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Hullygully · 05/12/2013 16:25

So I come back to find that you have deleted my thread asking why my Santa thread was deleted.

Of course it was a thread about a thread, it was asking a question about the thread.

Wtf else is one supposed to do?

I put it in site stuff.

It was also a really nice friendly thread full of poetry and laughs. Why why why why was it deleted? What the hell is going on there?

Secondly, if one wants to talk about something, and that something has been deleted purely owing to others mischief, does that mean that one is never to talk about that subject again??

How mad is that?

OP posts:
usualsuspect · 05/12/2013 17:15

Have you got nothing better to do than post 'have you got nothing better to do'? On an internet forum?

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:15

I've got horrible deadlines staring at me, but if we let it all go, if we don't stand up for RIGHT, then where will we be?

OP posts:
Getorf · 05/12/2013 17:16

This reply has been deleted

Message deleted by Mumsnet for breaking our Talk Guidelines. Replies may also be deleted.

YoureBeingASillyBilly · 05/12/2013 17:17

Why does nobody ever post "have you got nothing better to do" telly addicts or S and B threads? Confused Its seems you're only allowed to be on MN if you're happy.

GoshAnneGorilla · 05/12/2013 17:17

Mumsnet is a privately owned website, they can run it as they please.

In their opinion, it was a bunfight and so they deleted it accordingly. Their shout.

Likewise, by their own rules, a thread about a thread breaks talk guidelines, so they deleted that too.

Really not seeing all the handwringing about this, unless it's all agitation prior to setting up some Moldies-esque breakaway group. Which will provide some nice Xmas drama, so feel free to continue.

MimsyBorogroves · 05/12/2013 17:18

I didn't see any buns.

Even christmas ones.

It's still weird around here.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:18

why not just write

ner ner ner ner ner

and have done?

Or polish your prefect badge?

OP posts:
BriarcliffBelle · 05/12/2013 17:20

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:20

soz mimsy, your post got in the middle there

OP posts:
usualsuspect · 05/12/2013 17:20

How about Goldies for the new website?

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:21

If I knew how to set one up, I would. Maybe a fb group.

OP posts:
Getorf · 05/12/2013 17:22

Let's get some motherfucking STOLLEN

I am depressed because I am on a train which left London 2 hours ago and which is not moving very quickly because of high winds and 'trespassers'

TRESPASSERS? People walking idly down the train tracks in the Cotswolds in DECEMBER?

Wth respect the trains can get fucked as well.

BriarcliffBelle · 05/12/2013 17:23

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Getorf · 05/12/2013 17:23

GOLDIES Hahahaha

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:23

They're collecting the leaves, getorf

OP posts:
usualsuspect · 05/12/2013 17:24

With respect Getorf,Stollen can fuck off.

youretoastmildred · 05/12/2013 17:24

Can I just check I have this right - I didn't see the first thread. Is this what happened:

Hully started a thread saying "I don't think we should lie to children about anything, including Father Christmas, why do we tell them that a big red fatty in the sky brings their presents?"

and some people cried and said "but we love Santa!"

and - and (this is the bit where I well up with uncontrollable laughter) and - the thread was deleted because some people were sad that people were dissing Santa?

I am now falling on the floor dying with hysterics

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:26

they also said I was a puppy boiling liar and sanctimonious etc

none of which I care about but which apparently constitutes a "bunfight"

OP posts:
Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:27

Also, I am singlehandedly destroying "the magic of Christmas"

OP posts:
youretoastmildred · 05/12/2013 17:28

I am now snorting inelegantly and smacking the floor with my hand in uncontrollable fits of hilarity

Do those people know that Bambi dies, in the book? (wait for thread to be deleted)

HECTheHeraldAngelsSing · 05/12/2013 17:30

seriously? We can't discuss this topic and any attempt to do so will be deleted?

I disagreed completely with hully's pov and said so but this is bloody ridiculous.

We are all supposed to be grown ups, ffs. We can't discuss an issue without name calling and being mardy?

youretoastmildred · 05/12/2013 17:30

Oh and another thing, just because Beth makes it through Little Women, don't think she's going to be ok. She kicks the bucket later, maybe in Good Wives

(waiting for mnhq to slap an injunction on me)


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usualsuspect · 05/12/2013 17:30

Was the thread deleted because some posters were saying Hully was a big goady troll?

usualsuspect · 05/12/2013 17:32

I disagreed with Hully. Well tbh I didn't know what the fuck she was on about.

But it's madness that the thread was deleted.

Hullygully · 05/12/2013 17:39

And I stayed calm and polite. So there was no fight, just the twits twittering and reporting.


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