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Share the best baby advice you’ve been given with ASDA Little Angels for the chance to win a £300 voucher! NOW CLOSED

368 replies

EmmaMumsnet · 01/11/2017 10:49

Having your first child can be a daunting time, causing you to ask yourself ‘Am I doing this right?’ multiple times a day. And with the constant stream of parenting tips from all and sundry, it can be hard to know who and what to listen to. ASDA Little Angels would like to know what the one piece of baby advice someone gave you was that really cut through the noise and made a difference.

Here’s what ASDA Little Angels has to say: "We all know you can get great advice online from the likes of Mumsnet or our own Baby & Toddler Club; but sometimes that one thing that makes your life easier can come from the most unexpected source. We’d love to hear yours!"

Did someone show you a handy trick to make nappy changes hassle-free or tell you the must have essentials for your nappy bag? Maybe you were given golden advice on how to still feel like yourself whilst caring for baby? Or perhaps you were told tips on how to get your baby to sleep through the night?

Whether you were enlightened by the numerous uses for wet wipes or told a never-fail trick to soothe your baby, please share it below and you will be entered into the prize draw where one Mumsnetter will win a £300 voucher of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck!


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Share the best baby advice you’ve been given with ASDA Little Angels for the chance to win a £300 voucher! NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
sarat1 · 03/11/2017 15:35

A top tip from a friend has really helped us. Use a towel on the changing table to help catch 'spills' and feel a little warmer for changing times. It also means if things go horribly wrong, it won't spread around and can easily be removed and replaced with another towel or just the usual changing mat surface.

chaznip · 03/11/2017 17:42

Take all offers of childcare/ help when they are small. The offers dry up as they get older!

Duckswaddle · 03/11/2017 17:44

Do what's best for you and baby, not anyone else.

Zebee · 03/11/2017 18:19

You are the expert on your child. Just nod and smile for other advice and take the sensible stuff and ignore the rest.

clopper · 03/11/2017 18:59

Sleep when your baby sleeps and when your baby goes to sleep in the evening/ night, let them get used to settling with normal household noises e.g. the loo flushing!

PugwallsSummer · 03/11/2017 19:34

Do what works for you and your baby and don’t feel the need to defend your choices. Easier said than done though!

claza93 · 03/11/2017 20:19

I was given a bucket and a packet of nappy san - the best stuff ever for getting rid of nappy stains!

Byrdie · 03/11/2017 20:36

Never run upstairs to change a smelly nappy. Being out of breath is not a good idea.

LouieAl84 · 03/11/2017 21:13

My Gran likens motherhood to a three legged race; some Mums are ahead of you with older children, and often like to share ‘race tactics.’ Unfortunately, there’s no fail safe way to succeed in the parenting race and certainly no ‘right’ way that will work for all participants!!
We are all just trying to do our best, trusting our instincts and generally muddling/stumbling our way through! There will be countless trips and falls along the way but its bloody good fun so enjoy every second!

honeyandginger48 · 03/11/2017 22:16

To do what's right for you and your baby and not to worry about what others are doing.

My mother in law also advised me not to bother buying lots of baby toys. She was quite right. Both my children preferred banging pots with spoons or playing with everyday objects such as keys or pegs to any of their toys.

NotEnoughCushions · 03/11/2017 22:16

"Don't try for a routine but look for a pattern"

Best advise I received was that all babies are different but DS had definite eat-sleep-poo-eat pattern. Once I sussed it and stopped trying to wake him at certain times it all got a lot easier.

And stop reading all the books - you'll tie yourself in knots.

Loopyjoes · 03/11/2017 22:30

When the little ones get a nasty cough put vicks vapour on the souls of their feet with socks on for instant relief for you and them!!

Royalsteph · 03/11/2017 23:56

Go with the flow and follow your instincts. Every baby is different.

Toffeegurl39 · 04/11/2017 07:36

When my first was tiny the heart visitor said to me: "put him down dozy rather than fast asleep. " My son soon learnt to put himself to sleep and still is, at 16, a very god sleeper. This was a piece of advice I've passed on to everyone as it was so useful.

SnackSnackEatAndCrave · 04/11/2017 07:54

Sometimes babies just cry.
Pop them in the pram and get out for a waddle (nobody walks after giving birth right?) round the block, take deep breaths and remind yourself that you are not a bad mum, you are a good mum having a bad day.
It's the cheesiest line I'd ever heard when my HV told me this at our 12 day visit, but it saved me... And I do this now with my tantruming toddler!

fruityb · 04/11/2017 09:52

Pulling vests down over the shoulders

Spare dummies in bed so they can find their own to settle

Ewan the dream sheep!

Give them a spoon when feeding to encourage them to join in

Stick a hook on the back of their high chair so you can keep bibs there.

Davenotdave · 04/11/2017 10:22

To try to get it off the house everyday, even if it's just a lap around the block. Made such a difference to my mental health

Beach11 · 04/11/2017 10:54

Do what you want do & ignore all of the advice that is given when not requested

WishUponAStar88 · 04/11/2017 11:00

A ‘soft’ routine from very early on. It’s then all they know and at least on hellish days you have the evening to relax as a couple.

KoalasAteMyHomework · 04/11/2017 11:11

My best piece of advice that I now pass on:

Don't count the things you haven't done in a day, count the things you have.

So instead of worrying that I hadn't done the washing up, washed my hair, tidied the room, gone to the shops etc, I'd look at what I had done. Things like fed my baby, dressed myself and my baby, fed myself (!) got my baby to nap, played peekaboo 4 times and changed about a dozen nappies!

Treaclespongeandcustard · 04/11/2017 11:20

Everything is a brief phase and will pass. Enjoy it as much as you can while you can

Opheliasgoldenwine · 04/11/2017 12:29

Sleep when the baby sleeps Grin


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georgedawes · 04/11/2017 12:47

That everything is a phase and will pass! It really is true.

gd2011 · 04/11/2017 12:59

To stop wet wipes drying out, store them in a zip loc bag.

TracyKNixon · 04/11/2017 13:04

If your baby won't stop crying put him/her in the pram or slin and go for a walk!

Trust your instincts.

Don't try and live up to anyone else's expectations of a good mum. You'll find your feet in your own time. All this little one needs is for you to be happy and love her and she'll be the luckiest little girl/boy around!

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