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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 16:25

So I come back to find that you have deleted my thread asking why my Santa thread was deleted.

Of course it was a thread about a thread, it was asking a question about the thread.

Wtf else is one supposed to do?

I put it in site stuff.

It was also a really nice friendly thread full of poetry and laughs. Why why why why was it deleted? What the hell is going on there?

Secondly, if one wants to talk about something, and that something has been deleted purely owing to others mischief, does that mean that one is never to talk about that subject again??

How mad is that?

OP posts:
ButThereAgain · 05/12/2013 18:05

"debate discussion" should say "debate section"

PlentyOfPubeGardens · 05/12/2013 18:06

Oh crap. I missed the first thread but was enjoying the second. There were some really thoughtful intelligent posts on there.

I understand the thing about TAAT when someone starts a thread to say 'everyone on x thread are wanky arseholes' or whatever, or if people are simply continuing a bunfight or repeating something that was deleted for being potentially libelous ... the 'why was the santa thread deleted?' thread was none of those.

One of the things I really like about MN is they are usually v transparent about mod decisions and willing to discuss so for the life of me I can't see a problem with a TAAT in site stuff.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:07

But it could say something like:

Debate Section

Herein you may find ideas that are challenging, upsetting or just thought-provoking. Do not take them personally and do not make ad hominem attacks. Leave the personal at the door and focus on the point. If you are not able to do that, this isn't the place for you.

OP posts:
ButThereAgain · 05/12/2013 18:09

Yes, that makes sense, on second thoughts. Not sure it would work, though. The hiistory of the last few years on MN has been one of devising new rules and forums to try to compensate for deteriorations that are the result of a change in culture. It hasn't ever worked I think. Rules can't make ethos, not on their own.

DeckTheHallsWithBoughsOfHorry · 05/12/2013 18:13

I was on the first thread at the death and I wasn't surprised it was deleted. People advanced searching people and quoting posts from three years ago, deliberate derailment and insults... If MNHQ had deleted all the infractions the thread would have looked like Swiss cheese. Far simpler to just delete the bloody lot.

HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 18:15

I would hope it wouldn't turn into a pointlessly fighty section because my vision of it Grin is a place that is home to people who hate pointlessly fighting and personal attacks and simply want to debate an issue and be allowed to get angry about opinions and debate them fiercely and pick them apart. really get into it. without screaming bullying or calling names or crap like that.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:16

Well you know what Horry, they could have come on the thread where I asked why and said that. Not just gone bam! a thread about a thread. Which it wasn't

That would have at least been polite.

OP posts:
usualsuspect · 05/12/2013 18:16

The dragging up old posts was a low blow.

I'm not sure what that was all about.

NewBlueCoat · 05/12/2013 18:18

If there is a debate/discussion section, you would just get (even more) dumbing down of the rest of the site, though. Lots of cries of 'oh, ffs, take that to the debate section, will you?' if you ever tried to raise even a semi-serious point.

A bit like AIBU is totally hijacked by bile and vitriol, becuase it can be. The rest of the site would become a wasteland of gossip and banality, which would just be odd.

HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 18:18

bloody hell, someone advanced searched to try to score some points against a stranger on the net? who did that? [nosy]

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:19

oh who cares? just another twit

OP posts:
HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 18:20

It's going to become that anyway, tbh, as any and all debate and disagreement is shut down in order to create this new mumsnet that's all fluffy kittens and mums having group hugs.

I like the rows. Grin I like reading challenging views from intelligent women on issues that matter.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:22

What is really annoying is when one stays calm no matter what because it's thr point that matters, and then the thread is deleted anyway because of a load of twits.

what's th epoint?

OP posts:
NewBlueCoat · 05/12/2013 18:23

I like the rows too.

And the reasoned discussion.

And the bloody fabulous opinions, and links to interesting stuff, and subjects I'd never in a million years have thought I'd be interested in, but am because they are being discussed by brilliant, witty, interesting posters.

Or, at least, they used ot be.

Agree that is the way the hwole site is going, but rather than accept the sidelining of what used to eb the whole raisin-d'etre of the damn site, I would instead be quite interested in knowing why it has to be this way.

Which, I know, is why Hully has started these threads. But they keep being deleted.


GodRestTEEMerryGenTEEmen · 05/12/2013 18:24

The ability to add pictures is a step towards sparkly shit.

And the shutting down of debate is a further step towards huns and having to write f*.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:24


OP posts:
PeteCampbellsRecedingHairline · 05/12/2013 18:25

I missed poems.Sad Were they as good as the web chat limericks?

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:26

they were ts eliot pomes, so you can easily read em

OP posts:
PeteCampbellsRecedingHairline · 05/12/2013 18:29

Ah ok, I was worried I had missed a Hully original rhyme. Smile

NomDeClavier · 05/12/2013 18:34

Actually the more I think about this the more Hmm I am. I think I need to start my own thread on the topic, genuinely, because in DH's family Santa brings all the presents but in my family we give presents to each other. It's a really sticky cultural issue apparently and we didn't have to discuss it last year. But apparently now we do and I can't even start an AIBU because we can't discuss the ethics of Santa without it possibly getting bunfighty?! It's Santa, of course people are going to get uptight!

GodRestTEEMerryGenTEEmen · 05/12/2013 18:34


Because MN is huge now. Really huge. And gets media attention all the time.

And godforbid the media pick up something serious. Rather than Penis Beakers.

I am very anti-MN lately, for many many reasons. I doubt I'll ever leave and I'll still post on fun threads when I see them, but I am stopping a lot of the other stuff I used to do.

Like defending HQ.

Mintyy · 05/12/2013 18:42

I don't know what I'm going to do if this thread gets deleted for the same ridiculous reason. Explode probably. Guts everywhere. Not nice for the dc to witness that Sad.


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NewBlueCoat · 05/12/2013 18:45

Oh bugger. Was in the middle of a huge reply to Tee when I had to break off to film ds' first steps. And now have lost my reasoned debate reply.

Oh well, it'd only have been deleted for being too serious anyway, I expect.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:46

me too mintyy

OP posts:
cherryademerrymaid · 05/12/2013 18:52

I know I'm late to the party but people seriously got upset because someone had an opinion about NOT telling lies about Father Christmas existing? Oh the hysteria....this place has gotten weirder and weirder this past 3 years....

I've lied for 8 years so far....I'm not upset that someone else chooses not to.

Egg nog anyone? (home made, not that nasty store bought shite)

  • looks for the egg nog emoction -

    We need an egg nog emoction.
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