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Chance to win £250! New year, new skill? How about first aid? Share your thoughts with the British Red Cross NOW CLOSED

293 replies

AnnMumsnet · 12/01/2015 09:31

We have been asked by the British Red Cross to find out - in general - what new skills you're planning to learn or find out about in 2015?

They say "the new year is a time for thinking about learning something new in the year ahead. British Red Cross would like all mumsnetters to equip themselves with a new life skill in 2015 by learning first aid for baby and child - on a course, online or by downloading the free Baby and Child First Aid app".

So, what new skills are you planning to try and learn this year? If it's first aid, how will you learn this? How do you feel about learning new skills these days? What about your partner? How do you find the time to learn new things as you get older? Do you think it's important to do this?

If you're keen on finding out about learning some first aid skills - do check out the resources from the British Red Cross:

Courses info
Online materials
Free App

And let us know on this thread what you think.

Share your thoughts on learning new skills generally and any feedback on the British Red Cross first aid for baby and child info on this thread and you'll be entered into a prize draw where one lucky MNer will win a £250 John Lewis voucher.

Please add your comment by 26 January 2015. Standard Insight T&Cs apply

Thanks and good luck

Chance to win £250! New year, new skill? How about first aid? Share your thoughts with the British Red Cross NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
leannemoore · 18/01/2015 22:18

I would love to learn CPR incase I ever needed to use it ... Knowledge is power

scoobygirly · 18/01/2015 22:20

I'll be signing up to a local nursery's course on preventing babies choking & resuscitation

jt75 · 18/01/2015 22:23

Learn to drive

arat · 18/01/2015 22:26

My promise for this year is to learn some current tech, to try and keep up with my kids. With a bit of luck, mighht get as far downloading an app such as the Red Cross one!

scarlettlylah · 18/01/2015 22:29

I have done my first aid through work so my aim is to keep all my training upto date.x

hbakfam · 18/01/2015 22:31

I love Trance music and I've just bought some decks so I want to develop my mixing skills!

freefan · 18/01/2015 22:43

I have already completed the adult first aid course through my work and this year after becoming a first time Grandparent I am keen to learn the more detailed Baby and Child course, something I feel strongly should be offered to all soon to be parents as routine.

beckyinman · 18/01/2015 22:46

I need to go on a refresher, I let mine lapse last year

GetKnitted · 18/01/2015 22:50

Wonderful apps!

Kem99 · 18/01/2015 23:01

Great just downloaded the app. Have to admit that even though I have done lots of first aid training in the past, my memory is terrible. Having something on my phone to refer to is perfect.
This year I'm going to start learning Spanish, may take a while but I'm going to give it a go.

katiecoodle1 · 18/01/2015 23:04

I have already done a few first aid courses, with work, and on my own - particularly children's first aid. I am relatively comfortable with my own level of knowledge. This year I am hoping to train my dog to come back to me! She only returns when she's in the mood and sometimes squirrels are more interesting - but this year I'm going to train her good and proper!

gemmie797 · 18/01/2015 23:05

I would like to learn British Sign Language this year. They do courses at a local college. The course fits around school times, so it's easier to fit it in. It's important to keep my skills up to date and maintain my own interests

jamielmdjs · 18/01/2015 23:13

Great to have that sort of information easily at hand. Could be critical in moments of need.

Most new skills this year will come in the kitchen. Looking to increase my repertoire - with more healthier options.

hugjen · 18/01/2015 23:27

Would love to learn new skills however finding the time and the childcare to be able to do this is a nightmare. I'm teaching the kids first aid (2 and 6) and we've had loads of fun with pretend phone calls and bandages. Shame no one does family courses so everyone can learn together. First Aid is an essential life skill, I've always been brought up with it and think everyone should know the basics.

Pmliu · 18/01/2015 23:46

I I downloaded the app which looks pretty good should I ever need it at least I know I got it right there, my hubby had first aid training so he keeps me informed on what to do which is very handy

openerofjars · 19/01/2015 00:03

The app looks great, a real boon for people wanting to keep their knowledge current. I did a baby and child first aid course with the Red Cross a few years ago but I'm always worried that I'm a bit rusty, and now the children are a couple of years older I could do with repeating it.

In terms of new skills, I'd love to join a choir if there's one local to me that doesn't mind that I can't really sing all that well, and I've started volunteering at my local library so a library skills course wouldn't be a bad move either.

wendybrown · 19/01/2015 00:38

I have regular first aid training.
app is a great idea

Funkyferret · 19/01/2015 00:52

I'm fortunate that through work I took a First Aid course and I'm glad I did. The app is a great idea but making sure mums to be and new mums (and dads) are aware of courses in their area, through GPs, health visitors etc, so they can actually go along to and talk to someone about anything they're not sure of or want to know, is crucial. For me, this year will be the year I take up a language again.

TracyKNixon · 19/01/2015 06:17

I am planning to enroll on a refresher First Aid Course. I am a qualified nursery nurse, though a full time mum now, but during my training I attended a First Aid course but feel I would like to attend a refresher course as it was over 10 years ago. I also plan to enroll on a felting craft course as I love making and creating for my family and home and it is a craft I have yet to try!

Dawnywoo · 19/01/2015 06:27

This to me has always been a no brainer.

I've trained in first aid and beleive it's something everyone should do if it's within their capabilities.

Great stuff for publicising.

janeyf1 · 19/01/2015 06:30

I want to learn how to cook this year. My skills are too limited

alabaster002 · 19/01/2015 06:51

Didn't even think of this until I saw the thread. My last first aid course was over 30 years ago Shock so a much needed refresher is in order.


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pusinky · 19/01/2015 07:03

I'm planning to learn a bit of plumbing so I can do DIY around the house

hiddenmichelle · 19/01/2015 07:15

I a going to learn to swim!

delboy3 · 19/01/2015 07:24


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