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Psychics and mediums

127 replies

Charliepeace83 · 11/04/2017 19:09

I've had some weird premonitions before or psychic experiences. Has anyone had a reading which came to something? have you ever had a reading which was helpful and helped your relationship? or they could give you time frames or who the 'one' is? Really interested in what ppl think!

OP posts:
Klaphat · 12/04/2017 06:29

However I can't help believing in fate and spirits and I've personally had premonitions and psychic experiences but don't know how ppl can 'read' someone?!

You believe in fate and spirits, and believe you've had 'premonitions and psychic experiences', and yet the ability to read people is where your sense of healthy scepticism kicks in? Sorry, what? Confused

HappyJanuary · 12/04/2017 06:44

If you don't know how people can read someone else so accurately you need to look up confirmation bias, Barnum statements, the Forer Effect and so on; it's all just psychology and the good ones are masters at it, impressive really if they weren't ripping off vulnerable people.

Ariandenotgrande · 12/04/2017 06:46

Having had experience of the self styled 'mediums' I have to say the only thing they are good at is 'reading' people, there's loads about their different styles on Wikipedia- it's not magic. It makes interesting reading...especially 'cold reading'.
In my opinion it's legal robbery of vulnerable people. I used to know a 'medium' and she was a devious woman, laughed at her customers behind their backs, raked the money in and was a very good actress.
She didn't give a fuck that her 'wages' came from very fragile, vulnerable and recently bereaved people.
But I do believe in karma and I think these people end up emotional fuckwits themselves (as if they weren't already).

Onlyaplasticbagdear · 12/04/2017 06:49

OP it's bollocks and unethical. Please don't fund these con artists.

diodati · 12/04/2017 07:01

I have one I speak to on the phone. I've never met her but she's incredibly accurate, very calm and no BS. She knows things about me that would be impossible to guess, or research. Most of her predictions have been correct. I think honest, gifted clairvoyants are extremely rare but they do exist.

farfarawayfromhome · 12/04/2017 07:12

i've been a couple of times and they have been weirdly accurate.

best friend is a twin, she always says the good ones know straight away that she is...despite zero knowledge of her at all.

Polarbearflavour · 12/04/2017 07:13

I went to a psychic once and she said I would have twins. Still waiting.

LellyMcKelly · 12/04/2017 07:19

Derren Brown does an outstanding job of debunking these by showing exactly how it is done. It's all clever nonsense. YouTub ' Derren Brown and psychic' and he shows exactly how it's done.

HappyJanuary · 12/04/2017 07:21

Tell her to get on to James Randi, there's a million quid with her name on it.

Most telephone psychics use their own scattergun techniques to test the water and hook you when they get a successful hit.

Just by ringing them you show that you've got a problem, or are in trouble, or are lonely.

From sex, tone of voice and rough age they can make good guesses about whether it's love, money or bereavement.

If it turns out to be love, it's highly likely to be an unhappy relationship, infidelity or unrequited love.

The more you ring, the more they learn, and the more they understand about the type of person you are.

Their main motive is keeping you on the phone and giving you the confidence to call again.

You could test yours by inventing a non existent relative, illness or relationship.

BertrandRussell · 12/04/2017 07:22

Apparently there are people who think that Derren Brown is really magic and just does that "explaining it all" stuff to put people off the scent.....

HappyJanuary · 12/04/2017 07:22

Sorry, was to diodati

diodati · 12/04/2017 07:48

I'm no fool and about as cynical as they come. But this woman's gifted, of that I have no doubt.

Arguing about psychic ability is futile; like all faith-based beliefs.

BertrandRussell · 12/04/2017 07:56

"I'm no fool and about as cynical as they come. But this woman's gifted, of that I have no doubt.

Arguing about psychic ability is futile; like all faith-based beliefs."

