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Chance to win £250! New year, new skill? How about first aid? Share your thoughts with the British Red Cross NOW CLOSED

293 replies

AnnMumsnet · 12/01/2015 09:31

We have been asked by the British Red Cross to find out - in general - what new skills you're planning to learn or find out about in 2015?

They say "the new year is a time for thinking about learning something new in the year ahead. British Red Cross would like all mumsnetters to equip themselves with a new life skill in 2015 by learning first aid for baby and child - on a course, online or by downloading the free Baby and Child First Aid app".

So, what new skills are you planning to try and learn this year? If it's first aid, how will you learn this? How do you feel about learning new skills these days? What about your partner? How do you find the time to learn new things as you get older? Do you think it's important to do this?

If you're keen on finding out about learning some first aid skills - do check out the resources from the British Red Cross:

Courses info
Online materials
Free App

And let us know on this thread what you think.

Share your thoughts on learning new skills generally and any feedback on the British Red Cross first aid for baby and child info on this thread and you'll be entered into a prize draw where one lucky MNer will win a £250 John Lewis voucher.

Please add your comment by 26 January 2015. Standard Insight T&Cs apply

Thanks and good luck

Chance to win £250! New year, new skill? How about first aid? Share your thoughts with the British Red Cross NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
Teladi · 15/01/2015 10:35

I just did an NCT/Red Cross baby and child first aid course last night! It was great and I feel more prepared now. My DD is 3 but it was still very relevant (I was worried it might be a bit too much 'baby'). My husband came too. We both now have the app on our phones after we were told about it and I did one of the little 'tests' last night, the burns one, and learned even more useful info!

In terms of other skills, I am doing a Chinese for Beginners course on Coursera just now - it's tricky but interesting!

sianihedgehog · 15/01/2015 13:34

I'm going to teach myself MYSQL. I love learning new skills, but I find it almost impossible to make time to attend courses in person. And an awful lot of online learning seems to want me to spend hours watching videos of people saying stuff I could read in minutes. So annoying!
Might do an infant first aid course, too, it's easily 20 years since I did, but it's SO hard to find time.

Tzibeleh · 15/01/2015 16:32

I held First Aid qualifications many years ago. I never had cause to use them throughout all the years that I was a First Aider at work and elsewhere. Then I had children and twice was glad of my FA training when they choked and turned blue, and I was able to save them.

I would highly recommend that everyone do some first aid training, including children. My dc have all done a bit through Scouting, and we occasionally practice putting each other in recovery position, and discuss what-if scenarios.

Tzibeleh · 15/01/2015 16:35

And the skill I plan to learn this year is how to knit two socks simultaneously on one pair of needles (instead of one after the other on sets of 5 needles).

Flossiecrossie · 15/01/2015 19:08

I know you're asking about first aid, and I really should be more up in this, but I'm ever so squeamish and I have always shied away from these courses. I may well regret that one day, and should probably face my fears and get myself booked in one. As to learning new things, I started a new job atthe end of last year, and the next 12 months will be a huge learning curve in learning new skills relevant to the role and to my clients. What I love about life, is that there is so much to learn and so many opportunities to do so. We should never be afriad of saying we don't know something - admitting it means we can then look to learning more about it.

peach78 · 15/01/2015 19:25

The app is a great idea. When we had our eldest a group of us from our antenatal class arranged a first aid class focusing on First Aid for newborns and young children. Luckily I've not had to put any of it into practice but it's good to know that I have an idea of the basics should the need arise.

As for what skill I'd like to learn this year it would be to brush up on my French. We're planning a holiday there when the children are a little older and my GCSE French is very rusty!!

milkpudding · 15/01/2015 19:51

I wish an Android app was available.
We did an NCT first aid class, which was useful.
This year I want to learn how to sign to our baby.

Teladi · 15/01/2015 19:53

The app is on Android, milkpudding! You can get it from the Play Store.

