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Justine said

167 replies

GretaGip · 17/11/2012 21:28

that deletions were going to be a bit more reasonable.

I have just seen 2 deletions on a thread that totally weren;t against Talk Guidelines.

What the heck is going no?

I happen to still have a window opem, and can quote them.

It's really annoying and actually unacceptable, as it makes sane poaters look like Vipers when they're not. I thought this was going to be eradicated.

I am really saddened.


OP posts:
Plyushka · 18/11/2012 00:21

Also, as an adjective, "delusional" couldn't be applied to something inanimate, like an opinion, whereas clearly "deluded" could be.

It would be interesting if people's posts started having delusions.

LadyMaryChristmas · 18/11/2012 00:23

You're assuming that everyone on here understands what you mean though, Plyuska. Any web site has a wide variety of users, you can't assume they all know the difference.

Plyushka · 18/11/2012 00:30

I know, but then you end up with a dialogue of the deaf, don't you?

LadyMaryChristmas · 18/11/2012 00:32

Just assume that everyone is at the same level, and there's no problem. Smile

MmeLindor · 18/11/2012 00:37

I think we all understand the difference between 'you are being naughty' and 'your behaviour is naughty', but deluded / delusional are words that are often used in a similar way.

When I think about it, I'd use 'deluded' but would assume a person meant similar if they used 'delusional'.

And I agree - what matters is how the words are used - a personal attack is a PA regardless of the words used.

LadyMaryChristmas · 18/11/2012 00:43

There's no need for any personal attacks though, just don't post. I don't like some of the things that people say, I just get off the thread. There's no need to insult someone, it achieves nothing.

Plyushka · 18/11/2012 01:13

I agree with your first two sentences, but as to the third, I'd say it can achieve hegemony, and that is the aim.

LadyMaryChristmas · 18/11/2012 10:04

It depends upon why you use mumsnet then. I don't come on here to argue or wind people up. I have experiences and knowledge to share and the TV is rubbish so I need something to do.

Trills · 18/11/2012 10:14

Are you feeling a bit stressed?

look at the kittens instead

LadyMaryChristmas · 18/11/2012 10:18

Grin Ds has gone all mushy!

he says you all need this!

Pinot · 18/11/2012 12:39


OatyBeatie · 18/11/2012 12:39

I feel mean for being snarky on this thread last night. It always seems to me that MNHQ does a pretty good job with regard both to deletes and refusal-to-deletes. There has to be a chunk of discretion left to them -- you can only codify rules up to a point, and the catch-all "not in the spirit of the site" seems like a good cover for just letting the staff use common sense, which they seem to do pretty well.

It isn't hard to avoid being deleted. I don't think I've ever pulled any punches, but I've never been deleted afaik.

MmeLindor · 18/11/2012 13:02

you are not MaryZ, are you?

OatyBeatie · 18/11/2012 13:21

When I say I haven't pulled punches, I don't mean that I am a tough speak-as-I-see-it person (yuk and double- yuk), I just mean that I haven't ever felt that the deletion policy gets in the way of saying what I want to say (apart from having to bite tongue in the face of trolls, but that seems a sensible prohibition).

LadyMaryChristmas · 18/11/2012 13:30

No, MmeLindor. I used to be LadySybildeChocolate before her sad demise. Sad I was BelledeChocolate before (I kept the Chocolate so I wouldn't confuse people too much).

Trills · 18/11/2012 14:02

You can tell it's not MaryZ by the lack of a Zed :)

MmeLindor · 18/11/2012 15:59

Thank, LadyM. Didn't think so, but wondered.

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