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Justine said

167 replies

GretaGip · 17/11/2012 21:28

that deletions were going to be a bit more reasonable.

I have just seen 2 deletions on a thread that totally weren;t against Talk Guidelines.

What the heck is going no?

I happen to still have a window opem, and can quote them.

It's really annoying and actually unacceptable, as it makes sane poaters look like Vipers when they're not. I thought this was going to be eradicated.

I am really saddened.


OP posts:
Portofino · 17/11/2012 22:02

The personal attack was on ME. I am happy for the post to stand.

HelenMumsnet · 17/11/2012 22:04


But I don't get the difference between 'deluded' and 'wrong' in this case.
'You're wrong' is surely not a PA?

I am sure you do not make buses shriek Grin

Saying someone is wrong is disagreeing with their opinion.

Saying they are delusional is implying their mental health/ability to think clearly is impaired. Which makes it personal.
Portofino · 17/11/2012 22:04

She said it, I never reported it. I do not believe she should be able to retract it.

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 17/11/2012 22:04

Oh, did you? Grin. I don't read your posts as such

HelenMumsnet · 17/11/2012 22:05


The personal attack was on ME. I am happy for the post to stand.

That's very nice of you, Porto. But if we've seen it, we're duty-bound to delete it.

(And I think our heads would explode if we had to check with the person who was attacked every time first.)
SuePurblybiltbyElves · 17/11/2012 22:05

Good point Porto.

Well, you'll have to take it on trust that to me, deluded meant wrong or sadly mistaken. As this seems to be all about me

HelenMumsnet · 17/11/2012 22:06


She said it, I never reported it. I do not believe she should be able to retract it.

She didn't, did she? It was deleted, not withdrawn...
Portofino · 17/11/2012 22:06

Can.t see any beardage from here, Sue.

MrsDeVere · 17/11/2012 22:08

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 17/11/2012 22:08

I do see what Porto means - she had a nasty rant, self reported and it was deleted - it's the same result as a retraction (though I do see that MNHQ can't do much about that)
Other than my change-of-deleted-message-message plan...

Portofino · 17/11/2012 22:09

Sorry Helen - I came back from a James Bond/Curry orgy and she said she had reported herself. Anyhow, I apologised for the autocorrect, and am a bit stunned at all the fuss.

HelenMumsnet · 17/11/2012 22:10


I think its a bit bangoutoforder to be able to say something really horrible then get it deleted yourself.
Having your cake and eating it, that is.

But she didn't. If we'd agreed to delete at her request, you would have seen "message withdrawn at poster's request"

We deleted that post before she reported it. (Cos someone else reported it first!)
GretaGip · 17/11/2012 22:10

I'm sorry, Helen. This is probably not what you need on a Saturday night.

It's obviously a fine line to tread to decide what to dlete and what not to.

I'm just a bit sore about having a deletion ages ago that I still feel wasn;t desrved, and now I can;t claim I'm all shiny and pure on MN. Sad

So, thise sour grapes are affecting my response to the two deletions in reply to the outandout PA.

I think I'll go back to InanityTrulyReigns and do some arsetwittery.

OP posts:
HelenMumsnet · 17/11/2012 22:10


Can I have it now?
GretaGip · 17/11/2012 22:11

I reported the PA on you, Porto.

It was disgusting.

OP posts:
MrsDeVere · 17/11/2012 22:12

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Nagoo · 17/11/2012 22:13
GretaGip · 17/11/2012 22:14

You purty, Nags.

OP posts:
HelenMumsnet · 17/11/2012 22:15


I'm sorry, Helen. This is probably not what you need on a Saturday night.

It's obviously a fine line to tread to decide what to dlete and what not to.

I'm just a bit sore about having a deletion ages ago that I still feel wasn;t desrved, and now I can;t claim I'm all shiny and pure on MN. Sad

So, thise sour grapes are affecting my response to the two deletions in reply to the outandout PA.

I think I'll go back to InanityTrulyReigns and do some arsetwittery.

S'ok. We do get it.

Someone is vile. You say something chippy in return.

Both posts get deleted.

It feels unfair as chippy isn't as bad as vile.

But we don't do gradations of personal attack, we're afraid. Our heads really would explode then!

Perhaps it's best just to say something acidly nice instead of chippy in future? I dunno, maybe, "What a charming/intelligent/awesomely articulate post"? Point is made but it's not personal...
ChippingInLovesAutumn · 17/11/2012 22:20

Helen - 'you are delusional' can't possibly be a 'personal attack'.


having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions

a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary

How can either of those consitute a personal attack?

Corygal · 17/11/2012 22:24

The only deleted post I ever got was while talking to someone with depression about a shrink I used who also worked at The Priory. It was breathlessly reported by someone saying the shrink could have been identified in real life, and the post vanished in puff of smoke.

Most gratifying. Shame that thanks to my own confidentiality agreement I'd scrambled the ID of everyone involved before the first word. There are about 300 Priories too.

They teach you how to keep the point but lose the personal, as an automatic technique, in the expensive lunatic circles which I then frequented.

Useful skill that should be taught to all MNetters, I say.

Corygal · 17/11/2012 22:30

Oh come on, delusional is also widely or colloquially used to mean barmy, unstable, loopy, loony, daft, simple or nuts.

None of those is a compliment. It's also undermining and casts doubt on the authenticity of the poster, which on the internet is a big deal.


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LadyMaryChristmas · 17/11/2012 22:32

The law is a mess at the moment. I would talk about it, but I'm slightly tipsy and don't want to make a tit of myself. Grin Tis not Helen's fault though, tis the amendments to the Deformation Act. {hic}

MmeLindor · 17/11/2012 22:32

I feel that I am missing the point completely. It is like listening to my MIL (she always starts a conversation in the middle rather than at the start)

Anyway, I do like Helen's 'oooh, what an well thought out post' idea, filled with sarcasm, it could be quite successful.

Corygal · 17/11/2012 22:35

Deformation Act? Sounds like something that regulates my muffintop at PMT time. Defamation might be the way to go for getting the fear at being sued for being saucy.

I expect Sally Bercow can't spell it either.

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