiday that the same 3 year old and 6 year old brother had we skinned bannas and laid the skins in the hallway running up and down playing minion rush.

my children, esp the youngest keep me on my toes.

angiehoggett · 02/08/2018 20:58

When I was little my mam and dad used to have a tourer caravan and we used to go away camping. My dad tells me a story of a really awful man telling me off for literally nothing other than being a kid and playing so that night my dad threw some bread on top of his caravan. The next morning there were seagulls all over his roof fighting over the bread and if you've ever been in a caravan you know how loud that would have been early in the morning!!!

sweir1 · 03/08/2018 11:15

On our first holiday to lanzarote a few years ago, my little 4 year old decided to do an accident in the pool that closed the pool off for the whole day

sunshinewey · 03/08/2018 15:19

Mum,s skirt blowing up over her face in the restaraunt in a lovely Turkish hotel, she was holding two hot drinks so couldnt pull it down, So so funny !

boptanana · 03/08/2018 15:44

We both thought that the other had the kids suitcase!

Aanniilleess · 03/08/2018 19:30

@skinnyamericano that's just made me laugh so loud HAHAHAH, I can picture the smile on your child's face, and the complete horror on yours hahaha! Love that! 😂

laurac1987 · 04/08/2018 11:28

Not regarding my DD but actually regarding me as a child. We were staying in a holiday cottage on the Isle of Wight, I was about 8 and very curious and nosey as to what everything was, looking behind things, in things. I went into my parents bedroom, looked behind the bed and found a pack of condoms. I read out the word aloud and shouted 'mummy, what are con-do-oms? I found them in your room. Are they sweets?' My mum, not being very good regarding anything surrounding these subjects, grabbed them off me and told me off for being nosey!

welshmardymum · 04/08/2018 13:16

we were all at a cafe having a family drink, it was ever so slightly sloping and the back legs of the plastic chair my Dad was on ever so slowly starting buckling but so slowly he didn't notice ..... in the end he toppled over backwards really slowly and watching his hands grasps for the table had us all in VERY MEAN fits of laughter

Headfullofdreams · 04/08/2018 16:11

Told DS1 (age 6) I'd go on the water slide we'd nicknamed the death slide. DH was looking after DS2 and 3.
He went down and I said I'd follow. The barrier at the top only opened when the person in front reached the bottom. So I pushed the barrier then hesitated and then couldn't get through. DS1 got v upset and went to find DH and told him Mummy lied, except through the tears it sounded like Mummy died so DH was "What??", thinking I'd died on the death slide. When I did the walk of shame down the stairs he was very relieved!!

Jocelynne123 · 04/08/2018 18:37

The first holiday I took my daughter on we landed later in the evening. My daughter was 6 and we went out for dinner. The poor thing was so tired she fell asleep in her spag Bol. Her face was covered and she didn't even wake up. I love those photos! Xx

badgermum · 04/08/2018 21:54

In Sri Lanka my husband was having a chilli eating contest with a a local and he wanted to win, but when he finally reached his limit he was taken ill with the heat and spent the entire night in the toilet and missed a day of white water rafting the next day.

kelliec · 04/08/2018 22:09

We were travelling with extended family staying in several different rooms. My grown up niece called our room and I answered in French. She tried 3 more times and it was only when I answered my mobile in French that she twigged it was me!

lolamia91 · 04/08/2018 23:28

My mum took us camping as kids and we were next to a guy who had a VW painted as the mystery machine... best but he had a dog that looked like scooby


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Tortycat · 05/08/2018 00:31

Last year, driving to Pembroke with toddler and a baby. we'd set off after dinner so dc would sleep, despite it being a 5 hour drive. I tried to look at the sat nav which brought on awful travel sickness. It got bad really quickly so i couldnt even take over driving. First few times of being sick, dh pulled over so i could get out. Cue dc waking up, baby crying, toddler "what's mummy doing?" etc. But dh had a migraine coming so started to get impatient... so next few vomits he carried on driving while i tried to be sick out of the window. But the lashing rain (and flecks of vomit) was coming in and hitting toddler sitting behind me who got upset. It was about 2am by this point. So the next few vomits dh refused to stop at all. Mid argument i had to be sick into the picnic blanket on my lap. Repeatedly. It was a terrible terrible journey. We finally got there hours late about 4am, and i then had to crawl into bed, covered in sick, to feed dc2.

Dh got his comeuppance though as he had to spend the first day of the holiday scrubbing dried on sick off his new car (inside and out!) Smile

cadefuri · 05/08/2018 02:37

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urltcom · 05/08/2018 06:29

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