It's not really the same, though is it? Psychics can invariably be proved wrong by getting them to try and produce the same results under even vaguely scientific conditions. It's not a matter of faith- it's a matter of whether you really have got an uncle called Nebuchadnezzar. Which, incidentally, they would never suggest you had.

The next generation of psychics are really going to struggle-what with all the "unique" names people are giving their children they won't be able to count on the Johns, Toms and Marys they start with now,.......Grin

Onlyaplasticbagdear · 12/04/2017 08:24

The burden of proof doesn't lie with us. It's up to psychics to prove what they do isn't a load of bollocks, and not one of them has ever been able to do that properly.

Onlyaplasticbagdear · 12/04/2017 08:26

Also people like to flatter themselves that their lives are so unique/special that no one could possibly "guess". You'd be surprised.

I think psychics should be banned from advertising personally, unless they can prove their abilities under laboratory conditions. It's fraud.

WhatALoadOfOldBollocks · 12/04/2017 08:28

The psychic told me that he loved me and that he had a lot of emotional problems, but that it could work.

Rosy that's so vague though and could apply to anyone. Take "he loves you". Well, if you said he really doesn't, the psychic could say "he does deep down but he doesn't know how to show it" due to his "emotional problems" (most people have some eomotional issues so that's vague too). "It could work" just plays into your hope. In other words, people who go to psychics are already open to what they're about to hear and latch on to the vaguest thing that could apply to them and are then convinced the psychic is amazing. It's very clever BS.

WhatALoadOfOldBollocks · 12/04/2017 08:32

It's all clever nonsense. YouTube ' Derren Brown and psychic' and he shows exactly how it's done

Just watched this and it's very clever, yet so simple when you know how by the sound of it. Anyone who is considering getting a reading really should watch it IMHO:

Lordamighty · 12/04/2017 08:38

Thanks for the James Randi link HappyJanuary really interesting.

DonaldStott · 12/04/2017 08:48

I think honest, gifted clairvoyants are extremely rare but they do exist.

Honest and gifted - so she does your readings for free? She has really got a sense of who you are via telephone exchange. She gets psychic vibes relating to you as an individual when you speak to her on the phone?

When do you ring her for a reading? Is it when all is hunky dory in your life, or is it when you are feeling like you need something answering or want things to be better?

I'm sorry, but it just seems like bs.

I've been to see Derren Brown and some of the things he knows from audience members are bloody bizarre and sent shivers down my spine, but he isn't psychic and proves it is bullshit.

BertrandRussell · 12/04/2017 08:51

"I think honest, gifted clairvoyants are extremely rare but they do exist."

No, they don't!

diodati · 12/04/2017 08:51

I watched the Derren Brown clip and yes, in many cases this would apply but not applicable to the clairvoyant I consult. For one thing, she asks no questions. You say a word, or a name or a date and that's it. She talks, tells you what she sees. It's a bit of a shock at first. The only aspect which isn't always precise is the timing.

hellsbellsmelons · 12/04/2017 09:19

Unless I can see Theresa Caputo, I'm not interested.
I don't believe in it either.
I went to one once who knew I'd had a recent miscarriage.
But she could have guessed that.

My mum used to see one who was 'good'
But she never charged anyone. She always claimed her abilities diminished if people gave her money so wouldn't accept anything.
She just liked to 'share her gift'.


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PastoralCare · 12/04/2017 09:25

My prediction is: if you roll a dice you will get a 6.

Do it!

In the end, most of you will not roll a 6 and will forget. Around 1/6 of you will actually roll a 6.

Within that group some will attribute it to chance, a few will attribute it to my psychic powers.

The more precise the prediction, the more people you have to tell it to.

If you believe that people can guess who has cancer and where they live see how it's done. Set your cursor to 28:00

BertrandRussell · 12/04/2017 09:32

Theresa Capoto?? You're kidding, right?

BertrandRussell · 12/04/2017 09:34

PastoralCare- can you tell me where I can find a dice in my house? Might it be on the shelf where we keep the board games?

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