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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 16:25

So I come back to find that you have deleted my thread asking why my Santa thread was deleted.

Of course it was a thread about a thread, it was asking a question about the thread.

Wtf else is one supposed to do?

I put it in site stuff.

It was also a really nice friendly thread full of poetry and laughs. Why why why why was it deleted? What the hell is going on there?

Secondly, if one wants to talk about something, and that something has been deleted purely owing to others mischief, does that mean that one is never to talk about that subject again??

How mad is that?

OP posts:
Frettchen · 05/12/2013 17:40

There seems to be a very thin line between 'debate' and 'goady'... I was planning to read Hully's thread after work, I don't have any DC yet, but when I do I don't intend on doing the Santa thing and wanted to see what the arguments for/against were... but the thread is gone, and I shall be forever in the dark... Xmas Sad (or should it just be Sad ?)

BuffytheElfSquisher · 05/12/2013 17:40

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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:40

Disagreement is GOOD

Debate and discussion lead to thought and change.

It's people who can't separate the point from the personal who are the problem

OP posts:
Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:42

Oh v good buffy

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HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 17:45

It's people who can't separate the point from the personal who are the problem

I totally agree with this.

I love a good debate. A heated debate. Grin I'll happily go toe to toe with someone on an issue, get really worked up about then laugh about it with them. It's easy to debate an issue passionately and not end up calling people names!

GodRestTEEMerryGenTEEmen · 05/12/2013 17:48

::applaudes Buffy:: Xmas Grin

You know, I never say this...but MN has actually changed.

It's just not possible to have fun any more.

Too many PO. Too many new moderators, sorry Community Managers, with delusions of grandeur.

What the fuck was the point of that chat a few weeks ago with Justine et al?

StickEmUpSideways · 05/12/2013 17:48

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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:49

you can have a bick kiss, stick and be grateful

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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:49



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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:50

Indded Tee

No fun or nuance just oh look, it's X's name let's just delete everything and save ag.

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AvonCallingBarksdale · 05/12/2013 17:51

This is Insania. I don't agree with Hully's PoV on the old Santa debate, but I love a debate, heated or otherwise, what with me being a grown up and all that. MN is weird at the mo. So many irritations.

HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 17:52

thank FUCK bick was typo for big. I wondered what the hell you were offering there!

NewBlueCoat · 05/12/2013 17:54

this is madness.

I saw the original thread title, but didn't get around to reading it. I sit on the fence with that one, tbh. I have dd1, who doens't know enough to get the fact that Santa isn't a story (she's read books about him, therefor ehe must be a story, iyswim), and dd2 who has been asking since she was about 2 (sometimes with a worried look on her face) 'yes, but is he REALLY real?', and I have been left in the middle not kn owing what the fuck to say.

I read half the second thread, which wasn't really a thread-about-a-thread in that it wasn't bitching about whatever/whoever got the thread deleted in the first place, and wasn't goading, or carrying over any kind of nastiness of hounding or anything. And then I missed the rest - I've just logged on to read the rest now I'm home again, and saw this one.

Which will be going pfffft shortly (WHY?!).

Good lord, how times have changed. No actual resoned discussion allowed anymore, unless it is about how orange the Orange One is, or what Katie Price will name her next child, or how Johnnie's clothes are really crap this season (followed by hundereds of threads about what has been bought from Johnnie), Madness.

Getorf · 05/12/2013 17:54

You know it's not TRUE that all the audience shouting 'we care' during the Care Bears film saved the life of the Care Bears.


You know what? I don't give a fuck any more.

HoneyDragon · 05/12/2013 17:55

Well. You could start the thread in Ethical, or WWYD?

And word it along the lines of

As a parent and a human do you feel uncomfortable with the Santa lie.

It's all getting weird. This is foremost a parenting site, and it is a parenting question that gets discussed in some form or another annually.

The pompous dad remains which in my opinion means there are more nefarious reasons for deleting this one that hQ are refusing to share.

HoneyDragon · 05/12/2013 17:56

Mind you. I could still be on sherry....

HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 17:58

I know, New. Do you remember some of the amazing debates that used to happen on here? People would argue, dissect each other's posts, get furious Grin and that was ok. It was fine to argue.

I really miss that.

I've suggested a time or two that there is a place on here for a heated debate section. Where those who want to slip on their big girl pants can go and actually get stuck into an issue. And those who don't like that - hide the topic!

HoneyDragon · 05/12/2013 18:00

I actually wanted to start a discussion about something that bothers me about Boden. Now I'm scared.

Getorf · 05/12/2013 18:00

What was the last row we had on here and someone said that standing up to MNHQ was like being Rosa Parks?

I love that mumsnetter, she came on and said sorry later.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:00

now that is a good idea hec, or perhaps in the way that people now feel obliged to write (lighthearted) we could write (deadly serious and likely to get heated)

OP posts:
NewBlueCoat · 05/12/2013 18:01

hmm, I kind of like the idea of a debate section. but at the same time, just want to shout WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WE ALL GROW UP AND DISCUSS THINGS IN EVERY SECTION?!

Talk - actual, real talk and discussion, is what this place used to be about. It used to be proud of that. Now it seems it's all about the natter instead (nowt wrong with natter and gossip, but don't understand why it means that discussion and debate can't happen, or has to be pigeonholed)

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 18:03

Actually, why not have a Debate Section?

It is a good idea. I would be delighted to post my ideas there and not upset the twits.

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ButThereAgain · 05/12/2013 18:05

But a debate discussion would either be like a new AIBU (i.e. a licence to be stupidly fightly) or, if it just meant a place to grow up and talk/think seriously, it would be a weird admission that the rest of this discussion site isn't actually a discussion site -- and then what on earth is it? A place to recommend brands, and sod all else?

GodRestTEEMerryGenTEEmen · 05/12/2013 18:05

The twits will be upset regardless. Just because they are twits.

StickEmUpSideways · 05/12/2013 18:05

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