Coffeechick · 15/01/2015 19:56

I'm going to improve my sewing skills so I can attach a zip and more complicated things than just straight seams. :)

LocalEditorCarmarthenshire · 15/01/2015 21:00

will download the app now and definitely have a look at i think it is really important for everyone to know at least the basics in first aid. brilliant that they have done it as a free app.

lozzybeast · 15/01/2015 21:44

I have downloaded the app, thank you for making it available, I have trained in first aid in the past, and this is great to refresh.

I really want to learn to crochet! I have been watching some youtube videos. I want to make some blankets for my friends animal rescue centre!

0ryx · 15/01/2015 22:26

I think one should always be learning new skills, otherwise how can you grow!

I have studied paediatric first aid in the past but desperately need to refresh! Find it doesn't stick very well, worried I wouldn't know what to do in a panic. Will keep the app on my phone, handy to check up on things.

kateandme · 15/01/2015 23:40

id love to do a health care course and first aid included.
also would love to learn a new language.all dreams of course but still if we were talking ideals here;)
reality being what it is id simply then like to work on my drawing techniques and origami folding.

ButterflyOfFreedom · 16/01/2015 03:41

I did first aid training as part of my antenatal classes when I was expecting my first (3 years ago). I found it really informative - though of course I hope never to have to use it.
I maybe should have done a refresher since having my second (3 months ago) though it is tricky finding the time and I obviously didn't go to antenatal this time round.

An app would be ideal so (once I've sorted out my new phone!) I'll be sure to download it.

AnnMumsnet · 16/01/2015 10:56

Hi BathshebaDarkstone and anyone else interested in a Windows app - British Red Cross say this is in development.

OP posts:
MakeTeaNotWar · 16/01/2015 11:24

love the app - - very clear and easy to use.

I probably won't get round to doing it but I'd love to learn to swim properly. I could do with some refresher driving lessons too....

StickChildNumberTwo · 16/01/2015 13:14

I don't have a smartphone so can't try the app, but having done first aid training many many years ago the videos are a useful refresher and reassurance that I've not forgotten it all and would get things near enough right to do no further damage.

CMOTDibbler · 16/01/2015 15:28

I like to try and refresh my first aid knowledge every year.

New skill for 2015? Mine is to make pretty tumble turns in the pool and not end up with a sinus wash out each time

CordeliaScott · 16/01/2015 17:32

I wasn't previously aware of the app but had intended to complete a baby first aid course at the children's centre.

I could really do with learning to drive this year but considering the number of lessons I have had to date think that it is probably not meant to be...

meandjulio · 16/01/2015 19:43

I'm trained in adult CPR and choking at work, and feel reasonably confident that I would know the main things to do - I've had to help a choking adult but we only had to do back blows - but I do feel vulnerable when it comes to children. I did a First aid with children course when ds was tiny but that was quite a few years ago now!

crapcrapcrapcarp · 16/01/2015 22:54

DH is a first aider but I've never been trained at all. We need a new first aider at work this year though and I'm hoping to do an extended outdoor first aid course because it would be useful for when I'm cycling too.

I always want to learn new things but it's so hard to find the time.

nerysw · 17/01/2015 08:50

I need to do a first aid refresher this year and will be having a look at the app as it sounds good.


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waterlily200 · 17/01/2015 13:14

I'm interested in first aid for little ones now my dd is on the move and I look after my niece 2 days a week. I hope I never need to use it but 2 under 2s charging around the house it's better safe then sorry.

clopper · 17/01/2015 15:46

I think those videos are great. I think first aid is an important life skill for everyone to have. I did one as part of a teacher inset years ago, but I've forgotten a lot of it so a refresher course would be good.

Uzma01 · 17/01/2015 23:36

I'm expecting my third child in summer - and am wondering how I'll learn cope given my second child is a real handful at 3 years old now.

I'd love to learn something new just to keep the old grey matter ticking over but these days I find it so hard to concentrate on things.

I want to read more books mainly, on a variety of subjects to get my academic mindset back. I have to prioritise it for my sanity more than anything else I think.

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