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Current Year 11 2021/2022 support thread pt II

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StColumbofNavron · 20/07/2021 09:47

Thread for those with Y10s finishing July 2021 ready for Y11 in Sept 2021.

All welcome.

OP posts:
StColumbofNavron · 10/04/2022 11:24

@TobyWhatsit I don’t know an app but it’s really a diary/timetable isn’t it? A Google calendar with notifications would do the job and can be downloaded onto a phone. DS1 is a bit adhoc I am afraid.

OP posts:
TobyWhatsit · 10/04/2022 11:26

Yep, older ds wouldn't entertain the idea when suggested by the school / me, but has since said he wish he had used one.

Dd is different and wants some help to be more disciplined with her work / extra curricular activities and relaxing time. She wants to be able to put in the time that she has things on, watches telly etc and work around this to find an hour here and there to do revision. Anyone know of something that will do this?!

TobyWhatsit · 10/04/2022 11:27

[quote StColumbofNavron]@TobyWhatsit I don’t know an app but it’s really a diary/timetable isn’t it? A Google calendar with notifications would do the job and can be downloaded onto a phone. DS1 is a bit adhoc I am afraid.[/quote]

Thank you, we'll look at that.

mirpuppet · 10/04/2022 12:37


I have a dc in y10 at the moment and wondered if any of your dc have used an app to organise their revision / school work / activities etc?

I remember being told about an app that you can input your relaxing time and activities and then use that to organise your work / revision time and it shuts down your phone for all other things.

Has anyone heard of something like this?

My child is using an app called adapt which is also on my phone. DC likes it. I think it is a bit like a color coded calendar nice to look at but doesn't get revising done. DC motivated by ticking off subject each day.
QueenMabby · 10/04/2022 20:51

[quote Member786495]@QueenMabby yes I think I will just email and copy in the head of year. If all is well then he’ll just hate me more but I can live with that - she’s leaving anyway.
So envious of you having a ds whose work you have to limit btw! Dd has now been off for four days and hasn’t opened a book… we have agreed to a minimum of 3 hours a day from Monday for 4 days, and then the same the following week, but she threw her toys out of the pram when I said I’d turn her phone off whilst she ‘works’ otherwise it’d be 3 (more) hours of TikTok Hmm[/quote]
I definitely don't have to tell him to stop working - more that I sit down with him and help him to plan his week so that he has no excuse not to do anything!!

Lightsabre · 13/04/2022 20:20

Ds is pulling his finger out now but it's all a bit haphazard - no schedule or anything. I think he needs a bit more focus but at least he's putting the time in. He's started on some timed past papers. I'm still worried about English Lit - he's definitely avoiding it.

MrsPnut · 17/04/2022 10:20

DD has been in school a few days during the holidays and she has a physics paper still to finish for holiday homework.

I have promised a big Sunday lunch today in exchange for a morning of revision, as things are starting to a wane a little here.

QueenMabby · 17/04/2022 10:55

We're staying with family and ds has brought his laptop but think it's been used for mostly anime and minimally revision!

Home tomorrow night and then he can crack on again.

zighead · 17/04/2022 11:18

Happy Easter!
DS is having the weekend off but will be doing some Spanish tomorrow in preparation for the oral on Tuesday. Can’t wait for that to be over!

IThinkIMadeItWorse · 17/04/2022 20:17

Happy Easter! Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and hasn't eaten too much chocolate!

DS has been working pretty steadily, revising most days, mainly doing seneca and bbc bitesize so I suspect he also had some times when he got distracted on his computer. I have been trying to suggest which subjects he does each day to keep a balance. He seems to be running out of steam a bit now so I'm quite glad he's going back to school on Tuesday. We are pretty busy this bank holiday weekend so I've been trying to cut him some slack, generally I've been pleased by his attitude, he seems to be taking it seriously.

Only 19 school days until his written papers start (and French oral before that) so it feels very imminent. I think he will be ok if he can just keep going. Feels like a real marathon, I think this year has been more full on than usual with the threat that exams might be cancelled again hanging over their heads. Maybe I'm wrong and it always feels like that! Hope you're all doing ok.

legosnowqueen · 18/04/2022 09:00

Happy Easter everyone! @IThinkIMadeItWorse DS is taking a similar approach, we had a few days in Cornwall last week for a change of scene which was lovely. Since then, he has done a few hours each morning, then relaxed/seen his girlfriend or his friends in the afternoons. I'm happy with this balance for the next week, back to school next Monday then classes through to Friday 13 May. His exams start on 17 May but his French oral will be earlier, surprised he doesn't have a date for it yet...will be good to get that out of the way as French is his least favourite subject which he struggles with.

Rollergirl11 · 18/04/2022 09:13

Happy Easter to all. How lovely it’s been to have some sunshine! Back to school for DD tomorrow. She’s done well on the revision front, getting in a good 2 hours most days. We have also had a trip up to Liverpool for her birthday where she had a few days off and she’s has various trips in to London, a theatre trip and a gig so it hasn’t been all work and no play.

School still haven’t told us what is happening for study leave but we think they will be remaining in school up until half term. She has her Spanish oral next week, DD also just wants to get it out of the way. Can’t believe it’s 4 weeks today until the first exam.

StColumbofNavron · 18/04/2022 13:24

We’ve not heard anything about study leave so just going to assume he stays in school. Other than going into school for revision he doesn’t appear to be doing any at home, he is fasting though so I am cutting him a bit of slack and has put lots of work in to date and is on track.

I’m looking forward to everyone being back and a bit more routine and normality!

