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Share the best baby advice you’ve been given with ASDA Little Angels for the chance to win a £300 voucher! NOW CLOSED

368 replies

EmmaMumsnet · 01/11/2017 10:49

Having your first child can be a daunting time, causing you to ask yourself ‘Am I doing this right?’ multiple times a day. And with the constant stream of parenting tips from all and sundry, it can be hard to know who and what to listen to. ASDA Little Angels would like to know what the one piece of baby advice someone gave you was that really cut through the noise and made a difference.

Here’s what ASDA Little Angels has to say: "We all know you can get great advice online from the likes of Mumsnet or our own Baby & Toddler Club; but sometimes that one thing that makes your life easier can come from the most unexpected source. We’d love to hear yours!"

Did someone show you a handy trick to make nappy changes hassle-free or tell you the must have essentials for your nappy bag? Maybe you were given golden advice on how to still feel like yourself whilst caring for baby? Or perhaps you were told tips on how to get your baby to sleep through the night?

Whether you were enlightened by the numerous uses for wet wipes or told a never-fail trick to soothe your baby, please share it below and you will be entered into the prize draw where one Mumsnetter will win a £300 voucher of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck!


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Share the best baby advice you’ve been given with ASDA Little Angels for the chance to win a £300 voucher! NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
sarahw2 · 13/11/2017 21:53

I think the most useful advice I was given was to sleep when the baby sleeps, and accept all offers of help!

robyn297 · 13/11/2017 23:08

Pack your change bag then take half of it out as you don't need it all!

I have an extra change bag in the car with emergency supplies in(including a towel) so I just have the bare essentials in my change bag.

Rushy21 · 14/11/2017 00:00

The best advice was that bodysuits go down as well as up!!! So when there's a 💩 Explosion there's no need to pull it up over baby's head you just slide it down!!

Lydia30 · 14/11/2017 00:39

Relax and do what you think si right!

upthehammers · 14/11/2017 02:58

don't stress yourself out trying to get all the latest fad items that people/advertising tells you your baby needs...all your baby really needs is you (and well, clothes might help!)

VickyRsuperstar · 14/11/2017 03:33

I was told by my MIL to always trust my instincts with my children and it was very good advice. I knew something was wrong with my eldest child, but didn't know what. It turned out after over a year with seeing various health professionals that his tonsils and adenoids were chronically infected and he had glue ear...cue an op the day before his 2nd birthday. Soon after I realized he was not quite "normal" & I had another fight with being fobbed off by more health professionals, but later with backing from the school, he was diagnosed with ADHD & autism and got full time help at school. Again when he was 13 he became very unwell with some puzzling symptoms, I insisted on seeing a pediatrician and it turned out that he had a very rare illness and went through a series of operations. I thank my MIL for telling me to trust my instincts. It's so hard sometimes when you really have no clue, but your gut feeling just says something is wrong.

Chelsea26 · 14/11/2017 06:14

Happy mum = happy baby!

cathryn1 · 14/11/2017 07:05

sleep when your baby sleeps, go with your instinct you know best !

howling · 14/11/2017 07:38

stick to your guns and don't let anyone else dictate what to do with your baby, their yours and enjoy them.

bex552 · 14/11/2017 07:47

Hang stained baby clothes/muslins etc on the washing line for a few days, the sunlight removes the stains!

HappySecret · 14/11/2017 07:54

Has to be "Don't sweat the small stuff".

Unfortunately, took me 10-15y to work out what the small stuff was!

Closely followed by the MN Mantra: "This, too, will pass."

cathyov · 14/11/2017 08:04

My grandmother told me to learn with my baby that we were both beginners and like any skill you have to work hard at it and we would help each other on our journey in life.

greensmith68 · 14/11/2017 09:01

throw the baby books away and follow your instincts its so much more relaxed than compairing everything with the books

Pimmpom · 14/11/2017 09:09

I was told to sleep when the baby sleeps which was fine but not so easy when you have more than one.

mumpetuk1 · 14/11/2017 09:24

Don't change your babies nappy during night feeds if they do not need, changing their nappy wakes them up more.

noynoyavery · 14/11/2017 09:59

Don't worry everything shall pass..people all seem to want baby to sleep through as quickly as possible, but they have such tiny tummies food gets digested quickly so they get hungry quickly, it is also a big scary world for them, be gentle to them and to yourself treat the first four months as if it is another trimester.

Dessallara · 14/11/2017 10:35

Housework can wait!

jhgillies · 14/11/2017 10:49

Both of my babies were premies and so spent their first few weeks in hospital. The midwives and nurses insisted that I get my sleep because I would need it. It is so tempting to stay awake 24 hrs in case you miss anything, but never underestimate the importance of sleep. Sleep when they are sleeping, allow friends and family to look after the baby so you can sleep.

Also, swaddling is a godsend.

LuckyHansu · 14/11/2017 10:52

To trust my gut feeling. Every baby is completely different and you'll drive yourself mad trying to take everyone's advice!!!

Sammie87 · 14/11/2017 11:27

All babies do things in their own time, there's no competition, just let your baby lead the way and encourage them to grow in their own timescale.

manfalou · 14/11/2017 12:12

You baby doesnt need loads of clothes! They grow so quickly, don't waste your money. have a couple of sets and use baby grows... They only poop on them anyway

ikkle87 · 14/11/2017 12:25

gently stroke the bridge of babies nose and it helps them drift off to sleep


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maria08k · 14/11/2017 12:32

The best advice i was given ( which of course i ignored and now wish i hadn't ) was to accept help...if you mother in law offers to do your ironing....let her! If your mum says she will cook you dinner....let her! Don't feel to proud....i was so worried if i accepted help that people would think i was failing and that i couldn't get on with day-to-day life with a new baby so i struggled on. Those few first days are a whirlwind of sleepless nights, anxiety, emotion and not knowing if you are on your head or are not is! A little bit of help really does go a long way so accept it!

pattiselmabouvier · 14/11/2017 12:52

To just keep reminding yourself “it’s only temporary” during the tough phases. My son is now 2 and I need this mantra more than ever!!

FrenchieMum2Be · 14/11/2017 14:26

I was shown how to take vests off from the neck down, wow! It made a big difference when I had to deal with first 'poonami' incident.

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