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Psychics and mediums

127 replies

Charliepeace83 · 11/04/2017 19:09

I've had some weird premonitions before or psychic experiences. Has anyone had a reading which came to something? have you ever had a reading which was helpful and helped your relationship? or they could give you time frames or who the 'one' is? Really interested in what ppl think!

OP posts:
HomityBabbityPie · 13/04/2017 11:30

No they can't.

It. Is. coincidence.

BertrandRussell · 13/04/2017 11:39

If asome people can predict stuff, why don't they predict important stuff?

MaidenMotherCrone · 13/04/2017 11:47

I've been to a tarot card reader a couple of times. On each occasion she stipulated that it is just for fun. She then went on to tell me things no one could ever guess. She even described a view from a window of a house I would/did have a massive connection to... it was the view from DPs lounge window which is very unusual.

She described DP ( from the uniform he wears to his pagan beliefs)

She even drew a rough sketch of a design for something that DP had drawn a couple of days before. This was for a very unusual piece of furniture that DP was planning on making ( think hobbit style).

Do I believe in Spiritualism/ Mediums? No I don't but this lady was impressive ( and very lovely) Just to clarify, I wasn't looking for answers or help or at a low point etc, it was a birthday treat for my friend. My friend was also blown away by her 'reading' too.

Wingletang1 · 13/04/2017 11:51

I didn't believe, in fact went to one once, she said she couldn't tell me anything "they" wouldn't let her!! She didn't charge me! Very odd. Thought I'd give it another go a couple of weeks ago ... She said My job was to speak words of love and compassion .... I'm a student counsellor .. She was spot on!! Very strange! Hmm

Amperoblue · 13/04/2017 12:10

If asome people can predict stuff, why don't they predict important stuff?
Because whose going to ask them?

If I asked " is the next world war going to happen" surely they would only be able to see the bit that would apply to me. Which may or not do with being in the next war.

Klaphat · 13/04/2017 12:17

My job was to speak words of love and compassion

Bet you a tenner she wouldn't have thrown that one at a male client.

BertrandRussell · 13/04/2017 12:20

And to be pedantic, a counsellor's job is not to speak words of love and compassion.

And if you had said "But I''m a fork lift truck driver" she would have said "No, not your job that you use to earn money- I mean your work in the world" Who's going to deny that?

HomityBabbityPie · 13/04/2017 12:23

job was to speak words of love and compassion .... I'm a student counsellor

Why didn't she just say you were a student counsellor then?

I'm not being funny but that's ridiculously vague. You could apply that to almost any job if you wanted to enough.

MrsTrentReznor · 13/04/2017 12:29

They are parasites preying on the vulnerable and desperate.

expatinscotland · 13/04/2017 12:36

It's a load of codswallop.

Wingletang1 · 13/04/2017 13:55

I have no idea if it's crap or not I guess time will tell. Don't understand why the first one didn't just make something up and charge me anyway rather than refusing to take money off me!

BertrandRussell · 13/04/2017 14:15

"Don't understand why the first one didn't just make something up and charge me anyway rather than refusing to take money off me!"
Because it was an absolutely fantastic piece of marketing. Who wouldn't choose the psychic who did something interesting like that over the routine "you will have 2 children and cross water"?

Wingletang1 · 13/04/2017 14:18

But I wouldn't go back to her because she couldn't tell me anything

BertrandRussell · 13/04/2017 14:23

She was banking on you telling other people about your interesting visit.

Wingletang1 · 13/04/2017 14:25

Ha ha maybe, I told people she was crap ... So that backfired then!

BertrandRussell · 13/04/2017 14:34

Sure it did.

You didn't say she was crap on this thread. You remembered and are still wondering.

UndersecretaryofWhimsy · 13/04/2017 15:10

If there ARE real psychics out there, it's awfully strange that none of them have ever, ever been able to demonstrate this ability in a laboratory setting, even though they would walk away a millionaire. Why IS that?

Also, this:

HappyJanuary · 13/04/2017 15:15

Who knows why that particular psychic said she couldn't tell the client anything. Maybe she fancied an early finish, or couldn't read enough information.

I liked this article about a fake psychic who started it as a joke to see if anyone would fall for it. He taught himself the tricks of the trade and was very successful.

Interesting how he used statistics to his advantage (women more likely to work in a caring profession etc), and how he turned misses into hits that the marks later remembered as being hugely accurate.

A great story about him recognising a woman's rural dialect and telling her she often dreamt about horses. She said she'd actually dreamt about her mother driving a car the previous night - 'oh a car, a horseless carriage then, and I must have confused the French word for mother mere with the English word mare'. After a bit more bluster she's telling everyone he correctly told her all about her dream, completely accurate, couldn't possibly have known etc

ssd · 13/04/2017 22:03

happy, I know what you are saying, but how could she turn to me and say your brother is called xxx, I have your mum xxx here, told me how she died and something that happened after she died, told me my niece's name and birthday month (she has a very unusual name), told me my mums brother and dads names (who I never met), told me about my relationship with dh?

honestly, I dont get how she knew, she didnt know my name, I dont do facebook or instagram or anything like that, and I didn't know I was going till half an hour before I went......I'd seen this woman about a year and a half previously and she told me my dads name, also told my cousin her dads name and they both have unusual names...honest I dont get it at all.

ssd · 13/04/2017 22:05

and I don't mean hit and miss names, like "do you know someone called Mary/Maisie/Maud/Margy"....etc until you say yes, I mean saying the name straight out.

Lordamighty · 13/04/2017 22:22

I don't understand why people pay so called psychics to tell them what they already know. Mother's name, brother's name, niece's birthday etc, surely you know this stuff already? What would be useful would be next week's euromillions numbers.

ssd · 13/04/2017 22:45

thats actually the stupidest post I've ever read on here lordamighty


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BertrandRussell · 13/04/2017 22:52

"thats actually the stupidest post I've ever read on here"
Really? Seemed really sensible to me.....

HappyJanuary · 13/04/2017 23:04

Ssd, that level of knowledge - if you're remembering correctly - would suggest a level of hot reading. An accomplice going through your bag or folllowing/watching you before you went in to the psychic or even just recognising a member of your party.

I've heard the postman thing before, it's common, so I know your psychic was a fraud it's just impossible to know what strategy they used.

And you know I kind of agree that people are never told anything important by a psychic - it's always 'what about that damaged parcel' or 'you'll find that thing you lost' or 'you put on a brave face to mask the pain'. Why can't they tell them where the will is, or that someone has an undiagnosed illness, or what the lottery numbers are?

B0xingDay17 · 14/04/2017 00:20

I have had a reading in person (not online)

At the time I said NO WAY x would happen

It came true

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