OP posts:
MirandaWest · 19/04/2022 14:34

DD has been doing a lot of revision (DS in year 13 hasn't but that is a different story).

She is incredibly self motivated but I do have to keep an eye on her to make sure she isn't doing too much. She also has a habit of taking over whatever room she's in and sighing if anyone dares to come in and do something like breathe....

Am quite glad she's gone to a friend's house and is having a sleepover there tonight!

MirandaWest · 19/04/2022 14:36

They don't go back to school until Monday by the way - she isn't just randomly off to a friend's house in the middle of school!

CornishGem1975 · 19/04/2022 14:36

DD has been revising at a good level. She's had a few days off here and there for socialising, Easter etc but today for instance she's doing a full day. I'm happy with her effort, don't think it helps anyone to be revise constantly.

Mad that their going into their final few weeks of school Blush

Silkierabbit · 19/04/2022 14:40

Happy Easter everyone. We had a relatively good Easter here, DD went down to London with friends, out with boyfriend and more friends, to Paris for a week with MIL and stayed here whilst we went away with DS to a hotel for 3 nights, first night by a river given by cancer charity including a lovely dinner and 2 nights on Pembrokeshire coast. My chemo got cancelled that week as severe neuropathy but timing was perfect and neuropathy resolved. Just had fourth weekly yesterday. We had a lovely boat trip and saw puffins and seals and lots of rainbows appeared. DH tried to do a three point turn on stony beach, car got trapped but a tractor and about 20 people got us out 30 mins before we lost car. Phew. Then B&B made us dinner even though late, lovely meals man was a chef before and excellent value. DD sent a message whilst we were away that she had filled our entire outside recycling bin Shock not a message ever expected to receive from a teenager! Grin

Her first is French speaking on 26th April then I believe a gap until 16th May and then solid through to 27th June, 33 exams or something pretty horrendous. My chemo will continue until 20th June ish now if they can safely get to end, could be delayed 2 weeks if do week gap every 3 weeks or could be abandoned later on but then will go to radio so likely to be something either way. Need to keep on with change of schools for poor DS in y10, he is not coping at all.

CornishGem1975 · 19/04/2022 14:59

Sounds like you had a lovely easter @Silkierabbit

I've tested positive for COVID today so just hoping DD doesn't get that now and be delayed returning to school next week. Our exams kick-off 17th May and finish 23rd June.

Silkierabbit · 19/04/2022 15:28

Sorry you have covid now Cornish, urgh, hope its not too bad for you. I guess the only slight upside if DD gets it now is she should be OK for exams but better to avoid it totally if you can.

CornishGem1975 · 19/04/2022 15:33


Sorry you have covid now Cornish, urgh, hope its not too bad for you. I guess the only slight upside if DD gets it now is she should be OK for exams but better to avoid it totally if you can.

Yes, I did think that - better to get it now rather than in a few weeks. Maybe I'll go lick her Grin. I'm on Day 3 of symptoms, first positive test today. Generally feels like a mild cold but by far the worst thing has been the dodgy tummy Blush
StColumbofNavron · 19/04/2022 15:37

O M G Silkie - have I understood that correctly, that the car got taken away by the sea! Glad you all got out in time. I once watched someone put their car on the ramp of a ferry and refuse to not do and then the car fell into the sea - but that was moronic behaviour rather than accidentally getting caught (its the sort of nonsense they let you do where my dad is from).

Sorry you have Covid Cornish.

It was back to school today for secondary DC, Spanish oral is end of this week or beginning of next. School are running breakfast MFL club where they can go in and practice but DS1 said he did some of these last term and is too tired at the moment because he is getting up at 3.30am to eat because he is fasting. Everything at school is revision now anyway so he argues that he is revising all day every day.

OP posts:
Silkierabbit · 19/04/2022 15:46

No we still have car, sorry that's chemo / steroids phrasing. We got within half an hour of losing her, I was not worried at first as she was at top of beach so clear of tide coming in but then an hour and a half in or so a 4x4 kindly tried to tow us out and rope snapped and she went to around 2 to 3 metres from water and they were local and said you know have 2 hours before the tide will take your car. I naively thought AA/Greenflag/garage will sort so still not worried but all said no as did fire brigade. DS was happily playing on beach and rock climbing. Beautiful scenery. Lots of strong men coming up with plans, none of which worked like removing the beach and putting wood underneath which they were breaking with bare hands. But car just went back a bit more. Then one of them went round to farmers a few miles away and got a tractor. Tractors had originally said no as busy farming but came just in nick of time as see here. Car still has stones coming out but so happy to have her and get back to B&B.

Yes my worst symptom with covid was my stomach and immodium did not touch it, lasted 6 weeks, argh though when tested they also found campylobacter told me results after 10 weeks when fine. Hmm Hope yours settles quickly. At least with chemo I have 10 million anti-sickness drugs.


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Silkierabbit · 19/04/2022 15:48

Trying to post pic again

Current Year 11 2021/2022 support thread pt II
Silkierabbit · 19/04/2022 15:51

Puffins seals and nice view from car whilst stranded.

Current Year 11 2021/2022 support thread pt II
Current Year 11 2021/2022 support thread pt II
Current Year 11 2021/2022 support thread pt II
QueenMabby · 19/04/2022 16:41

Looks like you had beautiful weather @Silkierabbit car drama notwithstanding!

@CornishGem1975 so sorry you have the dreaded 'rona. Hope the dodgy tummy clears quickly.

We've just got back from the long weekend with family which was lovely. DS took his laptop but only did an hour a day while we were down there so he had plenty of rest and seems well motivated now to crack on again. We don't start back until next Monday.

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